What did Hiroshima mean by this?
What did Hiroshima mean by this?
Shitty google translate version
Hiroshima wants another nuke.
She will become a lotus table.
"It's quite a funny phenomenon that females are getting elected all over in such unstable times. Hillary seems to have a high chance of becoming president too. There also seems to be a good probability that the democratic party (Japan's) and Renho's (Murata) age will come."
I don't know, I think that's highly unlikely.
>not becoming a lotus table
rly gettin that cranial organ firing
>Renho's (Murata) age will come.
I fucked that up. It's actually "High probability Renho will become the representative of the democratic party."
Hillary btfo by the owner of a Tibetan madela-making forum. How will she ever recover?
He meant: "Gee I bet it would be fun to purchase a popular and growing message board and RUN IT THE FUCK INTO THE GROUND."
Hiroshima is proof that two nukes wasn't enough.
So is he saying he's ShillArtillary for Hillary or not?
i wonder if Hiroyuki knows about Sup Forums and how racist this place is.
he's so innocent it's kawaiii
Clearly an aussie calling out the jews on their shit
>females are getting elected all over in such unstable times
Could it be that putting old roasties in charge causes such unstable times in the first place?
Hirosiham Nagasaki is redpilled as fuck.
>insulting may
Did he mean
>it's funny people are electing women in unstable times - it must means women are stable
>it's funny people are electing women when we're already fucked enough as it is
Even based Hiro knows Hillary is the way to go.
My encephal is cogitating like crazy.
My Gehirnzellen are functioning furiously
japan based as always
Upon reflection I believe he meant
>hory sheeeet I ruv sucking Hirrary's rotten crit
He just said that it's an interesting phenomenon.