dindu nuffin

>this is deep
I never, ever got that shit about this pic. It doesn't even say anything.

This is deep.

fucking kek I remember the thread this came out of.

some about WE WUZ KANGS

This is deeper.

Diversity is great

I think I couldn't live in a nigger infested place in the USA. I'd just start killing them indiscriminately until I get caught.

>nobody cared who they were until they put on the masks
funny shit


I wish some super aids would target niggers

These are so fucking badly drawn.

sure buddy

>The women don't care about the black man's attitude nor behavior in the store
>White man starts fighting black man
>Stops fighting for a bit
>Black man is choked out by another white guy

Women's suffrage was a mistake. You can showboat all you want but they're still miserable piles of insecurity at the end of the day.

Dumbass niggers

Notice how the late 1800's-early 1900's black man, the one getting lynched has lighter skin than the rest of them.

Really makes you think.

But it makes you think...

>Nobody cared who they were until they put on the masks

I will be doing this if the government decides give BLM the things they are demanding. I promise you I will go on a killing spree

I never understood these
there were black rulers just like how there were white rulers but I'm pretty sure I don't have any King Henry in me

This video alone showed me (once again) that niggers are useless animals who must be put down. There's no way around it, they aren't actually humans and they have to be removed from white countries altogether.

lol its ok white boy you're just mad that ancient Egyptians were black.

top kek, as they say


Literally don't give a fuck about Egyptians. I refuse to live in a society where I am forced to pay niggers directly from my hard earned pay check. It's bad enough that my tax money goes toward their drug habits and child abuse. These BLM radicals need to be silenced. Sit the fuck down children and the adults of your race speak because you are ruining for the rest of the black people.

Reporting your racist ass, lmao.

this shits pretty ridiculous, why didn't this black idiot just fucking leave?

>running his mouth
>getting violent
>literally threatening to kill everyone in the store
>attacks a white man who stands up to his nigger bullshit
>cops show up

Un fucking real.

>that pat on the calf
kikkety kek

My thoughts exactly. That woman was insufferable.

the guy is an indian anyway internet tough guy


lol its funny because the egyptians had tons of slaves...when will kangs pay out coptic egyptians and duh joos

I used to support BLM When it first started. My cousin was beaten to a pulp by police a few years back right in front of me. It was very unjustified. With what BLM has turned into now it pretty much has made me a racist. I like black people but I have second thoughts about them when I first meet them now. I will ALWAYS hate niggers

Fuck off nigger

is that saddam hussein?

>I was leavin the store to put my stuff in the car, you know me, I don't touch nobody

It's so amazing to be able to watch the juxtaposition between what actually happened and the nigger's lie in the same video XD

the instant the white man subdues this crazy dindu, making a ruckus and threatening people, The she-boons INSTANTLY go from 'knock his teeth out' to 'Aw nah, dat ain't dey job, why dey do that, dat wrong'.

Problem is, they have been convinced already that white Americans invented slavery and everyone else was just copying us, no joke.

you don't understand ebt and other tax money that fuels dependence goes on in the community hurts us, but the actions taken against us when we
strode to rise ourselves to economic wealth we were attack by said government and we know who controls the government.
we know the real enemy is on the side of the whites as they are on our side, but most of
people on both sides white and black don't know
except the few but more are waking up they will be dealt with accordingly.
also fuck the blacks who choose to assimilate and give anything back to the community and berate us they will forever be seen as the other.

>Threatening to kill everyone
>Causing huge commotion
>White guys try to move him along
>One of them tries to move his cart out the door
>Attacks him because of this
>Cops show up
>"I wuz leavin and he attacked me. Punched me 3 times in the head"
What goes on in the mind of a nigger?

>What goes on in the mind of a nigger?
This, but replace "Jews" with "Whites"



Handle the situation in the exact manner in which one is encouraged to handle such situation.

>unh, unh, thats fucked up

Worst part is these stupid fucking nigger bitches yelling it was fucked up when the white dude did what he had to and took the nigger out. He was threatening lives and they had to act.

the more you resist the more you put them in power you are always welcomed into our covenant, but you still must accept the true image
of jesus christ as well as god as your lord and savior and desist hatred and show love.


>Accept your own
implying blacks accept _anything_
>unless next line was "handouts"



Let me clarify something. I don't hate black people. There are plenty of nice, intelligent black people out there making a nice life for their families and being a productive tax paying member of society. It's the niggers I can't stand. The low life sacks of shit who mooch of the government and go through life worshipping their favorite rappers, with deluded thoughts of getting rich quick. They spend their time trying to make ALL the money they ever need in one fell swoop instead of trying to earn their living honestly. Just because ice cube did it doesn't mean every other nigger will to.
Being an honest hard working member of society I refuse to see my money be given to people who do NOT deserve it. I have no choice with my tax money, but not all welfare recipients are niggers some actually need it and I use that to help justify it in my head

Why the fuck did the black women get all pissed when they tackled him at 06:25 minutes?
"Oh, no, that's fucked up, that's wrong!"
What the fuck.

