I doubt the convention bump is still in effect, so what gives?
When Fox polled voters in late June -- before both conventions -- Clinton was up only six points, 44% to 38%.
Fox is Republican and did right by Trump in the past.
I doubt the convention bump is still in effect, so what gives?
When Fox polled voters in late June -- before both conventions -- Clinton was up only six points, 44% to 38%.
Fox is Republican and did right by Trump in the past.
Trump can get away with attacking women and Mexicans, but not veterans.
so, now support the eurogoys
Gee, it's almost like polls are statistics and not opinion pieces
I thought we would have learned this from 2012
One of his very fist attacks was on John McCain for getting captured instead of winning.
Roger Ailes was forced out from the CEO position at Fox News. Gretchen Carlson and a couple other bitches cried sexual harassment years after, so he is gone. Rupert Murdoch's kids want to run things, and they prefer Hillary. So do the Saudis who have invested.
Expect the party line from Fox to swing mainstream quickly.
He went chasing after that Amir Khan bullshit that nobody cared about except Trump. Showed lack of leadership and narcissism. Does Trump care more about "Trump" than leading the most powerful country in the world? Anyway I'm about back on the train but he needs to quit doing submoronic shit.
fox supports illegals and allowing muslims into the country. fox talks about what it likes in obamacare
sure there conservative why not. oriley is like one of the only ones who fought against it to stay out of the shit storm. every one else jumped on the current bandwagon
You realize the race was far tighter in 2012 the 2016.
>Trump has made fun of women, the Pope, POWs, dead soldier's parents, and is STILL virtually tied with Hillary
Praise Kek.
Same as literally every other poll.
Oversampled Democrats
Undersampled Independents.
Trump is winning Independents by 8%.
the only veteran Trump "attacked" was McCain
>people suddenly believes everything msm says
>people thinks msm have influence again all of a sudden
not everyone can be a shill some of you are just plain retarded
>I doubt the convention bump is still in effect, so what gives?
Convention bumps are things to be solidified. If a candidate successfully solidifies (or the other collapses), then it'll stick.
A convention bump only goes away if both candidates are doing good, or the candidate that went first is doing better.
That line doesn't cut it when Republican news agency does the polling , you can't be that deluded to think Fox has any love for that cunt Hillary.
Well, at least you tried
Fuck this election now man.
I'm staying home.
I don't even know why I got my hopes up when the demographics have changed this much.
People have finally started to realize Trump is just a meme
The full damage control mode Trump shills will tell you it's all a big conspiracy and that Trump is actually winning. They're even more delusional than the bernouts it seems
Fox is now left leaning with Murdoch taking complete control.
Don't trust them.
>fired Ailes
>Megyn Kelly is essentially an SJW
>Murdoch is a hillary supporter
Roger Ailes is gone from Fox.
>Fox is Republican and did right by Trump in the past.
Nice history revisionism.
Fox was against Trump since day 1. They support Hillary over Trump.
I wouldn't even call fox news republican. It's obviously just controlled opposition. It's the only channel that is ALLOWED to be Republican, and it's the butt of all jokes with people like Bill O'Reilly intentionally making themselves into a joke by saying stupid shit about how we can't explain how tides work.
They're anti-Trump paid opposition. Their polls are irrelevant.
What matters is that Hillary has no supporters while Trump has huge crowds, just massive support all across the board.
If the election wasn't rigged Trump would win in a landslide.
Oh come on its getting killed in the worst possible way the Japs put an end to it this week
Read their fucking poll, retard.
Has the mother been allowed to say anything yet or can the media not help but flash her dead son's photo in front of her anytime they get her on camera to get the most visceral reaction?
>He is just now realizing that FOX is controlled opposition
Really nigger? OP I know Sup Forums tends to be more conservative but FOX is just as bad as CNN and MSNBC
FOX is owned by Schlomo just like the others and is not to be trusted
It has definitely begun, almost all the women are waaay more left, and it only seems like Hannity is the only one backing trump
It does now that Roger Ailes is gone.
Rupert Murdoch is now in charge totally and that means it's no longer really right wing.
Leadership is what matters when you look for a news organization's agenda.
>FOX is owned by Schlomo
Actually FOX News is owned by Saudis.
