Ask an honest Mexican-American anything, get an honest answer.
Ask an honest Mexican-American anything, get an honest answer
what do you think of this
Are you legal?
I like your food. Have you ever tried frying refried beans? It makes a nice chip dip.
hey beaner if you work in the restaurant industry would it kill you to put out a hot fucking plate? Every restaurant I go to with mexicans in it, they always put out the coldest fucking plates. Jesus Christ guys.
>looks at flag
What do you tink about mexican seld-hatred?
im a trump man myself. i was not aware there were other trump supporters are at least anti-hillary mexicans. this is strange to me because the mexican TV stations have been shilling for hillary since they (hillary, trump) became the only candidates. You have no idea how much influence the TV stations sway latino opinion. Fuck you Jorge Rammos, your bitch ass makes 78 million a year for pandering and no one finds it odd.
yes i was born here and my parents had green cards beforehand.
i actually like to cook for a living. i add onions and garlic and cilantro cooked into my refried beans. add some chile, chicken stock, wala!
i do! if i ever put out a cold plate, its because its my co-workers holding me back.
yea it makes sense
its justified here let me continue it with a longer post
What do you and other honest mexican think about these foul dirty spic children with shit parents.
Real latinos suport trump.
It aint easy to make it to USA, and ilegals only make it worse. Once all the ilegals are gone, the only latinos that remain, will be legal.
when people talk about mexican self hatred: you could split it up a bunch of different ways. for some, the self hatred manifests itself as excessive brown pride. for others, they just choose not to learn spanish. for me, it just means not identifying myself as a hispanic as my first identity - that is the first thing i would tell you or make obvious if we met in public. nor my second identity, nor my third. this is because in recent times i have noticed that being hispanic and identifying as one really makes you exploitable in america. take for instance the hillary wiki leaks emails: one of the things that caught my eye and reinforced my belief was how the establishment thinks they can buy votes from mexicans through their brand loyalty bullshit because were so stupid we will fall for it because they can hook us because our culture and beliefs are very homogenous. its funny how the democrats say not all muslims or not all mexicans. yet they build their policy completely on the belief that a culture is the same.
first i would think i am sorry you were born into a brown mexican family and not into a white one like me. i wouldnt hate the children personally other than think they are stupid. my hate would go out to the ignorant parents who are obviously not the type of people informed enough to get into politics.
i am. i have a story in fact. i used to work at a pizza place in my ghetto hometown. i was always nice to everyone and i always did my job. people just automatically assumed i was a good person because of my mannerisms. my coworkers did take advantage of my honesty actually. i pretended they didnt, which was probably the wrong thing to do. anyways, they all made a joke about me how if there was a rapture in X town, USA, that I would be the only person rising into the sky. ;_; people are cruel. almost everyone i meet treats my honesty like as if it was something foreign that must be destroyed.
God damn you're red pilled as fuck. If we had more people like you, this whole stupid ass two party system can finally end.
If it comes down to muzzies trying to take over North America, will the Mexicans join forces with us to fuck them up?
>" ... "-American
IDGAF if you are legal or not... you fucked up when you put anything in front of or above AMERICAN as your identity.
Here's my question... WHY is it so fucking important that you identify as "Mexican" before American?
Why? Mexico is shit. Central America is even worse.
That crap pisses me right the fuck off honestly.
>pic related
thanks i have no friends because of it :) i really just want to make the world a better place and i knew people were going to try to stop me
Why do you go on Sup Forums?
yea my parents are terrified of muslims and im sure other 1st generation immigrants are intolerant as well. its funny because the mexican TV stations know this as well. they wont even touch muslim social issues because they know it wont be received well by the audience.
sorry i should slap myself for calling myself mexican first. i promise to you, i would sooner defend america before i defend mexico.
The correct term is "American", because America is a country, a union of civilians who work together for a new tomorrow, first the country that you were born at and then your ethnicity, atleast it was before.
How does it make you feel that you look like pic related?
to laugh, to be around like minds, to find the truth
lately its become a drag because its the same shit over and over i wish we would go deeper into topics we havent looked into
But why does "latinos" go to USA in the first place?
Argies almost never immigrate and if we do we go to Spain. Why you will go to a place where they hate you
I still see the resemblance
really nigger? its CLOSER. no matter what way YOU look at it, your still 10000 miles away from either destination. go back to your southern hemisphere, the northern hemisphere doesnt fucking concern you. mongrel.
dont worry bruh, americunts just mad they couldnt get their shit together to stop us from practically taking over.
ez pz
What a stupid respond.
