Luciferian Elite

I never made a thread on Sup Forums before as I always lurk and occasionally comment. I found something I want to share and discuss with you anons that I feel merits a thread, so here we are.

Lately I have been lurking in some excellent 10/10 threads discussing the use of black magic/evil energy/Luciferian worhsip/etc of the small group of elites that run the world. The information in the threads aren't /x/-tier, as there is evidence discussed and photos shared. The last one I lurked discussed the CTR leaks.

In the same vein, I have put up a pastebin of an open letter to the "sheeple" from the leader/s of the Satanic NWO. Link is here:

The authenticity is impossible to verify obviously, but the information is very well written. I can feel the author's evil, cold, vain personality coming through the words as I read them. Undoubtedly, some of you will have heard of this before, but it is my first time reading the letter. I look forward to discussing this information with you guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's to hoping for some anons to see this thread.

Cuntributing with a bump


Thank you for coming brother!

I should have thought about the pastebin being so long before the discussion...

I'm glad you're here.

Excerpt from the letter:


We run Hollywood. The movies such as Terminator and Armageddon, along with a great host of others, were simply created to get you thinking according to our directions. You have been made to delight in violence so that when we send you off to kill some bad man we have put before you, you move without a whimper.

We have placed violent arcade games in your malls to prepare your young minds in the art of battle. We have made you to view our armies and police as the good forces and you submit to things that were unthinkable just a few decades ago. Our artful programs, are all designed to help you submit and even help the New World Order.

Star Trek, and other such creations, have taught you to simply obey orders from the new international rulers. Oh, silly people, you thought you were being entertained, while you were actually being educated. Dare I use the words, "brainwashed" or "mind control?" By the way, have you seen the new Star Wars?

What a masterpiece of mental manipulation. Humans confer with nondescript beasts of all shapes and sizes and they confer in English. I wonder where those space beasts learned English. Oh, the simpleness of the mind of the citizen. He never considers he is being taken into fairyland. We have placed advertisements for Star Wars almost everywhere you go. You will find them in Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Taco Bell and a host of our institutions of commerce. There is something we want you to learn from this movie. Or, perhaps it could be said, there is something we do not want you to learn, from Episodes 4-6. Either way, we will have what we want in the whole affair.

For a full explanation of, and the reason why "they" don't want you to learn from episodes 4-6 of the Starwars films, please study the "Starwars, fact not fiction" Booklet

I didn't watch the new Star Wars because of the nigger

Of course, to keep you off guard we have instructed our elected officials to appear to be correcting the evil of our violence. President Clinton is now speaking against violence in Hollywood movies. This will not solve the problem, but will only make the people believe the problem is being worked on. Sex and violence are the very best powers to use to help us gain our advantage. How the people loathe to give up their sex and violence, so we place all they want before them. In this way, we keep them so occupied they do not have the integrity or brain power to deal with the really important matters which are left entirely in our hands. President Clinton has been very helpful to us. We knew of what character he was before we placed him as president. Exposing him was very helpful in adjusting the moral habits of the youth downward. This is to our advantage.

Even more agreeable to us were the vain efforts of those who thought they could remove him against our will. He is useful to us and he will not be removed by anyone until we are ready to have him removed. Excuse me if I seem to be mocking your system of beliefs, but they are rather outdated. Have you no eyes to see your vain liberties and your righteous pontifications are nothing before us? You can only do what we say you can do. We remove presidents when we are ready and the leader we set up will be there until it serves us to have another.

At that time we place our proposed leader before you and you vote for what we want. In that way we give you the vain voting exercise in the belief you had something to do with placing your president in office.

We use the nations for what we want to use them for. Everyone knows that they must yield to us or die. Fortunately, we have had a few resisters such as Saddam and Milosevic that have been helpful in showing the world leaders what we will do to them if they do not submit.

There is only glory in following our purposes and doing what we say.

Wow...this letter is showing its age! President slick willy. Well, they do plan this stuff decades out - for example the Illuminati Cards about 9/11.


Some of you have thought you could stop us by placing a bomb in one of our abortion clinics or in a government building. Silly souls! How can that hurt us?

All that does is give us an example to use so that we might place more controls and heavy burdens on the population. We love it when you rebel and blow something up. You are our reason for making more laws against all those things which might contribute to your freedom from us. If someone did not blow something up on occasion, we would have no justification in placing more hedges about you. Can't you see how impossible it is for you to resist us? The more you wriggle, the more we squeeze.

Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
But I say unto you, Do not resist evil (with evil): but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheeck, turn to him the other also (and thereby neutralize the evil with good).
And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have [thy] cloak also.
- Matthew 5:38-40

Our kingdom is the kingdom of money. Excuse me, but I must confess that we are the rulers of the kingdom of non-money. You must see the humour in that statement. We have given you a piece of paper or some numbers on a computer screen that we have termed money. It is backed up by nothing and proven by nothing but what we say it is. We create it from nothing, we print it, we loan it, we give it its value, we take its value away. All things that have to do with money are in our hands. Think of it, what is it that you can do against us without money? If you try to resist, we can cancel your credit or freeze your accounts. Your cash is easily confiscated. We have made so many rules in the realm of living that you cannot live without money.

Camp on government land and you must move in two weeks. You cannot grow much of a garden in two weeks. Many of our wilderness trails are entered by permit only.

>Wants people to be violent and immoral
>Wants to submit to earthly authority

Didn't work on me. Too bad it did on most.

People give them the power they want, when it isn't there and it annoys me. This passage captures it perfectly. Will monitor this thread.

You cannot be liberated. Imagine how you can. We supply your fuel for your cars. We can turn it off whenever we like claiming that there is some sort of fuel shortage. What if your car breaks down? You cannot get parts for it without us. We supply all the money you use. We can then order the president to declare all money worthless and that we will have to have new money. All of your stashes of cash will go up in smoke in a moment's time.

Don't you need food? If necessary, we can cause a trucker's strike which would stop deliveries of food to your local store. We can starve you whenever we like. You only have food because we have provided it to you from our table.

During the great depression we controlled the food. We heaped mountains of food behind fences and let it rot. The hungry were then made to work in our labour camps even though there was enough and more to feed them. Do you really think you can beat us? You say you will hoard gold coins so you will still have money in the time of the crash. We can simply pass a law which outlaws the possession of gold as we have done in the past. If we find gold in your possession, we would simply confiscate it and put you in prison for breaking the law.

While in prison you would be required to work in one of our prison industries. We have so formed a picture of the labour camps in our prisons these days that no one seems to object to them. We tell people that murderers should pay for their own keep.

No one seems to consider that we have the power to put tomato growers there also. We can pass laws that prohibit gardens and then make up some scientific reason why you may only buy food from our sources. If someone sees you growing tomatoes, they will report you to us and then we will have you in our fields working for us. Oh, silly nationalists, there is no escape for you, for since long before you were born, we were planning your capture.

Thank you for coming, I'm glad you still cherish virtue. I know I can't ever confirm the authenticity of the letter, but he says a lot of things still pertinent today.

This reads like it was written by a high school kid

I cringed through the first bit and one good critique for you .. you don't need to teach people to delight in violence ( pick up a history book )

You're really overdoing it with the hurr evil overlord tone

I didn't write this

Tell whoever did to suck a dead llama's dick then

I don't like what the author is saying, but these elites that constantly get everything they desire in life would reek with an edgelord air of superiority just like the author though.

Remember, think about how dumb the average person realize half the people are dumber than that!

his lack of prose and direction led me to skim it sounds like an under-achieving braindead sloth.

I wish I brought more to the table brother. Feel free to change the topic anytime.

Crooked Hillary is not a reptile. (She is)


what the fuck is star wars

I am going to stab an owl

That's very fitting. I always liked when they allow a scene in a movie be released that appears to have a healthy, genuine analogous message in it.

In the thread last night some posted this yellow-pill info, I got a lot out of it.

Sacred Geometry (or that's what they call it anyway)

Any anons here wonder what these shills endgame must be in their mind? The very groups that these people are working to elevate are the groups that would destroy them once their new place in society is given to them. Worst case scenario - the government gives in to BLM demands and decriminalizes many minor infractions such as public drunkeness and simple battery - the hard workers will have a movement destroying the place in society that they have worked to earn. I guess I'm trying to say that do these people really believe they can play dress up captain socialism with crime everywhere and no taxes and the country would thrive from that? I don't understand their thought methods/patterns. They don't know what they want in life. They were told what to want and they think its their idea.

Its like they can never be content. If they aren't fighting an impossible war against abstract social injustice then they panic. Did you guys see the BLM sweeden YouTube video today? Fucking insanity

Checked, and nice.

Do you have more?

Not on yellow pill, sorry brother

Tin foil alert.

I was told by a 33rd degree mason that he believed hillary was an actual witch...

then alex "the shill" jones interviewed her former head of security who said that hillary was a frequent participant in witches covens.

i dunno mane.

It's an election between a billionaire whom is retarded at anything other than making money and a legit force of evil.

