Latest Ben Garrison work

Latest Ben Garrison work

there should be a door after the natsoc where you turn into a die hard liberal (minus the the trans shit)

what did he mean by this

Those yellow and red doors at the end go two very different directions, choose wisely folks.

Top kek... that fedora hahaha

it's a tyrolean ya dip

>a door after the natsoc where you turn into a die hard liberal

But literally no one ever does this.

You can't be a nazi and then go back to being a shabbos goyim. It can't be done.


You couldn't even shoop the date?

Whats the original?

Too bad there have been so many newfags and shills since the election season that libertarians and Nazis are disappearing, leaving us with a cluster fuck of contrarian moderates.

I guess my wife and I decided the nazi path.

BTW if you find a nazi woman, just marry her. It is fucking awesome.

I had a gf who put up with my trump posting.

But she broke up with me for unrelated reasons. Feels bad man. I was just beginning to redpill her. Now I am back at square 0.

yup, just edgy teenage trump memers now

the glorious times of Sup Forums are over

>Sup Forums

>not edgy

Newfag posing as oldfag detected

what the fug. it's like he gave himself a mountain dew enema and shot for distance. His pants barely cleared his ass before he let loose. He's clearly practiced.

>no traditionalism


fucking kekked into the night

I'm sorry to hear that brother.

If I'm going to be perfectly honest, you need to find a girl who chans, whether she is just a shit poster or an attention whore, if she posts here she is already on the right path.

>BTW if you find a nazi woman, just marry her. It is fucking awesome.
>tfw forever alone

Nice try, my fellow white man

Don't believe the medias lies that all women are complete whores. You just need to find the socially awkward ones who have been outcasted by their peers and turn to natsoc as a way to "stick it to the man" so to speak. The man being the vapid whores.

/poli/io is a disease that needs to be vaccinated.

More like poo in loo

This, once you use your analytical mind you can't go back into only using the left side of your brain to think

You misspelled Libertard

Who needs a nazi girlfriend when you have a nazi boyfriend?



Wtf i hate the media now

Here's the deal.
In southern and eastern Europe there are a lot of LARP-y political bands from Antifa to NeoNatSocs.

They are generally devoid of legal or philosophical grounding for their beliefs except for meme commentary from YouTube, punk and black metal bands, and the anarchist book store.

So you can have a guy go from center left to center right, then go third position, then lean toward more anti-modernity Kazcinsky stuff, the think the 'nation' or relationship to or alienation from it, not the 'means of production' or relationship to or alienation from them are not what defines and informs man, but instead relationships to and alienation from each other and to nature.

F101 described this happen to some people, and they went from Authoritarian Right to Anarcho Primitivist

Fuxlimf Fuxliphine

You can make our what I'm saying though.

Now that's one live leak.

You just know that that one wipe he did was not enough. And that he still had smeared shit just sloshing in his pants.

I'd take that with a grain of salt. Some wimmins that come on here I'd imagine are a bit off. Most nerdy women I meet are usually either flakey as fuck with everyone(even with BFF girl mutual friends) or disgusting hygiene.

>Not building a NatLib empire

>I'm a monarcho-Jeffersonian anarchofascist

>last graph is the trump v hillary clearpolitics graph

>We want a government so small it encompasses everything.

That'd be awesome

that's so 2014 bruh

Jersey takes the pot with a full house

There is a strong different between the Nat-Soc and the Skinhead.
The Nat-Soc is a gentleman and a lover of history. He is respectful and wise.
The skinhead is none of these and is the epitome of everything the Nat-Soc despises.

What a bluepilled comic.
No ideology matters when your politicians think of you as cattle and bow to puppet masters instead of the people.

>The Nat-Soc is a gentleman and a lover of history. He is respectful and wise.
only in your made up little world which feeds on Sup Forums memes and other delusion,
education and intelligence have an inverse relationship with the degree of nationalism in a person
You'd be hard pressed to find a nationalistic accomplished scientist or a man of another intellectually-demanding trade

That's because you have to go through a indoctrination camp for years before you ever can get a job like that. Then if you ever speak out you lose your job and are in massive amounts of debt.

What's the hat?

