Do we have a contingency plan?
What if we Lose?
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Path of light.
Civil war.
The nuclear bomb will give us all super powers and we will transcend humanity.
step 1) laugh as america crumbles do to it's own retarded liberalization
step 2) next time they say "this isn't your country" tell them we'll just make a country that is ours and declare independence in texas.
step 3) shoot everyone who opposes us.
t. #ImWithHer
I wish. I don't do well with self help books.
wow, even looks like merkel more and more everyday.
>I am staring Outer Heaven
>Become a Jack the Ripper for SJW's and Feminist
Use your second amendment and kill yourselves.
Since the lefties all claim they will move to Canada if Trump wins, do you have to move to Russia if Hillary wins?
we'll survive
t.b.h. Trump winning might be the best thing that could happen to liberals.
next iteration it turns violent
i live about 120 miles away from a several thousand foot gorge. i will either die or learn to fly
It's coming, Sup Forums
Further destabilization for sure.
Cyanide capsule + 9mm aspirin
mai new waifu.
short hair and trump!
>do to it's own retarded liberalization
>do to it's own retarded
>do to it's own
>do to it's
>do to
I don't think you're in any position to proclaim others as "retarded", user.
Looks like Sally Kohn.
Here's an idea you faggots: next time, nominate a fucking centrist instead of your favorite looney toon fotm FFS
I ll start making a bunker for the upcoming WW3 i suggest you do the same .
I hope not.
Colonize a Gaia world and name it 'Haven'.
Watch the world burn.
i'll fucking sissy slap fight you for her, bitch!
i'm going to love her and hug her forever!
Convert to Judaism en masse. If you can't beat em, join em.
Fuck of Khazar.
Meh.. we're only at the "apathy" stage. Still 30-50 years away from "faith". I'll be long dead by then.
this has potential.
>convert to judaism
>wait a few years
>move to israel
>claim that a muslim is occupying your rightful house and take it.
>be proud nationalist without repercussions
Fine just no tribute pics.
We need to lose to purge the party of the degenerate trumpists. Tump is destroying the GOP.
Faith is reconstruction of society though.
It's Bondage you should be afraid of.
furious fapping
>having any form of doubt
do it to yourself. do it right into the neck
I pretend to be a Jew as a shield to deflect accusations of racism
>Say something racist
>Get called out
>Oy vey! I'm a Jew and know all about racism! 6 million...etc
Works every time
That's not a plan nigger.
There is no end to the treachery. The media is conspiring against the people. They have successfully fooled a large part of the population to ignore her crimes. They are a fifth column. People seem to die around her. She cheated her way to the nom. You think she isn't cheating now?
I'm in Brazil working at the Olympics retard. A concept that might be hard to rationalize as a NEET that only leaves the basement for the daily pizza delivery.
I'm a govt worker. I'll be fine.
Sup Forums get out
i cant say ive ever met someone who didnt know that the media is shifted towards hillary. everyone ive talked to sees clear through it, and knows somethings fucky. every democrat i know HATES hillary clinton.
I bet you are. Enjoy your Zika.
>posted from huezil
you can't even vote here, paco
appeasement has never worked
winning with the highest possible lead to delegitimize your movement is the best thing for us
Continue shitposting on Sup Forums? I'm pretty sure that's the plan regardless of who wins.
>he made a spelling error
>ahahaha everything he said is invalid
this is all you can come up with when shillary is literally PAYING you to do this?
I'm glad you're on her side but you should be ashamed
We could always do this, but we're too damned lazy or fearful to unify and assemble. I get the feeling most people would be willing to participate in a civil war of some type, but that's only in the face of a pre-existing civil war. We don't have leadership, and we aren't organized.
What do?
The only option is to assassinate her but I'm not going to jail for that shit
Unless assagne isn't exaggerating and she actually is indicted
but considering the FBI said she was guilty but didn't indict, I'd say that's a lost cause
she should be indicted but I'm pretty sure if Assange had evidence that could lead to it that he would of used it already.
You get the fuck off Sup Forums and stop running it into the ground, you fucking kike.
Was she going for the "Dylan Roof" look? Because if so, she perfectly nailed it.
It's not really a what if, it's pretty much set in stone that Trump will lose unless something massive happens to change that
Pay my trip and give me a rifle, i will fight with you Sup Forums
Yep this
Yes, it's called growing up and accepting reality.
By the time that happened Israel will be surrounded by muslims, perhaps muslims will overbreed and take positions of power in the un nato and hell even america, who knows.
Israel gets nuked
the jews burn in the fire they started.
>see flag
Checks out.
You will cease to exist in your actual form.
It's not just about the presidential race, it's about what kind of rhetoric, what kind of mentality can win. A democrat's victory means that it will become shameful to defend the law, means that the pride of your country will be replaced by an irremediable shame for all the past wrongdoings. It will also means that the medias can actually craft the victor, effectively ensuring that the people can be ignored in the future : the backing of the medias and the big donors will be enough to ensure an election.
You won't really be confronted with "one" big change. It'll be a slow evolution. You simply won't dare to speak of some problems because this would cause you to be ostracized. The children will learn in school not to be proud of their country but to hate it for everything it didn't do right in the past. The USA and the American will vanish, only to be replaced by something else. So will begin the decadence of the American "empire".
Some brave Sup Forumsack needs to take one for the team, fuck, the entire planet and put the bitch down. There's no other option, this is the last chance for peaceful action.
Who is we?
I'm pulling for Hillary.
You too bro???
this is actually a great idea
Take over the Faroes, Atlas Shrugged style!
That's my idea faggot
Second Amendment rights.
Nobody will do a damn thing, face it.
Even if you do, normal people will just think you're stupid idiots and won't help. Nothings gonna stop them until it's too late.
Don't worry, we'll nuke everybody and start the rebirth of civilization. Pray for our cleansing nuclear fire.
Aye brother, we will shake hands after the fallout settles and only the strong survive, and we shall explore the cosmos
Well I literally bet my life savings and everything I have on Trump winning so if he doesn't it's the exit bag for me.
Please, for everything that is right
bump this