This Part owned by a Saudi yet Fox slams Mudslimes nonstop it's about business, so they need to play up Trump in a positive light to maintain fans
>hillary leading by 10 points on FOX
The mental gymnastics you trumpfags do are astounding
Same thing
So you are saying its the caliphate's controlled opposition and they control Hillary?
Most of Hillary's funds come from Saudi Arabia.
Oy vey, they must be such nice people if they have so much money to spare your country to fix it! So nice!
Roger ails is gone it is now run by murdochs sons who are huge Hillary supporters. Everyone has noticed the huge leftward slant now. They are beginning to lose ratings, and I imagine Hannity, Gretta, and Dobbs are going to be leaving. Murdoch has been wanting to make Fox left wing for a long time, now he was able to with the ousting of Roger Ailes. My grandpa who watched Fox since it started even told me today that he is turning it off because they seem to have gone liberal.
28 pages got released and not a single fuck was given Israel and Saudi Arabia own us.
weird CNN and MSNBC are moving to the right now.
You have to survive to be a veteran.
Fox news isn't immune to getting butthurt over somebody openly being an asshole that they can't censor. Trump shits on everyone equally, so of course Fox news is included in that.
The entire media is in Propaganda mode right now. CNN was turning a little to the right before but since the DNC convention they have become propagandist on par with the ministry of Truth in 1984. They want to hide #demexit from the Normies, they are doing this by focusing all attention on Trump turning everything he says into a scandal. All the while not a word about Hillary good or bad.
You basement nazis are getting a taste of reality. Majority of people outside don't like Trump
They're pushing these fraudulent polls so the election fraud in November will appear less blatant.
Which is retarded.
You can't rule shit by antagonizing everyone.
>no debates yet
>people think the race is over
The majority of people outside think they can effect the weather by thinking about it because the universe is listening to their prayers.
I have been called a nigger and a Nazi in the same thread I am proud long time Sup Forums user first real thread I made go anywhere thank you all .
The majority of people outside don't follow the news. Do you realize that 95% of the electorate don't care about the election until after Labor Day. Nothing matters until after the debates. If he screws up the debates it's very likely he will lose, but if he does great he will win. Televised debates have always meant a lot to those idiots in the middle who sway back and forth.
That's a good feeling the first time you make a Tread that has an actual discussion. Cheers to you mate.
Well now the only thing left to hope for is a race war.
>and did right by trump
Literally when?
They've been against him the entire campaign, only reluctantly promoting him when he won the primaries.
Except they actually published how the poll is handled. 18% extra democrats. Seriously.
You didn't think ousting Roger Ailes meant that they planned to keep Fox the same, did you?
What's a good place in Denmark to visit I've been wanting to go over there for a while now.
>Gee, it's almost like polls are opinion pieces and not statistics
>I thought we would have learned this from BREXIT
fixed that for ya
>You can't rule shit by antagonizing everyone.
Are you fucking retarded? This is how Critical Theorists took over the West.
OF COURSE it works.
Yeah though shills are killing Sup Forums and the shitposting backlash doesn't help just gives them free bumps.
Well of course Copenhagen is nice, but its AntiFa levels are out of control. We're talking near Berlin levels, you could also take a tour here and see the whole country instead of one normie city,
>believing jewmedia polls
dumb goyim, when will you ever learn?
And he that strives to touch the stars, Oft stumbles at a straw.
I was waiting for this to happen. The important thing is preserving the things that inspired such energy from you. Find a place within yourself to keep the fire safe against the wind.
That's different, McCain is a RINO politician while the Khan family are private citizens.
the brexit effect.
if one side believes they are incredibly likely to win no matter what, the individual voters will be more likely to skip voting. As was shown in the UK, this often means the younger generations of voters which typically are a bastion of the left.
As well, polls ultimately aren't accurate, as they include a great deal of people who simply won't bother voting, but especially if they think their side has a guaranteed victory. Meanwhile, the right wing of society is typically pretty good about getting out and voting no matter the situation.
>not posting the polls with Johnson included
Why is Fox so afraid of Gary Johnson?
How does that make McCain different than a veteran?
If they are private citizens, neither is a veteran.
It's literally the same everywhere in the west. A great shame.