And they wont hate you in Spain?
its closer. thats basically the only reason. its more difficult to buy a plane ticket or be a stow away on a ship.
Why you are attentionwhoring?
I hope you do take over I've always wanted to live in abject poverty like the mexicans do
Not in the same way. We speak the same lenguage, there isn't a culture invasion.
you caught me
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. It was similar for me with absolute delusional people in high school and life was hell, but fortunately, I was able to find some friends that won't buy into all the bullshit. Try looking into things like math, physics, engineering, philosophy, where it's really the pursuit of truth not social agendas, that's where I found my solace.
Maybe one day, we can all stop being marginalized by race, ethnicity, and religion by both conservative and liberals used as their pawns, and really just live a life as who we are as a one human being. Veritas liberabit vos.
everything we touch turns to poop
why do you try to sell me burritos as big as my head, that in reality, aren't?
>tfw spic
>tfw don't even know spanish
can someone who knows taco-speak give me a summery translation plz.
2nd gen immigrant friendo
>ez college because diversity
>ez job because diversity and comp sci
>ez get out if it goes to shit
losers complain, winners train my man
if things keep going like they are: i will raise hell and make us a protected class. idk what class we fall under. i want to say smart people arent a protected class, but i feel like people would just make fun of me for it.
the fucking translations are right there you idiot
They said about Hillary being a corrupted, puppet of the democrats and that she needs to be in jail.
Trying to learn Spanish... But, with all different dialects... Does it matter which I study?
Mother fucker how am i suppose to know, i dont use facebook, I thought those were replies.
its translated for you under each post. facebook translates posts for you
you need to rephrase your Q
thanks i wasn't always this way i was an ugly duckling growing up. i actually was a whole lot skinnier like you could see my cheekbones. high school gave me a lot of anxiety and i ended up not eating much because my body was always pumped with adrenaline. it wasnt after i graduated that i finally started fattening up and people found me "cute"
just learn proper spanish, everyone knows it. youre going to have to learn the slang on your own. slang spanish is fucking crazy, even i have a hard time keeping up with it.
True that user. Also of mexican heritage. Can relate. Most of our ppl especially chicanos, have no personal accomplishments. Thus, they worship shit like sports teams ("Los Doyers") and being born latino as if that was an achievement.
Fellow Mexican American here. Are you going to stay in the US forever? I plan on moving to Mexico or Canada after college.
very much this. also chicano culture is fucking toxic. its a culture whose whole purpose is to hold everyone back so they can be miserable together.
i hope one day we can go back to the motherland and help her. im not doing that until the cartels are gone. i dont think in our lifetime that is going to happen. So USA all the way.
Life is take or be taken from, I'm not a parasite or tumor of your country, but a person of opportunity with a will to work and fight for more than what I am offered. And son, the ones who bitch and whine, are the deluded low intelligence bigots who are scared of what they don't understand.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Iceland my man
Fuck (s)Hillary - too corrupt
Fuck Trump - Forced meme and bigot
Fuck Sanders - Best case scenario but unrealistic goals
As in hate for the country? Yes. Local townfolk are nice, but fuck the government and organized crime, too many stories to tell.
I support this fully.
I was born here. I plan to die here.I will fight degeneracy to the bitter end. American first last and always
Wussup Mexican homie, Cuban American here. My great grandpa on moms side was Mexican
What do you do?
>Ask an honest Mexican-American
there was an attempt
whats worse for america, illegal beaners or chimp out crazy, inner city dindus....
>Language isn't a culture invasion
They hate you guys in Colombia, and they also speak Spanish
i like to cook :) and im not talking about meme cooking im talking about hard core shit where i go into the science of it and making something that isnt bread cheese and meat 50 different ways. i hate comfort foods, its too easy and tasteless. i also have another 5 years to go to finish up my pharmacy degree. i hope next year i am ready to apply for pharmacy school. i just really like doing pills. i have worked at a pharmacy before and i felt home. i hope to actually return to my home community with my degree because god knows no pharmacist wants to work there, and i want to help my hometown thrive by helping people out with their pills as in i will pay for them. they may have bullied me and almost destroyed my future, but i am mature and i have the will to forgive and help.
sounds like a loaded question, but i shamelessly answer niggers!!!
