How Do You Lose Fucking Gingrich?

Was this part of the fucking plan Trumpfags?

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Fake controversy

Gingrich is just hoping Trump drops out so he has a chance to replace him

>He can not win the presidency operating the way he is now.

Seems pretty damn scathing Newt. Make up your mind, you fucking snake.


how can we stop the dishonest media? they are getting quite way out of control

Lol damage control

Because Newt is a paid politician.

Seriously, you didn't know you dumb fuck?


shift + click to hide shill threads

Why even open your fucking mouth in the first place? He clearly did say Trump is unnacceptable didn't he?

Haha, as a liberal democrat I love seeing republican infighting. Face it you drumpf fags, republicans don't know what loyalty is.

Vox populi vox dei

It doesn't matter what he said, it matters what people think he said.

You have to realize there is a problem before you can fix it.
Sticking your head in the sand and pretending everything is going well is not the attitude that makes america great again

Oh the irony. Not like the Democrats aren't eating each other alive as well.


It's like you faggots arn't even trying anymore.

>Trump gets comfortable in lead
>lays off campaign a bit
>gets blindsided by Clinton machine
>Republicans give him a wake up call
>Trump slowly getting back on point

It's fine. He pissed away his landslide victory but he's still on path to winning. Normies don't pay attention to the campaign close enough for this to make too big of a difference. All the nonrigged polls are still within MOE. Everyone will forget this ever happened by mid September just like his flatline in May

This is another in a long line of the media blatantly twisting the message rather than reporting news.

If anyone had the fucking brainpower to read for a second, he says neither candidate is acceptable "right now".

If the headline said, Newt Gingrich: "neither candidate is acceptable", nobody would give a fuck.

made up controversy, watch Newt's interview

also sage

>Sanders, the most ardent opposition, FULLY endorsed Hillary
Democrats know that party loyalty is EVERYTHING. Republicans on the other hand, are retarded egotists who routinely cannibalize each other to look cool. Can't wait to switch my party affiliation fuck republicans.

Wtf I hate newts now

how exactly are the polls rigged? Were they rigged in 2012?

Sanders left the democratic party

how can you be this wrong

Wtf i hate Gingrich now

>wildly misinterpreted
Wow, strange, they've literally never done this before

It's part of Trumps plan, get the GOP against him so he retains his anti-establishment persona

Gingrich is a fucking dumbass who doesn't know the word smartphone.

Exactly why I completely ignore these headlines as they are always spinning situations as "THE END OF TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN"

>Democrats will bend over and take the unity sausage from their polar opposite to make it seem like they are buddy buddy
>Republicans will stand up for themselves

sounds about right

If I were Trump, in September, I would use all the information I know about the corruption of the American political system, destroy both parties and trigger a civil war.

Sanders went back to being independent practically during the DNC. Guess his endorsement wasn't much?

>Sanders, the most ardent opposition, FULLY endorsed Hillary
Well yeah, he didn't want to commit suicide with two gunshots to the back of the head.

Why would you do that before the vote? That would keep king nigger on as president.

He never was a Democrat, just like Trump is not and never was a Republican.

In the media's defense, Gingrich said what he said in the most fucktarded way possible, much like everything else he says.

>believing there could be a massive 6pt swing within three days

The mainstream media polls are used to drive opinions and make no effort to create a sample even vaguely related to the electorate. Polls like LA Times and Rasmussen are more accurate as they put effort into their samples.

I'm not one of those "Romney's really winning!" fags. He was losing the honest polls too

that is a misleading headline, he never formally left anything, he is just saying he will continue to run as an independent in Vermont, literally nothing has changed

why can there not be a 6 point change? are not convention bounce typically 2-6 points?

Because it would give legitimacy to Hillary. This way, you would have an illegitimate president. Also, he's supposed to lose, so it doesn't matter.

Except when Trump gets a big bump they change their methods, retroactively

There's also many don't won't too big a lead that people don't show up to vote for instance

kek, Gingrich shilled hard for Trump at the RNC. Even the biggest shills can't keep pretending Trump isn't a disaster.

I meant Trump free falling. Clinton's support certainly went up but Trump didn't just lose massive support overnight. You don't decide to vote for someone, see a scandal, and then just say "nevermind I think illegal immigrants are good for this nation"

which polls have changed their methods? do you think so many polls are incorrect that aggregating polls are incorrect?

I could see the Romney wing of the republican party thinking that way

What a backpedaling faggot, he belongs in the GOPe cuckshed with Ryan, Romney and Bush.

Reuters admitted to it

Not to mention national polls are meaningless
Bush narrowly won in 2000 despite losing the popular vote so it's possible for those to be accurate yet still pick the wrong person
swing states are all that matter

That wing never supported him in the first place


He's right, a couple more weeks like this last one and trump is done, lets hope he learns from his mistakes and doesnt mess up to this degree again, for all our sakes.

but wasn't that in response to an 18 point swing in polling? I believe you shouldn't change methodology after having established a polling method but they seem to be trying to control large swings in their polling by removing an option that wont appear on ballots

I would say that endorsements like ryan and mconel show at least some level of support among traditional republicans

Looks like I'm a #cruzmissile now.

aren't US elections observed by both parties, non partisan organizations and international observers? I'm thinking massive fraud would be easily detected, I'm not worried

>swing states are all that matter

and the magnitude of vote rigging and whether this fraud goes undetected or not

Their swing is because it was a shady push poll meant to give Hill giant plus 12 margins for the rolling combo polls

I deleted and reposted People are allowed to stand and observe ballots being counted I believe, for instance the electronic counting machines. The problem is the electronic voting Jew and when there isn't oversight by one party at particular polling locations. But this kind of suspicious shit happens every single election, it's hard to prove it happened after the fact if they plan well.

wait are we talking about the same thing or am I uniformed? I thought reuters ipsos removed the option of neither after trump gained 18 points in one poll?

so presumably polling is also a part of the fraud in order to make results match up to polling?

That's not the Romney wing and those endorsements are still on the table. The Romney wing is really only Republican in name. Ryan has his own wing and McConnell is pretty traditional

One massive gamble Trump took was not endorsing Ryan. That could easily backfire if he doesn't win the primary

The Cruz wing is probably responsible for this slight drop

thanks for correcting the record

Leaf btfo

I don't even think he's getting paid

I don't understand what you're asking exactly. They will fake votes in a location, adding fake ballots in the names of dead individuals, or the electronic voting machines can just outright be adjusted after the fact hidden in some part of the software for them. Electronic voting is not accountable at all, it's insane that anyone thinks that is a system with verifiability.

Fucking finally, someone who knows their shit.