Their language too. Why are they so fouled mouth in public - around kids?

Because it's raycis. He was just expressing his anger because he had to pay for his stuff and couldn't get it as a reparation for the 400 years of slavery that he suffered through.

based america

Lack of parenting. They are not taught right from wrong, nor are they taught manners.

Guatemala with the bantz

Nah mayn, that's fuhcked uhp.

because niggers

That literal 'i dindu nuffin' moment

>omg what are they doing?!?

>Nigger acts like an aggressive threatening chimp fuck
>White guy comes to calm things down before he goes mad
>Females instead of helping film the goddamn thing and yell at the white guy when he tries to hold the nigger down

what the fuck guys

>user why do you own guns?
>just call the police if theres a home invasion

this guy could've killed everybody in the store and ate 5 pudding pops before the cops even thought about showing up.

The black women were right it really wasn't his business. Stop role playing security guards you poofters

He should have just knocked him out when he started getting in his face. I'll never let a black person get that close

I've seen to many nig sucker punches on the Internet to even give them that opportunity

you are angry and anger blinds and hangs the man. there is nothing i hold against you or your people for the mass of you have been lied to and confused as well as my people to constantly go to war with each other.
if you were to look pass the lies and probabilities the truth is there in front of you.
i wish for peace one day along with you as equals not through assimilation.

That shoeless nigga was acting like a savage for 6 minutes, then the other dudes finally get him down before he could do something stupid and the bitches filming suddenly go like "dats wrong!"

Fucking lol

Is this real? Cause this is fucking awesome.

Are the niggers in your country like this?

it is 100 percent real, and hillarious...probably one of the funniest things ive seen in an offical twitter announcement. truly amazing

what's wrong with that nigger,anyway? couldn't he get a watermelon?

you guys don't understand what you've done with your ignorance on this website,
you have a presidential candidate posting statistics with out flat numbers for assisting in proof.
white on white crime is actually higher per capita.

Instantly lost it when those nigger women chime in HE GUD BOI. jesus christ i'm so glad i live in a white area. legit mad. i fucking hate niggers


fucking kek

Jesus fucking christ, this was my Dollar Tree when I lived in West Palm, just left that rabid shithole a few months ago.


>first world country
You guys should just cut your loses and build designated zones.

>still doesn't post flat numbers on white on white
yeah you still didn't post flat numbers
along with that right there per capita more whites
are on food stamps as well.

>all da sciences an shiet
that's deep

Florida isn't America, Pedro.

go nig elsewhere

My name is Pablo.

The cops in West Palm Beach have their hands full writing speeding tickets for going 6 miles over and wrangling Flocka users.

dan that really make me think..,.

how many of the sciences Tim?

Are you retarded? Do you know what per capita means, or are you just trying to sound like a smart nigger?

>being in denial this hard

maybe more whites are on food stamps, i dont really know anything about that...but the infographic i posted shows hard numbers with government sources about nigger crime

I'm glad we don't need to deal with this shit in Australia. You guys should give them petrol or something to sniff.

what is the white mans obsession with harming innocent blacks? a POC can't even buy their family groceries without being brutally attacked.

Da White man made me smoke dat crack! Fuck CracKKKas!

you're confused its nice to see you continue to do the same thing
even when confronted by truth. statistically yes this is understood but if i were to have a dollar for the amount of whites on food stamps i would be richer than if i were to have a dollar per black.
for each person; in relation to people taken individually.
lol no but you clearly are retarded.
>infographic i posted shows hard numbers with government sources about nigger crime
yes you rely simply focusing on blacks instead of focusing on the white on white crime with statistics along with flat numbers to back it up.

this fucking guy

>belligerent dangerous nigger
>cops taking fucking forever to show
>finally restrained by innocent civilians
She's only sticking up for him because she's a negress. Freeing the slaves was a mistake.


Listen. People are surprised that American niggers constantly misbehave and are stupid. But the truth be that only the dumb tribes were sold to be slaves in America in the first place!! Dumb africans go to America, there children are dumb! Doesnt that make sense? I can bet that no America nigger today has any connection with any of the best africans...


Dude...a-are you a shill? O-or are you some sort of super nigger? You do know anyone can access the FBI crime statistics data and plainly see that nigs definitely nog quite a good bit more in comparison with white folk, right?

But sir, I have it on good authority that they was kangs.

>millions of black women in US
>10 murders
2/10 bait harder