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I'm surprised because Arizona is still not blue
I see you're getting better in ms paint user, keep up the hard work. We're proud of you.
What are you talking about? That's exactly what's on 538's website.
This is what will really happen.
wtf i hate donald trump now
Saged and hidden.
I really think its over guys and I'm a huge Trump guy.
Not even 2 cents in the account,
He just doesn't have a chance. He's been given 1 last chance to be civil by the voters and he just recently fucked it up
He's literally been acting like a drunk as fuck alcoholic lately and he doesn't even drink
Nate Silvers tracking has been all over the place with Trump since the primaries. He can't predict shit about trump this is known.
Yeah Nate "Trump has less than a 5% chance to get the nomination" Silver is surely a reliable source
>I-ts a f-fake!!
>P-please d-dont be r-real!!!
Nate made the mistake of assuming that the GOP wasn't a total joke party
It's an easy mistake to make
It's back to 49% lol
>Lalalalalalala! I can't hear you!
538 got 49-50 states correct in 2008 and was a perfect 50-50 in 2012. Keep on being delusional, faggot.
Op on suicide watch
How accurate was it during the primaries this year? Nate was wrong? Oh my...
How is that a surprise?
We are red as fuck aside from Tucson
Yeah but the new demography all the Hispanic who don't vote
>inb4 I know a mexican friend, he is very redpilled, all his family vote for trump meme
There is literally a zero (0) percent chance of Hillary winning Arizona
promises promises deutschebro
Why is Justin like this.
guess I'm now #mentallyhill
Oh no a Jew said something. Fuck off she is not even close to winning.
wouldn't you be?
The fuck is this from?
Tell me how much do you hate him?
It's funny because they really are though. People are starting to realize that having this thing on their resume might be career-destroying.
O my god you're clearly wrong because I say so. Because I do so smugly, there's no way you could be right. No matter what argument you make or what evidence you provide, I will just dismiss it and continue to claim you're wrong, and probably include some sort of snarky remark about fox news. Have I said drumpf yet, let me make sure to say that since it somehow constitutes an argument. Any attempt to refute my point will be met with claims of damage control or you being mad because I don't actually have a legitimate argument to make. Right side of history. Shills aren't real. Pic related, it's a truth mosaic, anyone who disagrees is in denial and on suicide watch. Nevermind what it says on the bottom, that title is satire.
>nuking hawaii
subhuman scum. kill yourself
what has he been saying?
He's fucked.
It's the official breitbart-infowars joint polling. check out their water filters.
Not a single debate has taken place yet. im still comfy tbqh
You arent wrong but you arent proving a point either; so what is your point?