Trump will fail.
Trump will fail
The revolution is coming fascist scum
>by electing Hillary, who is the establishment.
you don't make much sense.
America was never great.
The IWW used to be good but now they've been suckered into the typical basic bitch SJW bullshit.
Face it, the Left doesn't care about workers rights as it does promoting cultural Marxism i.e. political correctness.
Why do trumpfags bleed so easy?
According to that OP bait then nothing humans have ever been was great.
You know nothing aboht the IWW. I bet you totally care about the working class, voting and shilling for a spray tanned capitalist with small hands.
You will fail, shitposter.
Why do leftist's get btfo when they have bigger numbers?
I used to be an avowed socialist back in my formative years, before I realized the Left would rather ramble on about transgenders in bathrooms than protecting American industries.
Face it. You no longer control the narrative.
Trumpfags love getting beaten down
Time for the revolution
Have you ever seen a leftist rally? They are all disgusting out of shape mongoloids. All the women are fat whales and all the guys are skinny beta fags.
Oh, thanks for Correcting the Record, OP
Leftism appeals to lowest common denominator, always has, always will. Those with heroic instincts always go right-ward.
Honestly, if I were a leftist in the US I would be terrified right now. I think that's why we're seeing these weird, spergy reactions like OP's.
They know their end is approaching swiftly. Not because of Trump, but because Trump is popular. It doesn't matter if Trump wins or loses, 2017 is going to be fucking crazy, and no one is less prepared than your average American liberal.
Then what?
Sorry I'm late
merely stating the obvious will get you nowhere here
Trumpfags are easily triggered, its hilarious!
>leftist rallies
Pictured is your typical trumpfag shilling for his capitalist masters
You're half the posts in this thread its getting embarrassing watching you try to bump your thread just try again later
no xD
>We need to overthrow this system by keeping the same people in charge!
that's why i've been lurking here shit is just sad
can i have job please, ill shill for da hill
Trumpfag sent to the ER after being beaten down LOL
What do you mean what's next? The fucking revolution
>We need those Muslim immigrants. Massive numbers of leaches on the system will totally help us out in the long run.
why do you think Revolutionary Communists want to elect Hillary Clinton
Trumpfags get beaten so easy, why is that?
>Overthrow the system
Hillary won't do that.
You think a billionaire like trump is gonna do anything for you idiots?
how much of your college fund have you sent to bob avakian?
Didn't happen 27 years ago, ain't happening now.
Saged and hidden.
I feel like I'm totally falling victim to a low-quality bait here, but for Christ's sake, electing Hillary Fucking Clinton is the opposite of overthrowing the system.
I'm sitting here doing mental gymnastics trying to follow this logic. Please tell me what specific systems need to be overthrown, and how electing Hillary Clinton, a horribly corrupt, corporate globalist, will successfully dismantle said systems. Perhaps we should start by dismantling the welfare system?
I'm so fucking tired of this vague, baseless liberal rhetoric.
sage goddamn it
This thread is shit. Enough of the shill trheads
Why do fascist governments always get overthrown? Mussolini got hung, hitlers pussy ass shot himself.
same reason communists fall
Probably the same reason why left-wing dictatorships implode or wallow in their own mediocrity.
Commie governments don't have that much better a track record. Not to mention the toll they take on their own people.
And as for Mussolini, reminder that the commies who went to retrieve him from his cell for execution were so cowardly they had to pretend to be rescuing him just to find out if he had a "hidden weapon".
Because unlike lefties they still have hearts to pump blood through their veins
>posting pics from the rally where antifaggots outnumbered the "fascists" 5 to 1 and still ended up getting stabbed with their OWN knives
Not exactly making your case.
Didn't they win that battle like 30v300.
Communists got btfo
Stalin is the obvious choice
easily the shittiest one I have ever read
the originals are funny because we all know a person like pic related. Hardly anyone knows an actual Sup Forumstard IRL because they hide out online since their opinions are socially unacceptable.
FFS I can't believe I have to explain this, what am I doing with my life
Lolin hard at all you beta trump classcucks
I know this is pointless bait and all but i'll bite.
Around 1% of Americans owned slaves. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting to end slavery.
This is an election of Trump, who has called out globalism vs. Hillary, who is probably the most pro establishment corruption candidate you could find. The choice is clear to me, shill. Look at the big picture.
Cool dude. Capitalism gives us skyscrapers owned by banks and insurance companies!
When will USA pay the blacks and reds and Browns for their warcrimes?
>Hitler shot himself
Good one, shill.
I know plenty of people with opinions that fall in line with Sup Forums except the edgy white power shit
Sliding slide thread with Jew jokes.
Q: "How many Jews can you fit in a Volkswagen?"
A: "Two in the front, three in the back, and six million in the ashtray!"
>remember to sage when trolling sliders so you don't bump the thread
Treading on you;)
Correctamundo! That's what a great civilization is all about!
While communism gives us commieblocks owned by the state. And starvation.
Hell, in some places they didn't even have toilets in them because that was too "bourgeoisie", they expected everyone to share communal outhouses. Romania still has a nation wide toilet shortage because of Ceausescu.
I'd rather be a "classcuck" than a statecuck who can't even poo in loo.
Trump will fart
bash the fash