>yfw you realized the people calling everyone shills aren't just joking around
>They actually think every liberal on Sup Forums is being paid by Hillary or Correct the Record to post here
Yfw you realized the people calling everyone shills aren't just joking around
>Implying im not shilling for Hillary just to annoy the trump drones.
This is memetic warfare, not debating class.
Get your head out of your ass, grab a meme and get back out there or so help me Qek I will sage you myself right now, you fucking cuck.
this. theyre really easy to trigger and lack self awareness
You're probably just the only one who's doing it for free.
I've made a couple hundred shilling on here and Reddit and even Imgur.
>yfw correct the record shills won't stop making these threads
There are paid shills that are seriously shilling
There are shitposters pretending to shill
There are shitposters pretending to shill but doing it poorly and might as well be seriously shilling
There are paid shills shiling poorly, whether they intend to do so or not, and might as well be shitposters
what a mess
Sup Forumstards are just Alex Jones fans who spend their time on Sup Forums
>liberal doesn't like your opinion
>you're a racist or sexist
>alt-right doesn't like you're opinion
>you're a shill or cuck
not sure why Sup Forums thinks they're any better than the other side
>every liberal on Sup Forums is a shill
I know we must eradicate them
Not just every liberal. Every sensible person that doesn't have their head shoved up their ass and can see what a shitshow Trumpa campaign is becoming is being called a CTR shill.
They really are shills. Safe havens exist, I won't post their locations public ally because then correct the record will spread to them as well.
Anyways, on said safe havens, the liberal troll posts are nearly non existent.
I am 100000% certain this board is under heavy attack by shills.
I mean seriously. Trumpkins are becoming nigger SJW tier, wanting Sup Forums to be their Trumpkin safespace and getting so easily triggered by any divergent views. It's ridiculous.
I remember a comment months ago about how as the general election heats up the left will realize that Donald Trump may actually become president and subsequently chimp out, alienating normal people and pushing moderates towards Trump.
It's fucking happening.
Listen to yourself for a minute..
Let it sink in
Now slap yourself
No lie, this is my jam
It isnt just liberals you stupid leftist shit nigger
Any criticism of trump is met with this
I don't care if you get called a shill though. You should be executed imo
Saged and hidden.
I wish they could just take a step back and see that to most people Donald is a cartoon character with no political experience.
He argues like someone on the internet, which is part of his appeal to Sup Forums but to most people he has been a straight 'no' from the very beginning and always will be.
I don't even care about any of his 'moments' from the campaign.
Its enough to know that he has very little understanding of international politics, either historic or current.
I assume his cabinet would end up actually running the country and I don't have very much trust for the people he would put in it.
Its a real shame that the republicans are off in the fucking deep end this year, seeing how far they can lower the bar.
Hillary can do whatever she wants.
If a serious republican politician were the nom this year, she wouldn't be getting away with the campaign shes running.
She would be sweating against Paul Ryan this year. John McCain could have run again and done better, im pretty sure.
What kind of candidate can't even get an endorsement from the parties most recent president?!
The RNC was an embarassment this year without any speakers from previous republican whitehouses.
The democrats pull out Carter and Clinton and Obama all together and of course they come off more presidential. They have presidents who still support the party.
>he thinks there are actually real liberals on Sup Forums
We know some aren't shilling, but we don't need two words for you retards when one does the trick
Begone shill, eat sage