I'll go with the former unfortunately.

yuri bezemov tier useful idiots is the only thing I can possibly think of. These people really believe cops are hunting unarmed niggers for fun etc.

I've been looking into the evidence that Alex Jones is really Bill Hicks working as a CIA Agent to establish controlled opposition. But yeah I understand where you're coming from.



please take only one!

You're right, and their victim complex grows more severe everyday

lurkmoar faggot


>some guy writing something is paranormal.
didn't do well in english did you?

I've been lurking since Romney. I'm 33 years old. Go shit up one of the 95 CTR threads.

This letter is fake bullshit

And I'm a firm believer of this New World Order stuff.

Filthy disgusting fucking Jewish serpent. God's Prince, his son, the Prince of Heaven will devour you whole filthy snake! Canaan a slave of slaves FOREVER!!!!!!!

Okay I can dig it. Would you mind sharing some info? The letter was just to get the ball rolling I read it as a viewpoint that's all.



Damn it... that guy was onto something

Satan isn't the bad guy.

Look up Joy Of Satan.

Oh big time man I remember learning about those Jews back on some forum in 2007 is when I first started seriously researching shit on my own about this.

It feels like they are pushing hard for a cashless society. Like moving towards RFID. I don't want that chip at all man. What are your thoughts on it? I have personal reasons I'm against it but also its another layer of liberty that they will strip from the citizens.

I don't know, man. But there is something weird and eerie about owls. A great horned owl stayed by my house and nearly every night this thing would "hoo... hoo, hoo" to high heavens. What really flipped me out it is, every time I would think about it being there it would begin to hoot, at the very second I thought about it.

I feel like it was there for a reason to communicate some kind of message. Seemed like more than a mere bird.

>there is evidence discussed and photos shared


This is babby's first conspiracy theory

Satan would destroy everything you stand for. He hates all humans, even his most loyal slaves he hates.

Anyone that has it implanted I will be able to take over their central nervous system and see out of their eyes and hear what they hear.

Nigger try me. I've been learning conspiracy since 9/11 happened.

>We run Hollywood. The movies such as Terminator and Armageddon, along with a great host of others, were simply created to get you thinking according to our directions. You have been made to delight in violence so that when we send you off to kill some bad man we have put before you, you move without a whimper.
>We have placed violent arcade games in your malls to prepare your young minds in the art of battle. We have made you to view our armies and police as the good forces and you submit to things that were unthinkable just a few decades ago. Our artful programs, are all designed to help you submit and even help the New World Order.
Humans were warlike and savage, ready to kill for minutia far before any new world order

Vikings? Goths? ring a bell?

>since 9/11

Like I said: babby's first


They killed that hacker that figured out how to wirelessly access insulin pumps. That security risk would have cost 15 figures or more to they killed him. Said he OD'd on heroin. Two weeks before he was going to show it at a conference in Vegas

I think an owl represents an angel. As is also implied in the movie The Fourth Kind.

Thank you for your contribution to the discussion. You really showed me.

their ideas are super retarded n flawed.
>they just want to "nervestaple" everyone.

anyone notice how this Extra terrestrial has similar facial structure to the OP picture?

The owl outline by the Nations capital building is anything but angel symbology I believe

Here's another one of Venus and Earth.

still on the fence about the Icke reptoids and such.

But based on the raw data theres no way there are not aliens.
>frankly amongst the scientific community the question is not "do they exist" its "what do we say back"

autistic neet role play overkill.. saged

At aBlack Hatconferencein 2010, Jack gave apresentationon "jackpotting", or exploitingautomated teller machinesto make them dispensecashwithout withdrawing it from abank accountusing abank card.[7][8]Jack gave demonstrations of different kinds ofattacksinvolving bothphysical accessto the machines and completely automated remote attacks. In both cases, malware was injected into the operating system of the machines, causing them to dispense currency fraudulently on the attacker's command. During the physical attack on anautomated teller machine(ATM) as demonstrated by Jack, the attacker takes advantage of their physical access to the target machine and uses a flash drive loaded with malware to gain unauthorised access to the machines allowing control over their currency dispensing mechanism.[9]During the remote attack,malwareis installed onto the target system via exploited vulnerabilities in theremote managementsystem, most notably the use of default passwords and remote managementTCP ports. The attacker then executes the malware, causing the target ATM to dispense a given amount of currency.

