This board is pure evil

You understand that you are the bad guys, right? Please tell me you understand that. You people glorify nazis, deny the holocaust and vilify Jews. You hate non whites, you hate women, you hate the LGBTQ.

I don't know what happened to you that made you so hateful, but this isn't the answer!

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to sage slide threads


You do realize we are a death cult and want it all to fucking burn right?


What makes you so sure we're the bad guys?

Do not despoil the image of Kek with such profane words, you heretical shill

What are the bad guys?

I thought morality was subjective, though? Since there's no God there is no absolute moral compass in reality. So we aren't actually bad guys because there are no bad guys.

At least if you go by liberal logic.

Hang yourself with rope by the neck until dead.

You want to keep an economy based on exponential growth going on a negative birthrate, while you choose to infect people with ideologies that either leave them old and alone or single parents with damaged broken kids in pain, while performing acts that physically damage them.

WHILE at the same time stripping them of any and all immaterial comforts and connections, in the name of virtue to a faceless entity who will just pass on the bill to shrinking numbers of productive citizens.

Last ditch efforts to stop the spiral downward will ultimately lead to the abolishment of retirement age, or literal break down where the most vulnerable and helpless are preyed upon by the packs of third worlders you imported in a mad attempt to stimulate the economy and seek virtue signaling, when all counter productive evidence shows they are a tax burden, resent the dominate culture, and are usually much happier in their home countries given ACTUAL* opportunity, rather then the mythos surrounding Western civilization.

And you call us evil.

I don't. I'm a Christian and what you guys are doing goes against everything taught in the church. Save your souls. What you people are doing is insane!


Also a Christian, btw. Who will better serve our interests and let us live in peace?

The alt-right needs a save space, leave them alone!


If that is your aim, you could have fooled me. All I see on this board is NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER KIKE KIKE KIKE and some nonsense conspiracy that Jews are trying to genocide the white race. Maybe if you were serious about that you said you'd stop glorifying Hitler.

>You hate non whites, you hate women, you hate the LGBTQ.
A significant portion of this board comprises these three groups you fucking intersectional racist sexist shitlord

You're on the wrong side of history.

but this is just a anime imageboard.

>you hate women, you hate the LGBTQ.

Is this a new tactic of attributing negative things to Sup Forums that actually aren't there? Its Muslims that hate women and gays.

>nonsense conspiracy that Jews are trying to genocide the white race

Gas the kikes, race war nao?

>I don't know what happened to you that made you so hateful
Evil ? That's the real life m8.

>You understand that you are the bad guys, right?


its just satire we're really a board of peace :)

Welcome, brother! Remember. The world will hate you, but He has conquered the world. Preach the gospel to these heathens with love patience and respect.

You forgot the human sacrifices for the frog god

I agree

You know this place is all shitposting anyway right?

This is a peaceful anime forum ;)


We are not good nor evil.

We are the sober thought that follows a streak of hollow decadence.

We are but the natural consequence of unchecked power run amuck.

We are the fire that occasionally cleanses mankind.

It's only getting hotter.

Why israel are not taking refugees ? And why JEWS push for multiculturalism at the same time?

Explain these two

Sup Forums is a board of peace

I know you're a fucking shill or a shitposter, so I'll bite.

Good job reading your fucking history book in high school. Go do some real research on what really happened during the holocaust. Then tell me that the existence of Israel isn't one of the most fucked up countries to have ever been created, and the biggest lie.

And this isn't a Jew conspiracy. If anything it's actually a russian conspiracy to humiliate Germany. But look into it if you're really serious



Kill yourself and stop using our memes, shitlord.

You're being disingenuous

Yes, Muslims hate women and gays, but there's also daily posts about the same shit here

Remember to sage

Israel can say whatever they want I don't care for their reasons. It's not like we're going to let them in just because Israel says we should.

The thing that's really sad is that we are right.

Y-yes we can.

But the Muslims explode at inopportune times dipshit.

Let's spread #I'mwithher to support the most experienced presidential candidate ever.

Let's donate $10 stop racism and hate.

I know, rite. I used to come here on daily basis, had some good discussions and all, but then I just realized that these are not normal, nor good people I'm "hanging out" with on this playground called Sup Forums. People have all these conspiracy theories in their mind and so much hate towards other people that it's just insane. I'm sure that most people on this board have more or less severe mental issues.

