How are judges so cucked into blocking laws requiring photo ID to vote?
How is being poor a valid reason?
How are judges so cucked into blocking laws requiring photo ID to vote?
How is being poor a valid reason?
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And it happened in Texas! BTFO cuckservatives!
>> new evidence brought to you by fully compromised leftist propaganda machine
Yeah i believe you
The Washington Post leans conservative retard.
Are you telling me my shitty third world country has voter ID systems, but the USA doesn't?
Explain this please burgers
Makes voter Fraud harder. Which, depending on the majority opinion in the country right now, is not in the interest of either party.
Racebait shit is the worst
I swear it will come to the point where they want to make robberies legal because it affects blacks the most
Because lawyers couldn't find a single incident of voter fraud to validate the law change.
That's pretty much how constitutionality trials go. "Is there any positive aspect to justify this restriction of a constitutional right? If yes, weigh the positive with the negative. If no, throw it out."
Voting is a basic right. It's like requiring an ID to exercise free speech and freedom to assemble (I.e, national ID cards). Illegal and unamerican
rights only apply to citizens
Because they want all those illegals the DHS has been catching and releasing on US soil to go out and vote for Shillary.
If you're a tax-paying American you have a social security number to prove your identity.
Exactly. And a SSN is required to complete a voter registration form
the greatest heist of all time- they stole a nation
not in certain states it isn't
>meeting Mexican standards
This image is so devoid of logic and critical thinking I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're joking
Its valid, but stupid.
The judges are political and part of election collectives. Individualist judges are a pipe dream.
BS. At the very least it will require a state ID number
Poor people shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway. desu senpai, voting is a demonic subversion of proper sovereign authority and we ought to eliminate it entirely.
I notice how you didn't offer any reasons why it is devoid of logic though. If you really want to give an 'are you kidding me?' response than that is fine, but don't expect anyone to think you are anything other than ignorant if you can't back anything up.
theres no law that sais u have to work. theres no law that says u have to purchase anything (inb4 obamacare).
so there will be no law saying u have to pay 2 vote
why not spend your effort figuring out how to stop cheating while respecting that concept
Numbers are great, but this is a republic here. We still have an electoral college. Votes are secondary merely to influence the real vote.
Inb4 Plato was right
"Blacks have to go to courthouses to get free IDs, but blacks might get arrested for crimes they committed against other black people so they might get arrested." - Al Sharpton
op ur pic is stupid i dont do any of those
your pic =! voting
Wtf i hate the poor now
>this is a republic here
Yeah, I'm aware of our first and greatest mistake: "All men are created equal". I suppose compared to the telluric, corrupt monarchy of Europe anything sounded like a better alternative, so I don't entirely blame our founding fathers.
Are you telling me a fucking third-world tourist could just go to a polling booth and vote on your next president?
ya come to washington state and do it in november
nice attempted dodge, spic
But why is it devoid of logic and critical thinking??
The part about needing an id to vote here is real.
You're stupid, but you're actually on the right track. None of those things have the same impact as voting. That said, I think voter id should be a thing.
>Volunteer at Non-Prophet Orgs.
So atheist club?
the federal govt may not issue id or restrict travel. deal with it. dont change it.
You can provide photo id with a fucking costco card, don't try and bullshit me boy.
Lemme explain it to you.
You do not have a constitutional right to drive.
You do not have a constitutional right to board an airplane.
You do not have a constitutional right to have a job.
You do not have a constitutional right to buy over the counter medicine.
You do not have a constitutional right to use a bank.
You do not have a constitutional right to secondary education.
You do not have a constitutional right to credit.
You do not have a constitutional right to utilities.
You do not have a constitutional right to own a vehicle.
You do not have a constitutional right to own a vehicle (still).
You do not have a constitutional right to outpatient testing.
You do not have a constitutional right to financial aide (and what you save is greater than what you may spend so this does not harm the poor).
You do not have a constitutional right to retirement.
You do not have a constitutional right to donate blood.
You do kinda have a constitutional right to own a firearm but the idea that it should be unrestricted is pretty crazy nowadays.
You do not have a constitutional right to social security (and see medicare/medicaid caveat).
You do not have a constitutional right to a pawn shop.
You do not have a constitutional right to write checks.
You do not have a constitutional right to insure your car.
You do not have a constitutional right to use trains.
You do not have a constitutional right to go to Six Flags (come on man).
You do not have a constitutional right to work at a non-profit.
You do not have a constitutional right to use a library.
You do not have a constitutional right to a professional license.
You do not have a constitutional right to own a home.
You do not have a constitutional right to rent an apartment.
You DO have a constitutional right to vote, and every time this right has even been LEANED upon (literacy tests and poll taxes) it was unabashedly to discriminate against the poor and ethnic minorities.
How the FUCK is it possible for a fucking GROWN ASS ADULT not to have any form of id? I've had a photo id since I was 13 years old.
If you're not functional enough to have an id when you're 35 years old then you literally do not deserve to vote because you are worthless.
I was talking to a fairly staunch lefty friend of mine, one who is actually pretty smart (inb4 greentext)
I badgered him about this for two hours straight because he refused to give me a clear answer.
At the end he relented and said he supported voter id laws, but only if "the nearly 11 million americans without easy access to id cards could get them"
He also explicitly said "There is no proof that illegals vote" or that "multi-state voter fraud exists"
So, you know, he's literally deluding himself.
i dont costco.
tell me, what are the requirements of the constitution? i dont have to work, get id, ppay rent... so why the fuck do you think i'm obliged to purchase a vote?