At theMcAfee FOCUS 11conference in October 2011 in Las Vegas, while working for McAfee Security, Jack first demonstrated the wireless hacking of insulin pumps, one worn by a diabetic friend and another of the same model on a bench set up for demonstration. Interfacing with the pumps with a high-gain antenna, he obtained complete control of the pumps without any prior knowledge of their serial numbers, up to being able to cause the demonstration pump to repeatedly deliver its maximum dose of 25 units until its entire reservoir of 300 units was depleted, amounting to many times a lethal dose.

At the RSA Security Conference in San Francisco in February 2012, using a transparent mannequin he demonstrated that he could wirelessly hack the insulin pump from a distance of up to 90 metres using the high-gain antenna.

have you mentioned this in another thread before? if you're not the same person, then this has happened to someone else/is happening and i mentioned that only after i started looking up this owl/minerva/nwo shit i notice i hear them too (i keep trying to convince myself it's just doves but i'm only trying to fool myself)
have i just gone crazy? the fuck man i'm legit scared. i've been up the last 4 nights with only ~6 hours total sleep. i can't keep my eyes off the monitor. this rabbit hole is too fucking deep

As cool as that is I don't think that's right because Venus orbits the sun in 225 Earth days. The discrepancy would be much more than the star.

That letter is not even remotely plausible. It's badly written, immature, and full of standard-issue, Alex Jones/Godlike Productions tropes. All it does is taken things we all observe on a daily basis and consolidate them into a giant LARP-fest.

Is there anything in it that we don't all know already?

Science fiction film trilogy made in the 70s that has since developed into like a fucking octalogy or some shit and video games, cartoons, toys, the whole nine yards. Tremendously popular with people of all ages, what shitty rock are you living under that you've never heard of Star Wars?

No, compare North Korea to Christianity, it's the same. Satan is for freedom, science, happiness.

Thank you for your input. I've never been a NEET for more than a week in all my 33 years. what are some of your lifetime accomplishments?

I meant a fallen angel, the owl is also on the dollar bill.

I think you were the same guy saying this kinda things in the Hillary threads

Don't give into fear my man. You need to fucking rest, remember that if you go insane that's another one down. Relax user.

Nothing new, no. My intent was just to use it to get discussion going.

At every point of the pentagram, the planet will have traveled many times around the sun. They are inferior conjunctions of Earth and Venus. At every 5 such points, it has made a pentagram.

but north korea banned christianity.
>its a hell hole not sure if you think its a great place or not???

Oh okay I gotcha now. I also agree now too

Understood - I didn't think About the times the lines were being drawn.

who said I had to accomplish anything ? I always thought i was just here to enjoy myself.

maybe though now that I think of it one of my accomplishments is having gained the ability to discern obsession and make believe from truth

I respect your point of view and I never forcibly push any religion on others so more power to ya. How old were you when you got started with Satan?

I like that - I believe that is a good skill to have.

Yes, its the principles. No free-thought, submit to authority, like as a slave, bow down, etc. It's like christianity banning paganism.

This is some truly shitty roleplaying, and anyone not saging this thread is a fucking retard and should be put down.

That's good. I don't consider christianity to be a religion of peace, but there are always people who don't live by the texts completely.


Don't think anyone is roleplaying here, OP just wanted to talk about this kinda shit.

Yes I have mentioned this before, don't worry. I haven't been able to trace a similar experience anywhere online.

>I never made a thread on Sup Forums before
and this shit is your first contribution?

That link doesn't work.

And I don't meet it would hoot EVERY time. Just very nearly every time, which gave me enough assurance to believe there was something up about it.

They look even spookier without their feathers.

You got Steam? Add me @agileFlow. I want to dig deeper.

Owls have always had an uncanny human resemblance

Quality gets. Praise kek and the ogdoad.

This is obviously just some schizo christfag role playing.

If shit really went down, people know exactly whose heads to collect.

>mfw the force is real

i for one welcome any non-ctr thread at the moment
that mail is probably just pasta just to rile up people

the NWO/Illuminati/Grove trail has been explored to its fullest extent IMHO, the only new thing since like 2005 is this referent to Moloch in that one mail

also some new pictures from early 1900s has surfaced.
this is all really fucking interesting and i sincerely belive that the worlds top leaders are recruited into this Scientology-on-Steroids cult
its really fucking scary

just think of what the Scientology people are able to do...they have no limits or moral boundaries
we have a whole world leadership doing that shit x1000


Dude that has happened to me twice and I almost went crazy. It was like the owl knew something I didn't know and wanted to share it with me.

>"Whooo are you?... Who? Who?... Who? Who?!... cuz I really gotta know... "

Down the hole I went... Now I'm stuck with a folder full of owl images and 1000 bookmarks.