I really don't wanna come here anymore, but only to maybe find more info if there's a happening going on.

nigs gonna nig

I like your flag, user.

Have sex

We're the hateful ones.

It's reeeaaaal fucking easy getting mad at some shitposters.

A hell of a lot easier than confronting the actual tough shit out there. Shit that might confront you right back.

You forgot about Muslims, we hate them too

Apart from the fact that most of the people here would completely abandon their beliefs if there was even a small chance a girl wanted to fuck then


A lot of us are Jewish, female, non-white and/or LGBTQ

You need to relax and stop being such a pussy about the banter

>mfw I'm black
>mfw reading this post
wtf I hate black people now I am now a #hillaryistheactualracistandwelfareismodernslavery

Sup Forums is the least racist board there is. We speak to people from other countries on a daily basis, far more often than anyone else. We have flags to confirm that.

Want to know who really hate's the LGBTQ? Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims. Try being a faggot in Africa or the Middle east. KEK

>you hate the LGBTQ.

If you don't like it leave faggot, no one wants you here

>tfw were now between stage 1 and 2

>what you guys are doing goes against everything taught in the church.
>exposing faggotry, lies and corruption is not what the church taught
>promoting degeneracy and female supremacy is what the church taught

Anyone who doesn't sage this shit thread should be banned
Too late cuck, you can NEVER leave us

You know this board is satire right?

True. I guess we don't have to worry about guys like you exploding

Look faggot, we are the guardians of free speech. We say the things others aren't willing to. That they're afraid to. Because of you.

That's right: you're the bad guy. This bullshit nigger safe space where you can't stand to hear anything but sunshine and rainbows. You're the reason we can't tell people when the fuck up anymore. You are the enemy of progress and free thought.

Now go take your jihad back reddit. Or better yet, just shove your head in the sand in Syria. They'll take good care of you because you're so tolerant.

Sage goes in all fields.

Educate yourself

Nothing but. I've never meant a word I said.

We dindu nuffin.

We wuz Vietnamese rice farmers 'n shieeeeet.

> It's not like we're going to let them in just because Israel says we should.

Then why do Israeli billionaire nationalists like Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, Sheldon Anderson, Leslie Wexner, etc; collectively spend tens of millions of dollars to advocate for immigration in America, and spend half as much advocating for closed boarders in Israel? I don't fall for a good chunk of Sup Forums memes. But there are collective actions by certain circles of wealthy people who spend a lot of money lobbying and petitioning congress to do exactly what you're claiming they're not doing.

Surely you can at least look at these groups and think they're somewhat suspicious in the least?

Please don't announce sage.

>hate Jews
>bad guys
Nice try, Shlomo.

It's called reality.

"Nazi" is a slang term created by ZOG. National Socialists were and are the good guys. This truth will become accepted by even the normalfags very soon.

i don't hate women, i love them! especially the jewish ones i keep in the rape dungeon... wait, what was the question again?

Calm down OP, it's a joke board. No one here is sincere.

It is the final answer.


Nope, my religion is actually peaceful, unlike yours, you dumb fucking dunecoon sandnigger piece of shit.

Thank you for Correcting the Record™


Israel is closing borders while the same juden demand other nations have to open theres.

these are all marvelous traits, worthy of any patriotic healthy male specimen. being a jewed cuck is an abomination in the eyes of kek. and no one here hates women, we just show our love in a different way! you have to protect your livestock lest it comes corrupted and stained with disease!

Hoo boy. I was raised as a Christian too. I am a Christian. Just not a blind one, being led by the blind.

You need to revisit Revelations. Where Christ warns of those who claim to suffer as Jews, but are not actually Jews, and what they really are--the synogogue of Satan.
The protestant church will not teach you this. The church is largely blind. Blind leaders make for blind followers.

Actually, I think you'll find 99% of Sup Forums advocate for equal treatment of all races.
This makes us 'racist' in the modern age, because it means doing away with actual racism like affirmative action.

Basically, the left operates on an axiom that the only difference between races is skin colour, and therefore if one group has more successful members than the other group, it is only due to racism. Unless we're talking about basketball, of course, then blacks are just better than whites. Sup Forums rejects this axiom, and for that, we are vilified.

nigs stompin on a man for minutess

It's LGBTQAI+ now you ignorant homophobe!