Which is better:
People who build and fund a country or people who exploit a countries wealth and opportunities?
You have to go back
the first one is morally superior. the second one, idk theres alot of ways i can go with the second one. ill just think of venezuela as an example. no because exploiting a country never ends well for anyone.
not loaded. i actually dont give a fuck about illegal mexicans. they fill a roll niggers are too lazy to do themselves and are for the most part not statistically likely to be violent criminals...beaners 1, dindus zero....
Will you pay for the wall ?
Why are you such a fag
Go back to Oaxaca indio
I think you mean chicano.
This thread is actually cancer. You're not my Mexican homie anymore.
>look at me white guys I'm cool, even though I'm only 1/4 native I'm one of you
Please gas yourself. It will make the white race proud of you beaner-user. You do want to make us accept you and be proud of you, don't you?
>i add onions and garlic and cilantro cooked into my refried beans. add some chile, chicken stock, wala!
you married?
i dont give a shit, i was never treated like one in the first place. fuck people like you who value visual sensory over all else. you have no idea how hard life was always being treated like you dont belong because of skin color. also checkit my eyes are green. just one more thing for people to shit on me about
no. but at least it gives me more time to become a more perfect husband :)
How bad will the Latino majority be in America? Will this country probably go to shit?
But you do give a shit. Be honest with yourself. You've been wanting to be white this whole thread. Be yourself. I'm mulato AND mestizo and I never really fit in anywhere either besides my own family, it's why you make people respect you rather than waiting for them to give it to you. And while there are good white people with good minds out there, they don't like you, they don't want you.
No fuck that
>fuck people like you who value visual sensory over all else
Implying we wouldn't either. kek, You are a naive one. We will accept you only on the condition that you infiltrate the businesses within the illegal spic communities comprising of border-crossing and other such related matters. Tell us where to find them and we will take care of the rest. Then, you'll be lucky enough to eat the scraps that fall from my table, green eyes notwithstanding.
Lucky... I'm white and wish I had green eyes :(
Why are you guys so superstitious??
I hung out with a Mexican qt tonight and once we started drinking she was constantly telling me ghost stories and shit.
Are you willing to go back to your shitty country and fix the problems there so you can have your own country?
i dont know what experience you have gained in life, but youre retarded
Castro kid has a point. You, coming onto /pol and telling others how much you hate yourself for not being white does not garner any respect whatsoever. Heck, we would probably respect you more if rather, you were to shit on Trump and other white-supremacist causes. You are pretty fucking retarded. Cubans are somewhat smarter i guess. But please, if you ever have the chance, kill yourself for being a massive faggot.
Is this what we do, insult each other? To be honest, you remind me of my aunt who is so ashamed of being Latina she married a white guy. For that reason only. Now they have a terrible marriage because it was based on self hatred. I'm trying to get you to stop being such a pussy. These white people are laughing at you and looking at you as a weak man to further THEIR agendas.
Although I think you might be gay, no offense , you just seem like it.
Can you explain why you have sex with sheep on a regular basis?
Castro kid lol. You know I think trump won't know wtf he's doing in office but I still think he isn't a racist or a bad guy. After all, we escaped Cuba because of Castro/the left. It looks like the democrats are trying to make everyone democrat instead of guiding the country aka trying to be Castro
not OP. half Mexican. i think it's gotta do with how religious everyone is. and I feel that ghosts and shit only come to you if you let them in. So if you're religious, there's definitely some room for ghosts. its also fun to talk about ghosts and dreams and stuff.
You're alright kid. Don't sound like a pussy such as OP.
Why don't you just call yourself American? Everytime you hyphenate an eagle dies. Either you're one or you're not.
Does this guy upset you, or does it sound like a good idea?
I'm mexican american as well, and I shall be voting for the god emperor this fall
both of you can suck my dick when did i ever explicitly point out i am self hating. youre just jelly
Yea Well, you got to empathize with OP. Oh wait you're white.
Jk, maybe you can
yes if you have been reading the thread i am willing to go back if the cartels disappeared.
I'm sure you'd like us to suck your dick lmao. You didn't explicitly say it but it's obvious. I know you had a rough childhood, so did I. But you gotta be strong. I know it's the white blood conflicting with your Indio blood, I understand. My white/black/native sides fight with each other 24/7.
he upsets me because that sounds evil