Trump might quit
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I can imagine Trump dying after this, maybe crying and putting a revolver to his head.
At the funeral I can imagine Hillary laughing then remarking
"He's a quitter"
And nothing of value was lost.
yeah, and Bernie can still take it to the conventionm
Thank you Dahnald
I know. Why would you settle for POTUS when can you be king.
Thats what I was thinking.
But could Bernie really do anything without congress agreeing with him? Well, thats way thinking ahead.
Right now the choices are Hilary the unlikeable, and Trump the unpredictable racist.
>increasingly nervous
>he took it seriously
I love that the beginning of the end of the Trump campaign, and ultimately the Republican party .. the catalyst if you will .. was a patriotic gold star Muslim American family armed with nothing but a well worn pocket constitution.
After Bush .. and Cheney .. and Rove .. and Ashcroft .. and Rumsfeld .. and Palin .. after the tea party, and birthers, and Hobby Lobby .. after a full decade of disinformation from FOX News ..
It's the perfect way to initiate the closure.
And the hordes of chubby, jobless virgins of Sup Forums Sup Forums will be left with nothing but the Ron Paul image macros they so desperately cling to, praying for a happening that will never happen, because they can only wait for things to happen to them, rather than make things happen for them.
Its not a normal election year.
Jeb will raise from the ashes like the legenda phoenix turtle of Guatemalan folklore.
kek el rato finally gets all those delegates
After so many mistakes made by Trump, I'm beginning to wonder if he really is a shill for Hillary.
No hope now. Thanks Trump you royally fucked us in the ass.
This thread again?
Top fucking kek, this shill thought you were serious!!!!!!!!!
Guess I am an idiot then.
The news article seems way to puffy.
That's what you hope is going to happen, hasn't actually happened. But you know what HAS actually happened right? That Faggot Muslims Faggot son is dead. It's pretty Goddamn funny. I bet he cried like a bitch when he got the news. The sexiest part about the whole thing is that it was his fellow Muslims that ended his sons worthless life. LOL
>Carries constitution in his breast pocket.
How convenient for those times you need gimmicks and props.
>Not having the US constitution app on your phone.
Is this nigga serious?
Bloomberg had the perfect opportunity to run against the two dumpster fires as an independent. His liver will not like the what-ifs.
>I bet he cried like a bitch when he got the news
nah his son hated him
I bet he laughed his ass off because the ungrateful little bitch died.
He just raised 80million and people think he might quit? Fucking laughable.
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>Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated.
>t. xXxDarknessShroud69xXx
Trump will win.
You are upset that Drumpfs true nature has finally been exposed. His campaign is falling apart. He has told nothing but lies about Hillary, and now he is a nervous wreck.
We will not vote for hate. We will stand true, and we will be stronger together.
>people unrelated to Trump consider the idea of Trump dropping out
Is this the shill's witching hour or some shit? Reeks of sage in here.
All he has to do is hold on and he wins.
Reagan won because the democrats were split like they are now.
Lincoln won because the democrats were split as well.
It won't be any different this time.
>Trump might quit
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.
>if we keep saying it it might come true
lol holy shit hillary's camp must be in fucking meltdown mode
their candidate is basically a walking corpse and nobody is showing up for her rallies
and despite having all of msm against him trump is still winning
hahahha soros must be shitting his diapers right about now
>Republican legal expert
The fuck is this
Is anyone else worried about Trumps mental state?
He's already been shown to be sensitive over comments and criticism and the attacks are just going to get worse and more vicious as the election goes on. He's becoming more and more alone with republicans outright betraying him.
Nope. Sourceless agenda piece coming from one of Clinton's biggest donors
ABC / Disney.
Shills have been spamming it all day.
>Trump might quit
>#NeverTrump fags are spazing out at his "deplorable behavior," and saying they want to replace him, but Trump doesn't give a shit about their opinions
>a bunch of randoms scrambling to find a replacement candidate when the nominee doesn't even want to quit
No clue why this is even newsworthy.
>trump dropping out after getting the nomination
Never going to happen, fuck these stupid articles.
>15,000 people at the rally in Florida
>it's all ogre!
If Trump quits I'm going to be so depressed. I want to see Hillary win by a landslide.
Bromie, bromo, broseph, bro, you fucked it up its
>Trump will quit! And if he doesn't, Hillary will CRUSH him!
Meanwhile in the Real World:
trump would never "voluntarily" drop out, if he drops out it's because he realizes that he's working against almost the entire republican establishment plus the entire democrat establishment plus the entire media establishment. there's only so much one man can do against those odds.
If he quits who, legally, would take his place? Pence because he was VP or a different candidate from the Republican nominees?
>Republican officials are exploring how to handle a scenario that would be unthinkable in a normal election year: What would happen if the party's presidential nominee dropped out?
The night is young you LARPer White males. Clinton operatives are working overtime, and we'll be doing it for free.
...You're a piece of shit.
This is definitely a shill post.
As much as Trump lashes out when he's insulted, he seems to be one of the few Republicans on an even keel in made-up storms. Just look at Gingrich and Giuliani who both went into panic mode after the mainstream media piled on Trump again over the past week.
By the way, here's the latest from cuck central:
>“He just seems willfully destructive and willfully sort of sadistic about other Republicans,” said Rick Wilson, a Florida-based GOP consultant who has spoken out against Trump for more than a year. “Finally, people are like, ‘No more. We’re done. We’re not playing this game anymore.’”
Trump didn't sound like quitting in Florida.
>there's only so much one man can do against those odds.
Trump would never back down in that situation. That would only make him want to win more.
This is all a game, you retard.
Bloomberg is an anti-gun piece of shit.
pence would get btfo, he has shit policies. ron paul is still alive, he would get all the bernouts