Did I miss something? Like overnight Sup Forums became anti trump
the fuck? I know something happened with some family or something? Anyone care to greentext it for a Sup Forumsitician whose been busy
Did I miss something? Like overnight Sup Forums became anti trump
the fuck? I know something happened with some family or something? Anyone care to greentext it for a Sup Forumsitician whose been busy
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Shills. Don't bother responding or replying. Ignore them.
Take everything you see as bait
Reminder to sage all shill threads. These guys are getting paid pennies to shill for hillary here
It didn't, we're being raided by hillshills.
thank fucking jesus
Can anyone give me a nice summation of the controversy?
what controversy, there is no controversy, the shills are grasping at straws at this point, literally MUH TRUMP EVIL, TRUMP STUPID
hillary is literally paying people to shill here. CTR
There is no new controversy, its just CTR got a 6 million dollar budget. Its awful. It'll probably get worse with time, especially after the debates.
But we cannot be demoralized, Trump needs us more than ever.
So we can say Sup Forums really got BTFO this time?
To summarize:
>Trump makes several consecutive blunders like the hothead he is
>Sup Forumsacks finally realize he was just a meme
>Trump shills bootyblasted and call everyone else a shill