Why do all the Hot chicks Vote Republican and hags all vote Democrat?

If we could figure this out I think this could be groundbreaking

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Roasties fancy rich sugar daddies, more news at 11

Hot chicks wants the easy life.... be trophy wife and watch tv all day. Best way is to let rich business men husbands take of them .. to support the husbands corporate income, you vote republican.

Liberals tend to have a victim mentality. They need something from the government. Most successful people don't have this mentality. More attractive women tend to find more success either through rich husbands or that people are more willing to hire them.

People that tend to have high self esteem, and actually care about themselves tend to look good, and they tend to vote conservative, it's not 100% but in many cases it's true, just take a look at the land whales and tumblr freaks on the side of the left.

Hag women had to work and fight for everything in life. So they vote democrat.

Confirmation bias and cherry picking.

So your saying Ugly people don't want a good life so they vote Democrat?

Democrats give good life to middle class and poor. Womens rights are represented by democrats. Why would a hard working self respecting women ever vote republican?

Wouldn't that make anyone who even thinks they are close to being good looking vote Republican so as not to be affiliated with the Ugly group(Dems)?

Republican party is full of narcissistic people. Also many sociopaths / psychopaths.

Ugly women have to... brb theres a PJW vid about this
Ill get back to you

Fuck off chink.


Canadians can't comment on this, you have had exactly one hot chick that has come from Canada in the last 10 years


Because hot chicks don't know fuck about politics so they flock to where all the real men are


My little sister is just like this. She's set for life in her mind because she has a boyfriend who really cares for her. The idiot wants to drop out of high school and become a mom.

>using the 'If you disagree with me, i'll use a buzzword that i have no idea about' meme.

The bait words they use, racist, bigot, sociopath etc etc have all pretty much lost any power they once had when they drop bucket of them daily. Can't really shame people when no one feels bad when called them anymore.

Traditionalism values femininity in women and taking care of yourself. Cultural Marxism does not.
That's all there is to it, senpai.
Pic related is a girl before and after joining a meme course in public college.

So winners in life = Republicans
Losers in life = Democrats?