Are you going to vote for Trump now that you know he eats KFC?
Are you going to vote for Trump now that you know he eats KFC?
Jason Hughes
Other urls found in this thread:
Adam Rodriguez
why do you care if he eats it with a knife and fork
why would he get his hands dirty he clearly has paper work on the desk
Benjamin White
+30% of the black vote from this.
>8d chess
Hillary BTFO
Juan Nguyen
Blake Ward
Eli Wood
I'd vote for him twice
Owen Perry
Trump doesn't matter, he's a puppet deployed for hillary.
Mason White
Black people eat Popeye's.
Michael Evans
I would've preferred he eat chick-fil-A 3bh.
Bentley James
Trump is one of us
Do people in Europe even understand what it is like to eat KFC?