This is for the discussion of alt-right ideas and to share thoughts as well as the thoughts of prominent alt-rightists
Alt-right discussion thread
Pic unrelated?
None of them are alt right, senpai
Keep coming, keep coming, soon you are mine goyim.
>alt right
I know Sup Forums is satire, but I'm starting to think you neckbeards take this shit seriosuly.
most of those are lefties tho
I wanna die
I like amoured skeptic but I wouldn't call him alt right.
I only thought Sup Forums is Stormfront with tits.
Alt-right is a meme. Alt-right implies that social liberal moderates are in the same category as fascists and it just isn't true.
No idea who the first woman is
thunderf00t is a total liberal
Lauren is a lolbertarian
Milo is slightly alt-right
Sargon is a centrist libertarian
The irony is that the alt-right is neither alternative, as it's rapidly becoming a majority amongst 18-25 year old (mostly men, but some women) and that it's not actually right, as several of those figures in that cartoon are left of center, including Sargon, thunderfoot and armoured.
The alt right is simply the name (((they))) give us because they're too lazy to address our points. If they did, it'd become too obvious that we understand equality better than them. Our reality only gives tough love and denying that is denying reality.
The main problem with the alt-right is its fixation on Leftism. We identified a cancer, we needn't obsess over it. Forget it, and build something new.
People are drawn to truth and strength and courage like flies to light. Fear and negativity and hostility attract nobody but the unhappy themselves. We don't need to just wallow in despair and focus on what we don't like in Western Civilization, we can just create it, and such that they can't say shit, because we aren't attacking them, we aren't even acknowledging them.
Make entirely new political, social, artistic forms based on the best parts of the traditions of our cultures and mete out to any Leftist corruption complete disregard, it is literally not worth the time.
That being said my favorite alt right thinker is by far Mencius Moldbug, who is actually an ex-libertarian california tech jew named Yarvin Curtis. His historical analysis of the progressivism, the nihilistic criticism of everything the old European nobles were, is fucking spot on, and he might have become too obsessed but he put in a shitload of fucking effort to sift through all that old history, and come to a different view of the world.
Oswald Spengler should be an essential component of the movement as well, his view of civilizations is not only incredibly honest but extremely evocative and poetic.
People like Nick Land are useless, they are way too mired in convoluted Leftist forms.
The crudeness of identity politics should be forgotten forever, it is a weak, victimizing, bullshit of an ideological framework whether it is a Marxist, a neo-nazi, a feminist, whatever, that is indulging in its toxic whimpering.
Alt Right is watered-down NRx
>with tits.
Flat is where it's at
What is the alt-right """"""""position"""""""" on infrastructure spending? Does the State have the duty (or authority) to build roads, dams, bridges, or subsidise farms?
Hentai & CP & Bestiality
3 evils combined
>No Black Pidgeon
>No Undoomed
No dont
Alt-Kike where Kikes join one by one
Post roads brother. Plus the Commerce Clause. It's all about what the roads provide, access for the post office, and commerce between the states. Should is a very quizzical term in the Government's dictionary.
>people are drawn to truth
> as it's rapidly becoming a majority amongst 18-25 year old
Why does the word cuck trigger people so much? It's just an insult, like faggot and at this point it means pretty much that. Why such overreaction?
The EDL doesn't hate black people? M-my whole life has been a lie!
JIDF detected
w-w-when was the last time you had a political discussion with a human being who wasn't either online or your mother?
I can respect anti-political correctness, but the fascism and white supremacy stuff is retarded and needs to go if you guy s really want to be taken seriously.
>Sargon of Akkad
Stormfront used to have threads on how to post on Sup Forums and how to push their ideology on this board. Funny stuff when those screencaps got leaked.
Lolicon is considered Pedophillia under Canadian law.
You are literally posting child porn on Sup Forums right now.
Conservatism needs to be the ideology that is advanced.
>people should be productive members of society
>national sovereignty
>no bullshit nation building
>no equity politics
>no multiculturalism
multiculti is a part of the centre-right now, and has been for a couple of decades
>the alt-right is neither alternative, as it's rapidly becoming a majority amongst 18-25 year old
Either Australia is a lot better than I'd heard, or you're a total hiki who lives his whole life on the interweb
it's only a majority on your internet safe spaces. no one is an alt-righter in real life besides fat 25 year old nerds in anime shirts
How so?
You are literally viewing child porn in Canada right now
the OP image is one of the cringiest things I've seen in some time
Nobody is triggered by it you autistic faggot. Its inane to see that word spammed all over the place all the time in so many contexts that it has zero meaning. You want a buzzword to have poignancy you have to use it for a specific purpose.
She's a third year high schooler though
Man, I wish I got paid to sit around shitposting. Maybe I should work for Hillary or something
This picture makes me want to kill myself. They get paid on jewtube to bitch and moan about people bitching and moaning. Fuck all of them.
I've personally experienced this. I can talk to the most raging Leftist in existence and when I say things that are incontrovertibly true they respond well, they listen, and they want to keep hearing what i say.
Lies are seductive, but actual truth is more so. That is why people like Jesus, and Buddha, and to a lesser degree Mohammed, were so adored, it's because they had the balls to look reality in the face and try to explain it to people.
Yeah we're always going to fail to some degree, but I have never had a bad experience saying something to someone purely out of the desire of promoting truth. And i'm basically heretic to the point of crime in my country's progressive religion.
I wouldn't consider any of them alt-right, they are just pleb tier libertarian centrists. alt-right is mostly lunatic neo-nazis and neo-reactionaries.
