Enough! ENOUGH!

Stop RUINING THIS BOARD YOU CTR SHILLS! This is fucking appalling! This is not YOUR board! This is a board for people like ME.

I have to deal with libtards EVERY. DAY. and it makes me sick. You have the entire WORLD and like fucking 99.999999% of the internet.This is the one sanctuary i am comfortable in. You FUCKING FAGGOTS GET OUT.

I'm actually shaking and crying.


Other urls found in this thread:


Reply to all shill posts with gore and other traumatizing images, thank you for participating in this purge, you are doing a great service. Please inform others.

dont let theHill-Billys get to you man. just find a comfy thread a chill.
you need some music?

Scare them away by posting gore and shit.

Just shift + click shill threads in the catalog to hide them. Boom they're gone.


Signed t. #ImWithHer

This, get comfy, this just some pyschological warfare. It makes no difference.


Reminder that niggers like this are actually CTR idiots trying to get decent users like banned.

nice baito senpai

I know this our "safe space" but crying won't help. This is further evidence that Hillary is corrupt.

Funny that a neocon is getting triggered, aren't you the ones always making fun of "trigger warning culture"? Good stuff m80


The vermin are already attacking this thread. Better fight back.

single most autistic post I've seen lurking on this board

I want to shitpost for hillary if i get paid


Just fucking make fun of them or create your own imageboard.

The world is your oyster, user!

That's not going to work. 99.99% of them are

>1 post by this ID

They won't see it.



how about just post offensive pictures

ignore these fucktards

Awwww are your feefees hurt?
Drumpfkins are pathetic, I'm going to drag you out of your safe-space myself.


Fuck the anti CTR shilling is getting as bad as the CTR shilling. Just fucking ignore the threads. They aren't hard to spot.

$0.02 has been deposited into my ass

Does anyone have an opinion on this?

Fucking normies

so when are you actually going to post something appalling ?


if you are uncomfortable you should leave- this is not a safe space

The Holocaust didn't happen at all, Hitler was a quirky businessman and the Jews blew a manufacturing accident waaay out of proportion.


Stupid nigger, I've been a liberal on Sup Forums since 2006. Gore isn't going to scare me away.


>when you see it...

You idiots do realize they're not reading your replies, right? They're making a post and leaving or making other posts.

giallo film?

Don't worry. Once this meme election is over the shilling with stop.


Remember this is a sign that trump is winning
They know there over vocal polls are garbage and are trying every resort that can to scrape a vote
Little do they know this exposes how corrupt she is and makes more flock to trump

I predict hillery to walk out on the fist debate

That's how bad of a ass beating she will get

That's a nice fat cock.

there's no way you're older than 13, these is some r/NoSleep type shit.
so it's true 90% of the Sup Forums is not over the age of 18


just roll with the shitposts
we have to take a page from oldschool Sup Forums
we will convert this board to a smoldering pile of rubble, if those ctr shills want it then they will rule over an empire of ash

Actually, it seems to be helping. From my observations so far, I've seen two obvious kikes bitching about the gore. Either way, if you can't stomach gore at this point, it means you haven't done your MANDATORY 2 years of service in Sup Forums.

A certain percentage of people will simply close the page the second they notice gore on their screen. There are a lot of maggots coming out of this guy's dick.

I dont know op i find it amusing.
Its so blatant wonder how effective it truly is?

>so it's true 90% of the Sup Forums is not over the age of 18
I could've told you that.

wtf i hate drumpft now

Dude...wtf is that pic?


What does Crash Team Racing have to do with anything?


This isn't the first time: they were fucking terrible just before the Brexit vote, too.

They are consesus cracking and forum sliding. Just do not respond to their shit. Refer to the rules list and report if they breach the rules.

post lolis.

Reply with the dumbest shit that they'll have nothing to reply.


I tried to make a thread about the Luciferian NWO/Elite. No shills there. Requesting any anons to join me for discussion.

That's a man.

Maggots coming out of someone's dick. I am not the best at finding gore, but I need everyone's help finding really bad shit. The worse it is, the better. At this point, actual Sup Forumstards can stomach gore no problem. Spam the fuck out of every cancerous thread. Do it in bursts, so that you aren't constantly bumping shitty threads to the top of page 1.

Keep crying you beta little fagot cuck

Gather yourself. You're acting like a triggered feminist whose safe space is being violated.
Don't be like them.

If you don't want people to disagree with you about your love for your "God-Emperor", go off to r/the_Donald
This is how this site has always been.

Cry some more faggot.

Pictures can't really shock anyone anymore. Feel free to make a webm of the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs.

Yeah you're clearly not just another hillary shill shitting up the board and our reputation

Begging for your safe space? You're not one of us. We have no weakness. Our strength is being the Everyman. Go be a pussy faggot somewhere else, Sup Forums is a battleground now whether you like it or not. Harden up faggot, because we have work to do.

Is work and shitposting synonomous?

Reminder: Multiculturalism and globalism will march on. East Bumfuck or whever you come from will one day look like a NY borough. Get used to it cuz we're going to drag you backward losers forward with us whether you like it or not. Can't wait to vote for a woman for president.

Gas the shills.


pic related

now it is

k I believe you

Here is a good pic to use


I remember when Ron Paul was shitposted here 24/7. Then it became Trump.

Honestly fuck both of them and fuck you OP. Trump can suck a mean fat dick and his precious Ivanka can get it too.

Look out guys, Australia invading USA! Or is it Canada? Better build another wall on the north just to be safe.

>all the retards ITT not realizing this is bait and trolling

holy fuck Sup Forums is really fucking stupid

Booo hooo hoo hoo.

Hey, maybe we can fucking talk about politics and you can go to r9k or stormfront or some other fantasy land.

I would like to talk about politics, rather than your trash about "kek" and "we waz kangs" and "happenings!!!" and "makes u think"

You do not have any discussions or say anything of value. There is Trump cocksucking and maybe 1 or 2 actually insightful threads per day.

If it was called something other than "politics" fine, but it is completely stupid that an anonymous image board cannot have actual political discussions because you cry about shills anytime anyone argues with you.

It's great, isn't it?

Sup Forums is incredibly retarded. Sometimes it's very therapeutic to let the anger out in a place with no consequences.

I give you, drum roll, Sup Forums.

Is this your first time here?

You are making this sound like it was a coordinated operation.

Who was behind shitting up this site? People who went insane when they were proven how shitty all their candidates were? If bernouts want a lefty pol than ask the mods for one instead copying and pasting the dumbest of threads.

I would think that plebbit would be more your style. Why are you here?

I smell a cuck. I hope and pray Kek strikes you down and you choke on your own pussy

How about you go to that other 99% of the web then?

This will not end for quite a while. It will continue well into next year.

>muh safe space
Hillary 2016 cunt

Resistance is futile

Your efforts wont stop it

i made a legit question about trumps chances tho and it got spammed with gore y pol

If you need a safe space this is probably not the place for you.

learn to hide and ignore shitty bait threads

I think it's time to raid DNC HQ.


It's funny when you realize Sup Forums is literally the same as SJWs. They both get triggered so hard.

I love it.

>yfw $$$hillary wins and the Wall gets cancelled

wrong image

>Telling Sup Forums not to meme
>Sup Forums

Something's not adding up here...

Just like Trumps presidency ay



The pic

Oh no! My safe space!

Aw poor baby, need a save space?

That's exactly right

I knew Sup Forums had been raided long ago by /r9k/ikes. Fucking losers. No wonder this place has been a cesspool of losers, manchildren throwing sissyfits over someone saying something on twitter and incessantly/unironically shilling for their newest dark horse.