>gays should be executed
Unpopular opinion thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tattoos and the heavier piercings are degenerate as fuck
>Gays are mostly fine, but it shouldn't be an excuse to be a total whore in public
>Any form of affirmative action to get minorities hired is wrong, if you really care then give them incentives to get degrees or training
>That should not include lower standards for letting them into universities or jobs though
>Women are mostly batshit insane, confidence and money are more attractive to them than almost anything else
>Video games are not degenerate as long as it's not life consuming
>People should work out or stay fit in some way, PE in schools should always be a thing, but make it useful
Etc etc
that is not an unpopular opinion
>gays should be allowed to adopt
that is an unpopular opinion.
Free market doesn't fix everything.
Education is not a right.
Men grow vaginas when they marry one
whoever wants to murder a class of people is subhuman
>Healthcare in the US is too expensive
The Supreme Court is not supposed to be partisan.
Which is apparently an unpopular opinion these days.
Sharia requires it. Hillary's surrogate Khan advocates. That's what a vote for Hillary gets you, dead gays.
That's a *popular* opinion. It's also entirely wrong.
you have to go back 2 red IT
OP is a faggot. Oh wait. That's no an unpopular opinion. Faggot. Sincerely, a faggot.
holy shit i tried so hard and so many options before the fucking thing decided my post wasnt' spam
what I wanted to say,,,,
>l i t e r a l l y, h e l l o r e d d i t
wow if you eve try to do that phrase in the context of a larger post this fucking gay ass website still won't let you post. i gotta find a new place to shitpost thats the only answer
so long pol you fucking fallen angel
>Illegals should be jailed, forced to work hard labor, and then sent back
>Companies that hired them should be forfeited to the government
Many things
>All mentally deficient humans need to be put down
>This rule applies to anybody under the gay or homosexual sexual preference
Quite simply it's because they cannot carry on their genes to another generation (and frankly they don't deserve to) and isn't favored in nature
>This rule applies to the mentally retarded in the tier of being handicapped in some form or another
They're a drain on resources and a waste of space. Keeping them alive only prolongs the suffering of their caretakers and the whole of everyone who doesn't get food for every time crushed up liquids are pumped into their useless veins
That really isn't an unpopular opinion
Using the phrase r e d d i t isn't allowed
And nothing of value was lost.
Get gays to have surrogate children. They're one of the most highly educated groups of people. That is definitely better to pass down versus having hordes of "muh dik" roaming the streets.
>democracy was a mistake
>monarchy worked, but there should have been a better method of selecting rulers beyond "lol muh son"
>government should be all powerful and capable of enforcing it's rule
>government should also be populated by intelligent leaders that know when to apply that authority, and when to let the plebes do as they please
>freedom is a degenerate meme that has led to the widespread scourge of obesity, drug use, and selfish individualism
>autonomy is good, freedom is cancerous
>anyone who uses the "right to rebel" argument for gun rights is a disgusting sub-human treasonous worm
>gun rights is still extremely good, as it allows for citizen self-defense, thus cutting down on the amount of police and administrative bureaucracy needed
>imperialism is good, and the idea of a nation having an inherent right to sovereignty is laughable
>the most utopian form of society would be an extremely powerful state that, for the most part, stays out of civilian affairs and uses its tax dollars to pursue goals that plebes would never care about
>global unification is good, globalism is leftist cancer
What about bisexuals?
Shunned for their repulsive tendencies. Aside from that they should be weeded out as well
same thing
Oh, and
>eugenics is a moral imperative
>unrestricted capitalism and population growth is dangerous, and once global unity is achieved, we must transition into sustainable growth
>this isn't even about "muh environment" or "muh trees", this is about humanity potentially exausting non-renewable resources vital to our civilization, industry, and economy before we can progress enough to find a suitable replacement
>if we don't do this, we run the risk of trapping our entire species in a pre-industrial state
Age of Consent should be lowered to 12
you gunna say the same when youre right to free speech is taken away you lil bitch nigga
>falling for the women meme
Oh I'm laffin.
ahhh i see now
But bisexuals can still have white children and raise them to be good little memelords
Achmed please just leave you're gross
A good portion of the CTR shills aren't actually affiliated with CTR and it's just ironic shitposting
Doesn't mean it isn't happening at all, but there's a lot of copycats now along with the legit shills
Albanians are white
Kosovo is Albanian soil
Macedonia should also be Albanian soil
Those are only unpopular to Serbs
Anyone who thinks "gays should be executed" should be executed xd