Like if there is no such thing as JIDF on this board which exactly does the same.
And etna is 6 gorrillion years old. Naww you're a pedo. Kill yourself.
All in the state, all under the state, nothing outside the state!
That depiction of Milo is completely inaccurate. Dude's way ugly.
oh god get over it
the "law" is an absolutely meaningless construct you boot licker
His diction reminds me of John Stewart or John Oliver. That really snarky liberal non-arguing of a point that's borderline ad hominem.
I somewhat understand the conservative and religious people more and more...
don't you know user, #OneLoveā¢, why are you such a bigot
>Sup Forums is satire
Nice meme kid
taking Sup Forums seriously could be hazardous to your health.
If you think that about Jon Stewart it's just because you're not very smart to begin with.
Yup. JIDF were really active here and it just mad the stormweenies fight back harder, and Sup Forums doing counter ops on it. Not to mention, Sup Forums has had various interest groups and corperations come here and shill their shit before.
Child porn in Australia. Enjoy your party bus.
The Fat One had a Live stream he had some nigger on there and in the live chat i keep saying Nigger Nigger over and over and he shut down his stream because i hurt the nogs feels
My cat is more alt-right than those fags, and I don't even own a cat.
its treason then
>You want a buzzword to have poignancy you have to use it for a specific purpose.
I see you haven't learned how memes work here.
Bullshit. Everybody has access to the internet, and the alt right has made a significant identity for itself across all types of media. Especially with big subjects like gun control, we can no longer give these people the benefit of the doubt, the truth has likely already been dangled in front of their face, and they rejected it.
You guys have a responsibility to speak up to your family and peers.
What are you afraid of happening? If they think you're a Nazi for believing in national sovereignty and not buying into globalism, then fuck them. They weren't good company to begin with.
This is history right now. The left is starting to be diminished but for the moment. The time to strike is now.
So what are you going to do about it?
if you took all the miracles out of the bible, you would have a boring book about a nice guy that nobody would ever read
>bremain cuck who lost in every debate he's been in so far
>1/8th negro raising another man's child
>someone who'd date a coalburner
>jew niggerfucking faggot
>muh granparints died 6 times in da holocaust, oy vey
What's with the animals though?
All my stoner mates have something to say about Islam that isn't "religion of peace." The only guys I know who aren't antifeminist to an extent are the ones whose friends are about 70% female.
It's happening.
It's basically gen x being complete freedom hating Marxists, younger generation women being average western women and younger men starting to get wary of this bullshit. It's actually the same on Austria, 60% of their young men voted far right.
It's almost guaranteed that the only SJW men here are over 28 and haven't seen unequal uni marking or been rejected for jobs for not being a cultural fit. Reality itself is the best argument against Marxism.
They're just less willing to talk about it. Political apathy is the only acceptable political stance.
Again, neither alternative nor is it a right wing movement. It's literally people who call themselves liberals too afraid to meet the actual, true, honest liberals (aka libertarians) in debate. So they call them alt-right. Everyone on the right is evil, am I right?
>party bus
its literally ten years late already
>pic unrelated
>No idea who the first woman is
Christina Hoff Sommers, a registered Democrat
>Lauren is a lolbertarian
>all those faggots
Why are they considered "alt right"
Pic related it's you finding out what we really are here
Milo: not alt-right, has said he is not but has alt-right sympathies.
Sargon: Classical liberal for the most part.
Armored Skeptic: 90's style liberal.
Sh0e: Same.
Thunderf00t: liberal.
Lauren: libertarian leaning.
TL:DR: Hard to pin down, has talked about sexual dimorphism, genetic determinism, and race realism. I don't think he is alt-right but he has talked about Jim aka Internet Aristocrat/ Mister Metokur, who is alt-right.
Contain your autism, please.
Did you not read my post? I explicitly said to forget about Leftists, they aren't worth any effort. The actual insane ones are a minority, if you create something worthwhile the people will come to it.
Individual leftists can be convinced because they're just human, but their movement is cancer that needs to be swept away in the tide of history.
There is a shitload of insightful stuff in the bible. Psalms and Lamentations come to mind especially.
It all has to be interpreted in the light of those who wrote it and their limitations, but to deny the wisdom in that book is idiocy.
The only person out of all those that are even slightly tolerable is Lauren Southern
Yeah, and that's because she would look good bent over a desk.
I can't recognize any of those people... I think it's good I don't visit shitposting anti-intellectual threads.
>not because she's the Aryan Titarian
Chick looks Jewish. Also, make up is degenerate. It's dysgenics. Ugly or mediocre female gives impression of being attractive, male falls for her, here come the kids. More ugly/mediocre people are born instead of leaving our gene pool for the greater good.
its innacurate as fuck
shoe is a little girl with a body like this
and armor is a manlet
what is alt-right exactly?
Thunderfoot and Sargon are left wing, they just hate sjw's
>you will never stimulate her clit with your nose while saying that you're giving her pussy eskimo kisses
>caring about the meme-right
I have no idea who any of these people are
>capcha: monte bronzone
thunder00t and Sargon look right wing because SJWs are so left wing they make Bill Mahar look like Rush Limbaugh.
NONE of these people are alt-right. The alt right fucking sucks. Stop talking about it!
so if alt-right is alternative conservatism, can we discuss trumps plan to take money we spend on refugee money and use it to fund inner-city youth job programs?
everyone wants to focus on the wall, but i feel like this is one of the biggest pieces of his policies.
I donno but calling feminists cunts really triggers them. Then again so does seeing a happy male or a happy meal super sized.