Why are leftists such unapolagetic islamaboos, even though Islam is against everything they claim to stand for?

Why are leftists such unapolagetic islamaboos, even though Islam is against everything they claim to stand for?

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This is a girl?

they love the enemy they don't know.

they're just illogical

they both want to end western civilization

Anyone who is both for Islam and feminism has proven they are just following the crowd.

A lot of us aren't.

Both Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens were outspoken about Islam (Harris stilll is) and its ills.

The thing is that when a person on the left speaks out against Islam, they tend to also speak out against all religions and you right-wing morons ignore all of it because lumping Jesus in with Muslim hurts your fee-fees.


Modern liberals care mostly about looking more accepting than everybody else.

That comic is surprisingly uncharacteristic of Horsey.

>Why are leftists such unapolagetic islamaboos, even though Islam is against everything they claim to stand for?

Because they want them to vote for them

The only good Horsey cartoon

>hating your Dad enough to throw all reason aside

and If I were to say "not all of us are right wing christ cucks we just hate hypocrisy" your response would be?

Because they believe in the incoherent idea that morality is contingent on time and place.

Althiug it may seem that wait, there is no contradiction, no double-think.

The new-left simply stands against werstern civilization and its values.


>we portray ourselves as victims so we're morally superior in every conceivable sense
>no, we don't have to provide supporting reason for this

Whose hypocrisy? The people on the left who allow Islam a free pass? Well, many on the left don't even like that.

That's hardly any distinguishing characteristic.

>big glasses
spot on nigga


That's not even an argument that was remotely made.

You doubtlessly think it's relevant because it concerns Islam; your reading comprehension is woeful.


One of the loudest rallying cries of Hillary Clinton's campaign is that Islam needs to be saved from Donald Trump.

It IS a distinguishing characteristic. That's kind of why we are commenting on it.

>virtue signal to defend Islam
>have no idea what Islam actually is
>won't read the Koran because smug liberal
>won't read any history that isn't completely on the Marxist slant because smug liberal

Have some more smuggies

>race is a social construct
>don't be racist

The enemy of my friend is still my friend as long as he is the enemy of those GODDAMN RICH CIS-HET MALES.

Seriously, so many of them have been indoctrinated to believe that straight white men are so privileged and hateful that they by default support any group that they perceive to be oppressed, marginalized, or otherwise disliked by the great white male devil. The fact that these groups are incompatible is irrelevant, even when the two "oppressed" groups are more at odds with each other than either one is with the so-called privileged class. I seem to recall the citing of a situation where in the comments on some article about Muslim atrocities some liberals were all like "Well, that's what those CHRISTIANS would want to do if they ruled!" or some other deflecting nonsense.

tl;dr they are mostly illogical and their kneejerk defense of any "oppressed" group and hipster-like hatred of the popular/"privileged" overrides their application of any true critical thought and if you call them on it they just tune you out because you're a bigot who doesn't understand.

>Muslims will murder us on sight
>we can't conceptualize anything outside of our indoctrination so we don't actually believe that anyone thinks differently than us
>gets murdered on sight
>this is the the fault of A FUCKING WHITE MALE

Liberal racism is so fucking retarded that it may doom us all

How many times have we been told that Donald Trump is being used as a recruitment tool for ISIS? No matter what network you turn on you will hear it from a talking head at least once a week.

"Terrorism is the result of islamophobia" is a meme being peddled by the left. That is how both the victims and the shooter in Orlando can be venerated as victims of Christianity culture. "If only that poor vulnerable Muslim man hadn't felt so hurt by Christian islamophobes, he wouldn't have given in to the systemic hatred of gays that the Christian homophobes have created!"

That is the kind of mental gymnastics I had to put up with half the people on my facebook spouting and I'm just about ready to delete my account because of that kind of shit. I can't take it anymore. I don't think I can handle being "friends" with people who are openly that stupid anymore.

You are my hero for that comment user

Honestly? We just defend moderate and liberal Muslims from rhetoric which could lead to innocents being hurt. We kill radical Muslims, like Osama bin Laden.

Because leftism in its extreme, regardless whether some lefties are aware of it or not, is about destruction in its core. It's about destroying the old order and creating a new one. Islam along with multiculturalism is a perfect weapon to disintegrate the society, so they embrace it.

Cause they're retards

>still won't read the Koran
>thinks there is such a thing as a liberal Muslim

t. smug liberal that is so ethnocentric that he can't conceptualize alien cultures

You're probably a little too smart to be here. pol/ is mouth-breather territory. You're dealing with actual faggots.

just because they're non-white

they think it's just another kind of dindu with different tasty food and music and shit

and killing gays is dey culture


they are paid to


does anyone know breed of this dog? I have one like this but its halfbreed. I am retarded then it come to breeds
