Donald Trump Promises to Ban Porn If Elected President

>trump wants to ban porn
>still complaining about feminazis

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That would probably be the best thing that could happen to the white people of United States of America


At this point porn should be banned. Augustus, the greatest Roman to ever live, would have done something similar. When there is such a moral tumor on society sometimes even the state has to respond.


Stop touching your own penis in an autoerotic orgasmic manner. Y Y YES DICTATOR DRUMPF I SALUTE YOU WITH MY LIMP KEKCOCK WUTEVER YOU SAY BAWS ISNT HE SUCH A """gOD""" EMPEROR?

reminder censorship is OK with Sup Forums as long as they get to be contrarian

Porn is a serious problem.

You know who is behind porn right?

That's right.


Good thing you're an island we dont need your stupid up here with all the extra stupid we got in our pants

The fedora is a porn watcher though. This won't mess with your cuck porn, so don't worry.

So you are below fedora's ?

Yea, child porn, you degenerate pedophile.

Porncultivates a culture of complacent wishers instead of go getters.

Good.move by Trump

Wow what a hypocrite

as long as he doesn't ban mlp porn I am good with that :^)

post yfw your inner struggle to be for or against this

>mlp porn
Oh wait I was gonna call you a sick fuck but then again I look at loli porn.

This. We empower the state as our agent to clean up garbage for us. Pron is garbage. Cleanup time.

He wants to crack down on porn, especially child porn to stop child predators like you OP. I'm behind him arresting scumbags like you all the way.

Atleast you aren't supporting the (((porn industry)))

If trump threatens to ban normal vanilla porn (like bukkake) he loses my vote

desu the best thing to do wouldn't be banning porn, it would be banning the internet all around
I feel like the retardation of people reached a critical threshold as soon as the internet and social network websites became popular

>(((porn industry)))
True but I might be supporting the Hentai Industry.

Feminists are, not surprisingly, aware of how dependent they are on the continual overstimulation of men's sexual desires. This leads them to take a number of political stances that are seemingly at odds with the idea of female empowerment, e.g., pro sex work, pro porn, pro pedophilia, etc. Unless men are placed in a constantly addled state of arousal, feminist hegemony will quickly evaporate.

Does ANYONE pay for porn anymore? 90% of it is completely free, and even obscure fetish videos can be easily shared

Retourne sur le 15-18, Mohammed. Les grandes personnes parlent ici.

I really hope it escalates until even sexual innuendos are illegal and we get lewd and perverted girls like that one anime I mildly enjoyed.

Good. I can live without porn, I cannot live with modern feminism.

Surprisingly there are people who pay for porn, but I bet most of their revenue comes from advertisements.

Explique moi d'abord en quoi j'ai tort Abdul fdp

>Porn is a serious problem.

Prove it.

>Jews are behind porn

Thank you for setting the record straight. This only the 600th time ive seen this same thread.

>.02 cents deposited into your account

Wrong, all porn.

I actually think that, if it were possible, limiting the porn industry would be a positive thing although outright banning it is too much.
t. addicted to porn

ololo FDP FDP. encore un petit con qui dit "PLS" tout le temps. Tu régis comme le dernier des USUL avec tes extrèmes ! "whaaaa bannisson internet."

nice try shillbot

trump's going to save western civilization. fuck yes I will give up porn for trump if he asks me too

The pledge is not about money. The pledge is about shutting down websites like pornhub and Sup Forums. Pornhub is literally mentioned.

sadly true

hitler didnt like porn either

>child porn
That's already illegal, baka.
Unless you think drawn cartoon little girls is somehow close to real cp of real children getting raped.

source on that?

I'd let them ban porn if we legalize prostitution.

>teen porn

Répond fdp, qu'est-ce que Twitter et Facebook ont apporté de positif à nos sociétés?

Guess the ethnicity of the guy who owns Bangbros. Guess the ethnicity of the guy who owns Blacked.

And? That neither proves that Jews are behind porn nor that porn is a problem.

Porn is a degenerative psyop drug


ololol fdp fdp
Putain tu parles comme un ptit rebeux c'est presque cringy

>That's already illegal, baka.
Its not illegal to pretend, though, and up play the young teen hooker abuse angles like why they went after max hardcore.

>hitler didnt like porn either

Because Hitler hated men.

Ban porn.

Legalize prostitution.

Take away the shady middlemen in the porn industry.

The only porn on tube sites is either cuckstuff or incest. Something really does need to be done about this degeneracy.

Besides, I make my favorite porn myself.

no you fucking autist he did not hate men

he glorified men and women and porn was degrading to women

And? Just two of hundreds of thousands porn makers.

