>tfw I wanna watch Silicon Valley in the shared living room
>tfw roommates have girls over
I guess I'll be missing this episode
>tfw I wanna watch Silicon Valley in the shared living room
>tfw roommates have girls over
I guess I'll be missing this episode
why not go out into the other room and join them captain autismo
they might even give you the succ
Horrible idea. Don't cock block anyone. It's one thing if you were already in the room but no stay in your room.
Why don't you have a girl OP?
OP should just play hentai at full volume during the sex scenes to piss them off
>cock block
do you live in a parallel universe where reality is a 90s frathouse movie?
>goes out and sits down
>everyone stops talking and having fun
>user sits there in silence for full uncomfortable episode
>Tfw dumb Stacey whore keeps asking if it's The Big Bang Theory we're watching and keeps yelling "BAZINGA" every time Erlich is on screen
Nope I had brothers growing up that I would cock block all the time because I didn't know. Listen to me OP.
>>cock block
How is cock block not a real thing? Frenemies and female friends do it all day long