Wonder Woman rises above estimates again with final at $41.3

>dropped only 29% in 3rd weekend
>original estimate was $40M
$380M locked, she did it boys.

It was a good film. Hopefully this is the turning point and DC gets their shit together further.

Gal only got paid $300k for this movie. That's not very jewish of her.
In comparison, Henry got paid $14M for MoS.

>only 38m in China
shocking desu. still though 550m isn't bad

It's at almost $100M in China now, if you're looking at BOM it's updated to 6/4/17.

thanks, didn't realise


I still maintain that this is the tone they should have started the DCEU off with and then eased it into Man of Steel and BvS. People weren't ready for kino.

>Gal only got paid $300k for this movie. That's not very jewish of her.
She was completely unknown before this - this not only put her on the map but cemented her for future roles.

Even if she did the role for free it would've been greatly in her favor - and that's from someone who thinks she did a great job.

I wonder, was it so hard to find middle ground between retarded quipfest and gloom/doom?

Wonder Woman proving that viral SJW marketing/created controversy work like charms. Sad really that it has set a precedent, one the Jews will beat mercilessly until they've accumulated every shekel they can from this type of marketing