When CTR thinks spamming Sup Forums with pro-Hillary...

When CTR thinks spamming Sup Forums with pro-Hillary, anti-Trump concern trolling actually changes our political opinions.

Where do you think you are?

Other urls found in this thread:


She doesn't (more correctly her campaign doesn't know us that well). But some Sup Forumsacks make easy money by posting here.

It's a distraction. As an unpaid CTR intern let me explain:

I post some b8 that slides a neo-fascism discussion thread - a conversation dialog is broken up and maybe one less person gets converted today

I post a "what did he mean by?" slide, people actually respond, and maybe some reader does his own research and decides Trump is a con man

I post new threads / replies and soak up effort from posters responding, that's less time they're DDoSing CTR or coming up with a new meme that I'll see on leddit and then my uncle's FB wall...net positive for the world.

I enjoy the salt from Sup Forums regulars when people post anti-Trump shit

It's faggots from worstchan pretending to be shills to get people to go over there.


the bait is so obvious, i'm amazed people fall for it daily. most of Sup Forums are morons that actually respond to the same bait threads everyday.

>people do research and not like Trump

I don't think you get how research on Trump works, he's only unliked when people are ignorant about him

>mfw they come to poll
>mfw they get the redpill before the year is out

It happened to all of us.

The problem with this is that Trump is small time compared to Clinton in the con department.

You would literally be shilling for the devil to show someone that a flawed man is a con artist.

Pointing out character flaws of Trump would work if the candidate was almost anyone but Hillary Clinton.

Because Sup Forums's opinion changed by the constant spamming of pro-Trump posts

This was a different place 14 months ago

We're not doing it to change your opinion. We're doing it to troll you. And judging by how many upset threads we've seen today it's working.

You trumplets really can't stand to have your little hugbox breached.

That's why I don't even open your threads. Just immediately hide them. As Every one should.

>I post some b8 that slides a neo-fascism discussion thread - a conversation dialog is broken up and maybe one less person gets converted today


>they think peer pressure applies in a place with no account names
that makes me laugh so hard my dick gets hard. they keep it up they going to need to let me stick it in

This is correct. Honestly the anti Trump videos at the DNC were mostly pro Trump to any redpilled American.

It's not that the hugbox was damaged.

It's that all the threads are sourceless, "OMG BTFO" threads.

You mistake our intention, tiny little imp, we are not here to persuade anyone, we are here to gloat and rub it in your face. Surely you of all people can appreciate this.

So what are you gonna do when the money dries up?


this is the future you chose

Moderate Trump supporter here.

You level 1 chess players are retarded.

They spam dogshit and you Trump shills respond with DOUBLE DOGSHIT and even gore spamming now.







No it wasn't faggot.

GtFO with this

"I'm totally a longtime poster and pol wasn't like this back then " bullshit.

At least I know you arent a Clinton shill

the one in the back forgot to poo in the loo

What is CTR?

honestly we should just spam ctr threads with gore



>troll reddit or kikebook
>get post deleted within seconds
>be in pol
>daily TRUMP BTFO threads ever since elections started
>now mods are deleting threads calling out the shills
yeah keep calling it a 'hugbox', its more like a war zone

It's a warzone and the Trumptards are nuking their own cities saying DURRR LOOK GUYS WE GOT THE INSURGENTS

Its not CTR dumbass its Sup Forums trolls

CTR hangs out in comment sections and facebook, not message boards where half the posters are either too young to vote or not american

>one less person gets converted today
We aren't converted, we vote first out of disgust for the left then out of conviction for the right.
Now to I'll go back tortuting that democrat tourist I captured in the name of Allah.

>where half the posters are either too young to vote or not american
That may be but WE decide who's elected next.
We both know it.
And we both know which influent group share this place's way of thinking and is scaring the fuck outta you.

The cringiest thing I've read today.

>the best part is Sup Forums doesn't even know we're shills!

Cringiest? or are you reading to much into it?
The answer is the people, the average, normal working people.
And THAT scare them shitless.
The western civilization purge its leadership like a clockwork every 250 years. The current cycle is ending now.

Average, normal people don't use Sup Forums on daily basis.

>anyone who's trying to troll the incredibly sensitive and zealous trumpfags on this board or, god forbid, actually think that trump is not a good candidate is a shill
>there is an organized effort by a super PAC to focus specifically on Sup Forums, and even more specifically on Sup Forums, at 1:30 in the morning on a wednesday, to shill for Hillary Clinton
>the appropriate reaction to this is to throw an autistic shitfit and cry "SHILL" at everything and dump gore pictures lifted from Sup Forums

I love the mental gymnastics you guys are going through.

cool story, nigger



Truth spreads like wildfire.

If even 1% of the population was like Sup Forums, it would carry huge momentum.

It's now time to real life Sup Forums.

>like Sup Forums
So people would spout memes and call everyone they disagree with cuck, kike, shill etc.?

>Where do you think you are?

In a place that started shilling for a political candidate by ironically memeing for a dark horse. Please do not pretend that most of the Trumptards on Sup Forums have strong political convictions and/or the mental wherewithal to objectively analyze and make informed choices.

As much as the Trumpeteers constantly sperg about MSM brainwashing the libtards, the ironic hipster contrarian idea of supporting a meme candidate has brainwashed them into shilling for free.

Fuck your emotions, show me the facts, proofs and calculation.
Fuck the shitskins.
Like that.


nothing new about it my nigger

Daily reminder Trump shills exposed as being from the the Kremlin and I wouldn't be surprised if half of the threads on Sup Forums are too


>Normalize autists
>misoginy is bad
>feminism good
>happening ever...


We're getting played like a fiddle.

You summerfags are replying to each others threads, saying "BTFO" to each other. Others come in and post an infographic or compilation meme and sage at most so you don't think this is some new liberal haven for you faggots.

>tfw you have to explicitly explain blatantly obvious information to a dense newfag


>they come to poll


gone for three days and now this

Sounds like a job for
>a fucking leaf

I don't know why people even reply to those threads. Goddamn retards is what they are.

by converted he meant red-pilled
one less person sees things the way Sup Forums sees them

I haven't been here in a while. I used to be pretty active until Sup Forums started getting flooded with "How can the white man even compete" threads.

Honestly, the niggerdick wasn't as bad as this. Has it been this way for long?

Distraction? It takes like two seconds to skim an entire thread for anything good and leave until you find something you want.

The average 4channer can type at like 140wpm casually and reads almost quadruple as fast at the very least. On top of that if you can solve captcha for every single shitpost you do daily then you've already got a guaranteed IQ of 120+.

Slide threads and the like are as much of a distraction as a flea on the back of a behemoth.

They dont care where they are. They know they make a nickel any time they click post. I hope they bought Sup Forums passes for gook moot's sake.


>being this new

lel triggered


I have a wife and two kids, work 60 hours a week, and still find time to browse Sup Forums daily

Satan trips dont lie

nah man i'm definitely a #CruzMissile now

>trumpcucks are simultaneously this full of themselves AND this incapable of handling the bants