Why do Trumpsters have so many 'feelings'?

Why can't you accept facts and objective reality? All of your policies are based on how you FEEL. You FEEL crime is up. You FEEL the guvment is coming for your guns. You FEEL like colleges are assaulting students freedom of speech (pro-tip:they aren't, only the government can do that, look it up)

This board is a joke. A friend turned me onto it and I can't believe the hick shit I read on this uninformed subreddit.


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But he said murders were up in the most populated cities you stupid faggot, not that the collective crime rate has been skyrocketing.



LoL you could say that about any country. What about police brutality in the US? All countries have problems. One or two shieks donating money to Hillary has nothing to do with that one objectionable policy.

You guys are so fucking tweaked. Is anyone here of sound mind?

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>Crime is down
>mass incarceration is turble

So which is it. It looks like locking millions of niggers up actually works. We need more prisons.

Trump gives me feelings in my benis

If violent crime is down why do we need a gun ban?