What the fuck is going on with all the shill posts recently
What the fuck is going on with all the shill posts recently
I think people are just waking up to how fucking stupid trump is.
Pic related.
>madame president
What did we do to deserve Kek's wrath
How many of them are actually paid shills and how many of them are just shitposters?
Well the Trump meme is in epic meltdown mode. If we ran Pepe the frog against Hillary it would have a bigger chance at this point
there's an awful lot of them to be "just shitposters", I take this shill stuff with a grain of salt and assume most people are just shitposting but we're reaching critical mass here, I don't see how anyone could find this amusing, but it's slow at the moment and no happenings so I don't really care
Trump be so dumb
most of them are probably butthurt people of all types including actual shills. the people actually being paid pulled the trigger way too early, should have done this in October when anyone sensible would avoid pre-election bullshit.
Drumpf's hate is finally catching up to him.
You mean the Trump shills or the Trump shills pretending to be Hillary shills?
>Correct the Record now has extra teams dedicated to getting the first posts
I hope all of you get colon cancer.
Well for one frogs are asexual so it would easily attract both men and women and dodge all the accusations that it is mysoginistic.
It isn't possible for there to be Trump shills on a Trump board
Hillary's going into overdrive with her PR campaign, notice that the media is covering for her so much right after it was revealed that she and the DNC paid off media outlets to write anti-Trump and Sanders articles for her.
It's corruption at its finest and people are falling for it like suckers.
>tfw soros is blowing his entire fortune to shill Sup Forums
They're scared.
Not a Trump board. It's not a christian board either. It never was and never will be either. Although right now it's a complete sewer.
You know, I've asked myself this question for many years now.
its going to be so nice to see all the crying and
>hate won
>muh progression
>I'm moving to canada
once Trump wins
enough salt to last for decades
they think they can influence us
end up training newfags to spot shills
summerfags jaws drop when they realise the holocaust was a lie
their minds snap when they realise hitler was the only one who ever stood up to the globalist bankers
the sadness they feel when they realize they can't ever go back
depression despair at all of the lies being told constantly.
some will make the mistake of trying to make it thru just one fucking day without being exposed to a jewish lie. and the disgust of seeing those lies falling out of the ones they care about.
then they will start their search, and find hope, and take their first breath as a free living human being.
Kek is testing our faith. We will weather this storm. It has not been our first, nor will it be our last.
I'm surprised too. Never seen such a thing before. Not after 9/11, Afghan, Iraq and Ukraine. It was quite for some time.
It's because everyone I know plan on going door to door and showing our support for Hillary Clinton this election season.
Everywhere except in nigger neighborhoods because they're violent apes.
This site was always leftist newfag
it's the apex of summer, these shills will dissapear by sept. 1
I don't know, Ive been coming to pol for years, and always laughed at the shill accusations, because it seemed ridiculous, and I figured there were enough shitposters to account for it. But in the last few days I've been met with undeniable proof that Shills actually do exist, it's really fuckin quite incredible
awfully political for kids
awfully apt shitposters for kids...
>he thinks Sup Forums represents anything
nobody gives a fuck about a bunch of edgy fedora tippers, shillfag
We warned you, you bluepilled cucks didn't listen. You got complacent and weak and now Sup Forums is literally being fucking 5 ways from Sunday while you cucks sit back in awe and watch this place burn. At least old Sup Forums knew how to fight back. Sup Forums is dead.
hey where can i sign up with ctr? are they still hiring? im on here all the time i dont mind posting whenever
guys i want off this ride everything has become chaos we have shills shilling shills and every time trump tweets or talks now i get nervous he will just wreck his campaign more
we should have just went with jeb we should have listened we could have just had a boring same old election that nobody cares about.
Trump is running for president
Are they still leftist? I don't go there because it's like all trap threads now.
>implying Hillary is any better
butthurt Ron Paul fan detected
From time to time in wc3 i will play random 4v4s and my team will all leave before the game gets going - but I stay because every minute of my time wasted is just as much a minute as is wasted for my enemies. I lost time and they lose time too. I'm bunkering down and building towers. How bout you?
You need to show your fervent support for the over qualified candidate that's demonstrated decisive leadership, proven calm nerves under fire, and probably hates niggers, spics, and father headed buffalo rapists
Will be posting daily for a year or so to celebrate Drumpf losing to Shrillary, the second most unelectable person in the USA. Also expecting mass exodus of Trumpeteers which will improve Sup Forums 1000 fold.
I'm sure it's all a bunch of retarded 19 year olds thinking that they are hilarious master troles
remember when intentional shitposting wasn't really a thing? those were the days
just sage any shill slide threads you see
It's the right thing to do
People all around Sup Forums saw how easily baited Sup Forums is, so majority is now shitposting.
blissful ignorance must be nice
everyone can see the tide is changing across the world
why can't you?
6 M I L L I O N D O L L A R S
Keep going...
I like this one the best
I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere. Fuck em, they'll get tired of it before I give up.
Sup Forums and other forums are now the primary places where millenials get their news. It is the fomenter of the zeitgesit. Various interest groups indeed post here, on reddit, on virtually any place with any sort of "culture", not limited to merely the government.
An example: right now the Trump culture is probably being fostered and directed by a combination of actual Trump supporters, democrats who believe Trump will be destroyed in a landslide by Hillary (which he most likely will) and other establishment groups trying to bring the racism and and more sordid aspects of the culture to a fever pitch, in the ultimate aim of discrediting it.
There are other examples of shill threads which recur. Some are merely sliding threads: "This guy slaps your girlfriends ass and says 'hey white boy, whatchu gonna do?'", "is X redpilled?", "How are you holding up?", "nigger/muslim hate thread!" and many more. This is done to push a legitimate discussion off the board of some current event, to frustrate users and drive them away from Sup Forums, or to discredit the intellect of the board in general etc. They are getting craftier, however, they can be spotted by being light on actual substance in general.
There are also threads to control discussion of a certain topic, and threads to gather information about the board. Polls are used by every major democracy to find the pulse of the people (since voting, the original pulse-taking method of Republics, is not really an activity most people partake in any more).
An example of trying to exercise control over a certain topic, or "guide the discussion", would be the Syrian general threads, which is the main conflict in the middle east the US is engaged in and one in which public opinions currently matter the most.
There are also threads designed to profile members of the forum, eg, "Fill out this MSPaint template about what you look like and what you prefer to wear, etc." or, "Take this poll here".
>distant applause sounds in the background
very poetic user
Well then how would you propose we fight back?