Tu te sens obligé de foutre des mots anglais au milieu de phrases en français fdp?
Y'a trop de lettres dans "embarassant" ou quoi fdp?


good for him. I quit drinking recently and I admit until now I never was even inclined to fap. Now I do it a lot and feel immense guilt afterwards.

My brother! I'm with you.

once a girl turns 18, if she so desires it is perfectly legal to watch her take the D at full force. Does Trump want to push the age of consent up to 30? insanity

>no you fucking autist he did not hate men

Action speak louder than words.

>porn was degrading to women

Yup, that's what a feminist would say.

>Does ANYONE pay for porn anymore? 90% of it is completely free, and even obscure fetish videos can be easily shared
I remember back in the 90's--hell, even as recent as the early 2000's--how hard it was to find any specific kind of fetish porn.

Kids today will never know the pain of having to sort through BBSes and find posts before they get deleted that told us which IRC channels would have the bots, and then half the time it was just some shitty executable instead of actual content in a zip file.

You heavily exaggerate.

All the porn makers can fit in one convention hall aka those yearly porn award conventions.

Would be amazing to get a trump quote on Sup Forums after being told what it was, pol would be pro hillary that afternoon

Oh this too

maybe the age of doing porn and the age of consenting to sex should be different to him


considering females and males had traditional roles in nazi germany i think you're retarded

non degenerate is different from femenist

Good. You can't ban art, so I'll stick to 2D.

He probably just doesn't want her to be able to roll play as a child whose mother is whoring her out to the yoga instructor to teach her how to be a little slut.

>I want to ban kikes

There are maggots coming out of this cock.

> that image
> big government is cancer

Guess I'm #SuckingTheJohnson now

>Wants to ban porn
>Wants to ban violent videogames

Whelp, he lost my vote.


>"Pornography is deployed today as a psyop or mind weapon: to pacify, control, brutalize, and ultimately enslave the masses."

Except that porn leads to less rapes.

>males had traditional roles

Yes, as cannon fodder.

Age of consent is after having first blood. This is of course our people and future. So sorry not sorry.

>we love the idea of banning porn now that Dear Leader supports it!

You guys are such transparent fucking sheep. I hate using that term, but how else do we even describe this phenomena? You guys have gone back on virtually everything you stand for to support Trump at this point. You can be violently, vehemently against something and then Trump says we should do it and you start sucking down semen like the huge cuckold faggots you are.

I just wish he'd say something blatant like "Women in media/video games should be decent, so we're going to crack down on Japanese animu sluts". That would really test your faith in dear leader.

It leads to less everything, that is what pacify means.

so you want all the women to go to war or what my nig

I am a genuine oldfag on Sup Forums and just want to say to whomever created this thread:

You indeed won me over to Hillary's side. Good job, you're on to something here. Spread the word

I would be fine with 3D porn being banned and only 2D porn allowed to exist.

Nobody can spread STDs in 2D porn.

Degenerates these days give STDs so many chances for mutation that some STDs like Chlamydia are much stronger and more resistant than their early generations.

>correlation = causation

It couldn't be more obvious that he's a Hillary plant at this point and yet these dummies will deny the obvious just for the memes

>trump's going to save western civilization.

By establishing a totalitarian police state that will lead to more crimes. Sure, retard, sure.

>Trump bans porn
>Melania uses her first lady status to campaign for the imporance of family
>white births skyrocket

why would anyone oppose this?

>genuine oldfag
>not National Socialist

nobody is buying this

I never pretend to not be 100% OK with righteous censorship. Protecting Whites from Jewish poison is righteous.

Singapore barely has any crime.

There is no such thing as causation in social sciences.

Video games? When did he say this and why?

Ban irl porn all you want, Mr. Trump, but don't touch our 2D waifus pls.

Trump is literally the savior of western civilization holy shit.

This just made my raging hard on for Trump even harder.

Just more proof of how great trump is as a leader. What other man could convince so many people of this?

I was going to, but I realized how expensive a brazzar's membership is

Then I was looking for online dvds. Couldn't find one, but I know they exist.

I prefer paid because of the quality of it. No 360p bullshit

You can take my porn from my cold dead hands but op did not post a link. Probably does not actually wany to ban porn but make some regulations for preventing child porn

Why do shills think banning porn is a bad thing? Probably because it's all they look at in between shitposts on irrelevant Papua New Guinean bug-catching sites.

Porn is unironically lowering birth rates in whites and ruining white relationships.

Just saying.

did a bit more research into it

he literally just wants to enforce existing laws on minors in porn and obscenity (obscenity was used to throw Max Hardcore in jail, remember? Expect no more FacialAbuse and vomit porn if Trump is president)

He will make anime real, only Hentais matter.

masturbate without porn, faggots


>17 Dec 2012
Never mind.

>masturbate without porn, faggots
to what? Our imagination?