Why is France so racist, Sup Forums? Don't they realize they just need to be more accepting of people who hate them?
>Of the country’s 2,500 mosques and prayer halls, approximately 120 of them have been suspected by French authorities of preaching radical Salafism, a fundamentalist interpretation of Sunni Islam, according to France 24.
>“There is no place ... in France for those who call for and incite hatred in prayer halls or in mosques … About 20 mosques have been closed, and there will be others,” Cazeneuve said.
>The mosque closures follow several high-profile attacks by Islamic extremists in the country in less than two years, including the recent murder of a Catholic priest in Normandy. France has been under a nationwide state of emergency since the ISIS attacks in Paris in 2015, which grants the state the ability to enforce tougher measures, including shutting down places of worship suspected of promoting radical views.