Was anybody else surprised by how transphobic Louis came off in this documentary? I thought he was more open-minded than that.
Was anybody else surprised by how transphobic Louis came off in this documentary...
That's a boy.
No Louis Theroux fans here?
>tfw your parents never let you chop your arms off to the shoulders
>tfw your parents never let you chop your legs off to the pelvis
>tfw your parents never let you dye your skin red
>tfw your parents never let you install a retractable hose in your rectum
>tfw your parents never let you become a firetruck
I liked him back when he did fun stuff like Weird Weekends. I don't like his "serious" documentaries.
Don't care about his tranny doco. I've waited for years for a Scientology doco and what we got was just foul.
Louis is over.
I've never seen it, but is it just the same "provocation hidden behind naivety" shtick he always does? He could just be acting "transphobic" to get some good responses as he usually does from what I know about him.
I haven't seen it yet. Is it really that bad?
He has every right to be. It's a mental disorder, and the American left are treating them like a race that's been oppressed. They're not a race or a hidden gender. They're people with a distinct mental illness who relish the idea of mutilation, and the medical field make hand over fist by perpetuating the idea.