/trek/ - Star Trek General

Andorian Mining Consortium Edition


I think Shran had the coolest ship out of all the ships in the Star Trek series. Say what you want about ENT, the ships were by far the coolest looking.


Yeah, true. It was more of a reference of Combs as the Re-Animator, but considering Shran was first chronologically..

I read somewhere that his favorite role was Weyoun, but I honestly think Shran was a better chance for him to play out his parts. In a way his acting set the stage for both the Andorians and the Vorta.

I don't like the bridge but the hull configuration was sex.

Right, probably the sexiest ship in the series. Vulcan ships unfortunately looked like interstellar sex toys.

I liked the Vulcan ships too; they were very distinct and from a purely aesthetic standpoint they're probably my all-time favorites.

Why is she so perfect?

Wasn't Enterprise the first series where we got a decent look at a vulcan ship?


Giant new-age space dildos, ringed for our pleasure.

Yes, also First Contact

>Virtually zero chance of Orion slave girls in STD


Are you fucking kidding me?!?!
The Captain's Chair is a redress of the Voyager Captain'S Chair and the NAV/CONN console is a redress of the NAV/CONN of the USS Prometheus.

ENT was a fuckfest of redress and recycled props… and the first 3 seasons are shit…

>Nude Q suddenly appears on the bridge

What do?

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

I've noticed a high correlation between edgy Sup Forums posters and those that hate Enterprise.

Having sex with Hologirls is degenerate.

>tfw Leah will never belittle your work and life achievements


First two seasons are pretty meh, third season is loved or hated and the fourth season is top-shelf.


>References across TNG that people have sex with no consequence of STD or Pregnancy.
>People would naturally be a lot more slutty
>But you are still a NEET Virgin so no pussy for you
>Holodeck that lets you fufill any fantasy
>You are expected to play Sherlock Holmes adventure novels
>Immediately outcasted by your entire work because they broke into your files without your permission and found out you had a romance Holonovel with co-workers.



>You made the mistake of thinking Minuet was real
>But your mind said she was, how could you fall in love with a hologram
>*Fires phaser at helpless alien child wildly*

>Dukat did nothing wrong
He didn't gas the bajorans

Its the opposite. Ive been noticing left leaning anons calling anyone who likes Ent a Sup Forumsfag

It's neither. Both Ent-haters and Ent-lovers are diverse groups of people, some of whom post in Sup Forums and some of whom don't.

However, Ent's biggest fan on Sup Forums is a Sup Forums poster who spams pasta in every thread. I understand how this might influence the perception of ALL Ent fans, but I assure you, it's only one person whose life is that pathetic. The rest of us Ent fans are normal (or as normal as a 4channer can be).