What was this expression trying to convey, Sup Forums?
a sad sad man who is defeated and will be ridiculed till his death for how he was cheated and she got away with it
Somebody dropped a quarter on the ground but he couldn't go get it because the cameras were on him.
>"my hemorrhoids are flaring up"
Bernie should of ran 3rd party. He probably wanted to but the clintons most likely held one of his family members hostage.
this but also possibly
Holding back tears that his one dream in life is dead and he must support Clinton, a person who symbolized everything he opposes, or else Donald will win.
Not that it matters. Trump won this from the start.
Stupid, first of all he had access to live TV, during his speech he could've said, "the Clintons are threatening my family!! don't vote for them, they're going to kill my family!!!!" it would've destroyed the Clinton's if he did that, even if he lied.
He's a sell out phony operative that only ran to make Hillary seem centrist. By running so left wing, by comparison it made Hillary look "reasonably" centrist. If it were just Hillary and someone of similar political background running, the Right could've more easily painted her into a "wacky leftist" corner. Bernie merely took the heat off her and made her come off as seemingly balanced.