Ive been a cybergoth for 16 years. I tone it way down though cause Im not edgy. Look more like a goth biker. Wear all black and raver till I die. I have 108 Hindu/Buddhist mala (prayer beads) made of bone carved into skulls I wear and a bone OM pendant.

I like it. Saved.

Same here, I guided her through the narrative and watched her figure out all the bullshit on her own. Then the love just ran out. Feels bad man.

how does that work?

they're diametrically opposed to eachother


The Nazis build the roads






>most nazi policies go against libertarians
>most libertarian policies go against nazis
just because they're both against whiny SJWs doesn't mean they're compatible

The love ran out because she only saw a bitter hateful vengeful man

You're referring to dipshits who never get into anything in depth. If you knew them for any length of time, they're one thing this month, something else the next, and on until they reach some homosexual equilibrium.

Softheaded people who couldn't have an original thought if they tried.

Except for, you know, all those german scientists and industrialists

I thought it was a joke. Am I wrong?

Both result it very similar outcomes.

In one, nature kills off degeneracy and in the other the government does

It was a joke. On Sup Forums we are the greatest allies, though.

Not the superior image


tell mr garrison that :)

national socialism is LITERALLY the most cucked ideology there is
>yeah I am goign to let the state fuck me over and under because the state said its for higher good

Imagine a country so un-pozzed that the main two political parties are basically natsoc vs libertarianism


This one always legitimately triggers rage in me
It's quite an effective image


Imagine a country so un-pozzed that there were more than two political parties

im not sure those levels of neg are even possible

no, something that neg would be begging for a tall strong man to poz it

its like if you suck the air out of a bottle with a straw but the lid is off so the air just rushes back in


You look gay

Well that's what happens with FPTP voting system, John.

Should have thought that through.


Early Roman empire.
>0.01% tax
>free market
>badass army
>strong family values
>all went to shit once foreigners joined the army, Rome started handing out free grain ala welfare state and devalued the currency to be able to buy more grain ala quantitative easing

hahahahaha he seems so nice

The "redline" political theory

>Free market
>No burocracy
>The state only builds infrastructure
>Strong family values

>Invaders come or emergency state
>Totalitarian rule until everything is fixed

Basically everything is libertarian until some redline is crossed

>totalitarian state willingly giving up its powers once emergency is over

>that hat


I also saw that presentation

why isn't op graphic on bens website

no one said it was perfect m8

>Totalitarian rule until everything is fixed
are you 10 years old or what

>You can't be a nazi and then go back to being a shabbos goyim. It can't be done.
This literally describes Germany.

every democracy has an "emergency status" where the state gains more power than usual due to terrorism, invasions social instability etc...

My point is that( in my personal view) I cant see how a libertarian society will keep being libertarian without some commonly agreed redlines which protect the society
>muh moral norms and gerrilla warfare
I cant see it sorry
And the logical thing is what Im pointing out
Its not perfect, because power is the most powerfull drug but atleast this is a patch

yeah but that's literally a recipe for disaster

if you give them more power because there is a crisis, what incentives do they have to fix this crisis?

fuck, they might even fabricate a crisis to get sum 'o dat powa

how do you even write down what classifies as a crisis and what does not?

in america, the second amendment says it very clearly that it SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED yet politicians find ways to infringe it all the fucking time

This is one option.

A nice alternative are separate national states. What like what, nat-socs and libertarians make for great neighbours.

deserves acknowledgment

That's a problem of moral decay of the population. The ultimate goal is to create a perfectly moral society, where every citizen understands what the state can and cannot do, so it is effectively controlled by the people.

The problem with that is, to create such society, pests need be actively killed off and the average IQ must reach 120 at the very minimum.

>create crisis
>get more powers
>"solve" the crisis
>relinquish one-tenth of the power I got
>see how nice I am? now everything is back to normal
>repeat from step 1

>I cant see it sorry
go be blind somewhere else

it's hilarious we have millions of redpilled, and once you're redpilled you're redpilled till death.

A whole new generation of red pilled children will spawn and with it a new order.

What about national liberalism (that is classical liberalism not the modern progressivism) - economic liberalism (government get out ree) and social conservatism.

I mean it was predominant political ideology in most of Europe for majority of 19th century.

Carlos is that you?!