If you could remove one single country from existence right now, who would it be Sup Forums?
If you could remove one single country from existence right now, who would it be Sup Forums?
its treason then...
i agree honestly
Don't give a shit about this shitty thread.
I do give a shit about the semen demon, tho.
Sorry, Canada, I know you drew the short stick, but I'm afraid you're just stuck with your shitty cold country that's constantly on fire.
Israel. Second choice: Saudi Arabia.
6th post best post
Spain, please
Honestly? Canada.
I don't go outside so the only interaction I have with foreigners is reading Sup Forums, so it would dramatically improve that experience.
This should've been the first post
Saudi Arabia
All of Jerusalem.
>including Isreal
Anyone saying anything else hasn't been paying attention.
>Maga hat on the table
and now we know you are being paid to post here. kek.
Cool meme dude!!!
>t. Mehmet with proxy
no pls i need more torbe videos
Remove any country whose name isn't India.
i smell burning maple leaf
>mfw i live in florida
100% Saudi Arabia
No. That post must be deleted.
>One Pooman
kek has spoketh his will through me.
You can't imagine how much I hate this country
Niggeria or pakistan.
The Confederate States of America.
Stay mad britcucks.
This, Russia or Irak
Oh no, what are you doing, you stupid fuckin frog, I didn't meant to hate on murica noo I love my fat friends this is all just misunderstanding it wasn't IT WASN'T ME AAAAAAAAAAA
Saudi Arabia
poo poo poo
this x 1000000000000
Don't you know that Torbe was arrested some months ago and was charged with abusing underage girls and selling child pornography? There may not be any more videos from him either way
>Washington D.C
>A bunch of niggers
>Seems about right
The FUCKING Republic of Seychelles
These cunts are the #1 cause for problems in the the world they are behind everything that happens, the Grey eminance of the illuminati
look it up
Its between USA and Sweden. Sweden is closer but the USA is much more powerfull. Probably Jewnited states i wish i could remove two
Mexico or Saudi Arabia
i'll pick brazil because i just want to die
Andorra, because I want to see how many years it takes before anyone notices they are gone.
Agree to somewhat degree aswell.
Nah, you can move later.
Jamaica is much nicer, pass through there first and bring some charas with you to America.
kek has spoken
i have a flight to india booked tomorrow
Egypt, so that Africa no longer has a land connection to the rest of the world.
good memeing there buddy
Whichever country has the largest concentrate of Muslims.
europe is a city not a country you retard
Do they have designated shitting streets on jewgle maps or you just gonna follow your nose?
Europe is not a city you fucking dentist reject its fourteen small islands located beneath the continent of australia.
Still leaves 6 million Jews living in America, so no. you're wrong.
Honestly probably China, long term they probably pose the largest threat to global security. China envisions itself as leading the world in all spheres in the next few decades. They will increasingly feel more and more unfettered to act in any way they see fit to ensure a Chinese Primacy.
Germany or China
Can't we just remove all the people in it? I would love to recolonize the US.
May I ask why?
does it physically vanish? or are we talking government dissolves? it matters?
vanishes then canada. no more faggotry about ice sheets melting its gone. bring on the global warming and if it doesnt happen then algore should be sued by all oil companies
if the government dissolves then america. race war now
Nah I'm just kidding
I wanted to see any of those weebs would the b8
South Korea, assuming all the infrastructure remained behind. And then give it to best Korea.
Just because I want to see what they'd do with it.
This, thought china originally but this a far wiser choice.
>giving up on your bait this early
See Sorry, but you gotta take one for the team.
Don't let this go on any longer.
I think turkey was in the right to kill all you annoying fuckers
>inb4 b-but it's your country
India because DESIGNATED
What are u ?
There will idiots who are unable to read the thread or they get too triggered and make a post before reading the post under it.
fucked up situation all around sheeet
>Alaska stays
There's nothing wrong with Alaska