How do non-Americans feel about Trump?
How do non-Americans feel about Trump?
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We love him
I've been in a number of countries over the past year, and public opinion seems almost uniformly against him, spurred by a frankly astonishing assault by the media.
Whoever the man behind the curtain is, Donald seems to have pissed him off royally.
He's a racist fat man who needs to be removed from all records.
He's great
Thank you for Correcting the Record™
The biggest joke i've never seen.
Hes come out with a lot of dumb shit but i get the impression that he really does have americas best interest at heart, wether or not he could he would be able to effectively run the country i dont know, his mouth could get him in a lot of trouble...
Remain voter detected.
God Emperor of Mankind
Everyone hates him except for Russians because they know a weak US is good for them.
Get him in already.
He's the lesser evil.
Trump is a fucking legend. Fuck hilary the media-buying election-rigging bribed-up-to-the-eyeballs cunt that she is!
Trump is incorruptible because he already has enough money to use $100 bills to wipe the jizz off his cock every hour of his remaining life span. America is going batshit because they might actually elect him and all this bullfuck the liberal media machine is spewing out isn't working.
He also annoys reddit which is good entertainment when the 15 year old commie fucks come out and wank over Bernie then cry about Trump, and anyone who makes those faggots cry gets my (proxy fake internet) vote.
>Mexico at 54% in favor of Hillary
Gee, I wonder why
the only viable candidate
Trump is not the solution, he´s just another jewish dog, Hillary is a huge shit too, these elections are a jewish trick a fucking joke.
Waiting for the next Adolf
Our MSM are universally against him which means he should be president.
He's better than Hillary, that's all I need to know.
Better than Hillary.
Only viable option.
Better than Hillary. Another chance to let it finally sink in that someone with low IQ (like Bush II) won't necessarily destroy the country. And all the people most opposed to a Trump presidency will fucking wail loud enough to be heard in Toronto. Fuck all progressives, social justice warriors, feminists, black lives matter, illegal immigrants, muslims, cop-haters, military haters, trannies and non-binary gender identifiers.
fpbp checked praise the nazi frog god
I don't really like him that much but Hillary and her party are much, much worse
the democratic convention was the biggest show of shameless demagoguery i've ever watched, and coming from someone that lives in a populist leftard shithole, trust me i've seen my fair share of demagogue politicians in my time
Im gonna love when Trump wins and i'm wanna laugh literally for 5 consecutive years watching the massive unprecedented amount of butthurt it will cause worldwide
We just wanna be friends wuth murika. But seems like you prefer mexicans, kek.
I support him 100%.
I don't really care about his social views or anything, just that he doesn't want to start WW3 with Russia.
I bet you support Scotland trying to stay in the EU you fucking traitor.
Better than Hillary
I like him, and I hope he wins. I am disgusted by your media glorifying the Muslim who used his dead son as nothing more than a political attack on Trump. I am disgusted by your population that this seems to be working.
Basically, Trump is too good for your sorry excuse of a population, and the leftist whites (traitors) deserve the Clinton they're about to receive.
fuck him seriously
>media hates him
Would vote for him.
Your illegal family about to be deported back to live with you? Yeah, I'd be kinda pissed if I had to house 100 drug mules just because they share a surname.
I ordered an authentic Trump Hat merchandise from NYC off Ebay.
I get the thumbs up at Manly Beach.
All white Australians support Trump.
>The jews hate him
Fixed that for you bud.
Nice one Pierre.
>sheep fucker
Most of them are legal deal with it faggot
In the UK, our general opinion is he's a retard and it's shocking that Americans actually think he's a viable option for president. If he wins, the US will be seen as a joke of a country.
Your friends need to go back to Mexico and make it great again.
If you love your country that's how you do you.
He's seems to be cool guy
I'm English.
Love him, I would kiss him on the mouth but that wouldn't be proper.
A joke that will make Murrica great again.
I'm behind him 100%. Would vote if US citizen
We love Trump
he is the only candidate to condemn merkel. he's my guy.
I am voting for him but agree with you 100%
Rational logic:
>Countries with mass muslim immigration has had tons of issues, tons of welfare leeches, tons of muslim criminals and tons of terrorist threats. We shouldn't invite in more of these.
Leftist logic:
>Muslims dindu nuffing, we need MORE of them.
Imagine a hyperloop from New York to Stalingrad
would be pretty cool
Wtf country flag?
i knew you guys walk around with the boots on your hands! Lisa told Bart the truth about you faggots.
He's the best. He's kicking ass and exposing globalists and the media. The fact that the MSM is so against him, is a clear validation that something right is happening.
But America doesn't have mass Muslim immigration. That's more of a European thing.
>upside down
well played 'straya, but it's not april 8th
Love him too, I would let him frick my pink little boyhole but that wouldn't be proper.
You have enough so they post a security risk. Not to mention you have the backdoor called Canada.
Does san bernardino ring a bell in your head?
Meh. Either or, really. I just can't wait for this "election" to be over so WW3 can start already, it's a fucking shitshow ybh senpai baka.
I love that glorious son of a bitch.
I would literally die for trump in the wars to come.
May he march in to Sweden and exile the Muslims.
Create a thrid reich alongside russia and conquer china.
Lesser of two evils.
Everyone here who isn't ultra-rightwing is hoping this lunatic doesn't win
>implying a hyperloop is feasible
All memes aside he's a retard and it's going to be amusing to see the response here when he inevitably does not get to be President
And before any of these that fell for the memes acuse me of being a HIllary shill, she's easily just as bad as Trump
>Waiting for the next Adolf
There's not going to be a next Adolf, no with all the degeneracy we are going throught,
I kind of doubt Canada has much either, though being American I don't pay any attention to what happens in Canada.
Virtually all American terrorist incidents are either home brewed or imported from Russia and such. Though Trump would have you believe otherwise, we really don't let very many of our enemies inside our country and those that get in are the most clearly harmless (young families with children), and we send the rest back so they can go to France. If you want to talk security risk, talk economic security. And then talk about China and Mexico.
Hardly, his plans alone already are to be a disaster for the economy and the diplomatic field. Don't kid yourself, he's just as bad
22 check em
>I kind of doubt Canada has much either,
Canada and USA both have millions of muslims.
Isnt it funny.
No ? Because russia doesn t have any intrest to have USA as enemy .
Also i support Trump
You are judging things that might come or might not happen at all, I judge things that already happened. Hence, Hillary is worse.
I like him better than Clinton, but that still leaves a lot of room for improvement. He needs to stick to issues and get away from his divisive rhetoric. His fat mouth is gonna sink him.
I judge based off things he said he would do m8, and it doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out he's not very trustworthy or to be a good president based off those things.
Not to mention he's easily just as much a liar as Hillary
Fuck off faggot. He's literally a cuck. You know you've rubbed one out to Melania's pics like the rest of us. Seems she used to be a prozzie back in Slavistan too.
Pierre, Muhamad, Amhed, Marcel...
Seriously guys, tune yours violins when you decide to give me a firstname.