It's easy. If the thread is anti-trump, it's anti Sup Forums. Don't roll for it. They are getting paid. Tis is no discussion of politics. It's a simple infiltration of agenda. Let them fight with thier memes on legit Sup Forums threads.
It's easy. If the thread is anti-trump, it's anti Sup Forums. Don't roll for it. They are getting paid...
Other urls found in this thread:
muh precious echochamber MAGA MAGA MAGA KEK KEK
Appreciate the thread, user. The shills are annoying, but it shows their lack of confidence, which I relish. Though I wish I got paid to shitpost all day.
Do you Drumpf-tards really think he should be president? Remember Sup Forums is satire.
See. The shill is Gollum. My precious. They don't even know what normal is.
>(1) post by this ID
>That ID
Well what's Troll 102.
I-is that what a t-troll looks like?
>If a post is Anti-Trump they're Shills
Nice hug box faggot
He said faggot. He's a faggot.
What's up with all these bitch threads? There's like 50 Trump threads on Sup Forums right now, go find one to cry in.
Based Johnson will cure this
See. I'm telling you. Liberals are whiny cry babies. Bernie Babies. And they always burn things down to get their way. They're Niggers.
That's not what's happening. It's clear most of those threads are not meant for serious discussion but to distract and/or taunt Sup Forums
Bud you can't see what's going on here I'll spell it out for you:
>CTR sends people here 12 hours ago
>they got bored and left 11 hours ago
>Mods didn't react in time so they start to patrol board
>idiots start rumor mods are deleting threads I.e. "mods are paid shills"
>mods get pissed off and start deleting threads
>people starts chain of threads to "expose" mods and CTRfags
Meanwhile Australians start coming home from work
>ironic shillposts everywhere
What's up with all the bitches, you?
they are battered girlfriends who tried the rare badboy thinking they would be safe in a world filled with emasculated and/or two faced beta male mobsters.
They are waiting for a real man to prove himself not a knight
just a man who does not give a fuck about if they think they are right, but knows they are wrong and will do what is necessary
Oy vey. The Sup Forumsacks are over here, cunt.
shift+left click immediately
>all anti-trump threads
>all BTFO threads
>all degenerate threads
>all threads that even remotely smell like a click-bate
All that is left is pretty clean board with moderately interesting threads. Just waiting for the next real habbening.
This is now a Vote for Jill Stein Thread!
Trump enters the Mouth of the Jewbeast as it rumbles with Anger.
wtf i am jill stein now
There's no discussion anywhere on this board
Good thing she'll remain below 1%, kek. Can you say fourth party?
She's a fifth wheel.
A bit of a gilf too...
We're gonna have to put her down. Kek.
Kek Mate.
>wtf i am jill stein now
juden detected
wtf i am you now
Bump for visibility. I'm sick of these faggot plebs rewarding the shills and bait posters by replying to them. Just fucking ignore shit threads, don't be niggers who can't control their impulses.
I-i can't s-stop replying. I-i'm a-addicted. A-user.
Hillary is trying to start WW3. Someone voting for her, or shilling for her here on Sup Forums is a traitor to humanity. Hillary is a criminal psychopath, her husband is a rapist and a mass murderer. THESE ARE FACTS. ARE YOU GUYS LITERALLY INSANE? Hillary supporters are literally Hitler. It's obvious that she has no real support, it's all media-created, elitist-hype. She has no base. She's not based. Trump is based. Trump is a long shot, but he's the hope for humanity. This is about good vs evil, light vs dark. Maybe it's just best to ignore them, or attack them verbally, who knows. Being for Hillary is definitely not just anti-4-chan, it's anti-humanity.
He's right you know.
Do you have the visual map leading to WW3?
>that id
>that post
Trump is a Fucking Putin Plant and likely has backing from the NYC/ Russian Mob
Clinton is a muslim Brotherhood/NWO shill
people made up so much disgusting shit about Cruz, the only non establishment with a chance and is opposed to BOTH
Trump => American Renaissance
Clinton => World War 3
Two paths, one image.
wtf i am putin now
just bump
The fuck, i just rolled in on pol and here i see like 5 threads trying to shill for the bitch. The. Actual. Fuck?
Viral Marketers. Oy Vey.
Op here. You're posts are not meant for serious discussion. It's clear. :) We don't need to entertain opinion..this is poll. We don't debate trolls or shills. We come to facts. Hillary is a piece of shit. We don't care how much she pays you. There is no discussion needed.
OMG tolls and shills literalee BTFO!
Op here, Yeah, stop rolling for the shills and they will drop off.... When they pic up in our threads we can fuck them up. This nonsense of falling for every shill OP so that's all there is to post on is key. Watch out for any race bait or nude starter.. Because we know this isn't fucking Sup Forums we know what Sup Forums looks like.. Shut it down, don't roll shills into.thread.priority. nuff said
Sup Forums
Can't be stopped better make that 12 mil CTR you fags are going to need it
TrumpTards BTFO!
Let's see those wonderful BetaFag tears!!
People who don't like Trump aren't even really human.