>it was unabashedly to discriminate against the poor and ethnic minorities.
So discriminatory.
>You DO have a constitutional right to vote
We're just asking that you show us a quick proof of citizenship.
It's not bulletproof but why not? You already have to provide photo ID for nearly every other potentially "abused" thing in your life. Why should voting be any different?
If Republicans are so upset about not needing an ID to vote, why don't they exploit the system to make a statement? They're already insisting that lefties are commuting voter fraud, so out-fraud them instead. Are you listening, key swing states? Each of you should be gathering the personal info of at least 3 people who probably won't be voting at all, and vote on their behalf at separate booths.
>durr im sad other ppl dont wage slave like me
i dont like my photo being taken, and i've survived to age 30 without letting anyone take my pic
u dont get to revoke my rights becuase i'm different than you.
So now we're giving voting rights to ants?
Eh I don't get why it's such a big deal to republicans
There aren't any studies that show any significant amount of voter fraud
You would need thousands of votes to have an effect on the presidential level. Maybe congressionally it happens since there are fewer voters but gerrymandering does the job much more efficiently and legally
>using 1800s examples for why voter id is bad
Just use any identification that has a photo of the person that is widely known to the public. Not that hard. Library card, gym membership id, drivers license, et cetera.
Damn, I bet the dems wouldn't be happy about the illegal spics not getting a vote.
Because Republicans aren't so disgustingly corrupt they willfully rig elections and buy out the pockets of their convention heads.
Owning a firearm is a right, jackass
You can get free photo id at most any law enforcement office. Stop being intentionally dense.
u sound like a gun grabber
leave muh rights alone
lol why would i want to let law enforcement document who i am. shut up george orwell
i work with alot of homeless people and none of them have any id what so ever. they're often robbed and mugged and stuff is stolen from them.
now i know it's popular opionin to kill the homeless because they dont work like you do. but america was founded on people living in teh woods and only paying taxes if they own land. so fuck all of you. everyone gets to vote.
OK edgelord, then go get a library card with a picture on it. Those are free too.
>why would i want to let law enforcement document who i am
missing the goddamn point
homeless shelters dont require id
the nice ones do
What is this, a literacy test for ants?
Many of these questions are confusing, you had TEN MINUTES to take it, and any questions left blank or wrong resulted in a FAILING GRADE. And because of the Grandfather clause, only blacks were required to take it. Yes, it was incredibly racist, you fucking idiot.
But WHY? Voter fraud? If voter fraud was such a big issue that it was insulting the foundation of our democracy, we'd know. The millions of people who don't have IDs who would not be allowed to vote is a much bigger threat to Democratic principles than the minuscule issue of voter fraud.
Guess you would have failed your literacy test, because I literally fucking said that you imbecile.
so the patriot act can dox me? no thanks
But why not?
>But WHY?
But why not?
Voter fraud is a legitimate issue. It's not potentially a large one, but literally why not?
Why should we need require even the most basic modicum of proof that you are a citizen, or even who you say you are, in order to vote?
>The millions of people who don't have IDs
Like who?
If you think some podunk library is going to patriot act you, you're either a massive egotistical douche or you're in need of mental help for extreme paranoia.
So you must:
not drive
not pay taxes
not work
not rent/own property
not pay any bills
What the fuck do you do besides shitpost?
>But WHY? Voter fraud? If voter fraud was such a big issue that it was insulting the foundation of our democracy, we'd know.
So, if I may interpret what you're saying
>If voter fraud were a problem, there would be action taken to prevent it
Good thing it's not a problem for the welfare state that wants to remove borders, otherwise the people might have to waste time reading about it in a newspaper.
i live like a decent human being, thank you very much.
and all podunk libraries are patriot acted. its all digital. you fucking idiot
wana keep going, i'll keep dropping truth bombs about our govt
Maybe stopping other countries from having an effect on our votes? I mean, we don't live in a world where everyone loves everyone and no one would do things to see others suffer, we live in the real world where stupid shit happens just because, so it makes sense to stop outside sources from effecting out government to prevent them from making things happen that are bad for us (the USA) and good for (((Them))).
>why not?
Because it disenfranchises people to little to no gain. You're the one making a claim here, I don't have to prove a negative.
Kek, you are kind of a weirdo aren't you.
Yelling about the patriot act is not really "dropping" anything.
>it disenfranchises people
Like who?
>to little to no gain
Prevents illegals, felons, even fucking tourists from just walking in and voting.
Opposing it is the equivalent of saying "We don't need to ID for alcohol and there's no reason to believe underage kids will be buying it".
ad-hominem, or are you asking me out on a date?
>i dont like my photo being taken
no one does dipshit
>i've survived to age 30 without letting anyone take my pic
How's life without a car?
You must be one of those self-described 'sovereign citizens' I hear about. Or you're Alex Jones.
I guess you'll have to eschew voting then. I mean, if you're avoiding all interaction with the government anyway what difference does it really make to you?
Only people who want to enable spies and espionage would want a system that does not check the validity of ones citizenship. It leads to an open way to abuse the system by any who want to.
that may be but it still leans FORWARD first and foremost
i'm not a sovereign citizen and have never claimed to be
Ad-hom is implying someone's argument is invalid because of a personal attack.
This is just an insult.
You're kind of weird aren't you?
kek, was gonna post a similar response.
awww you luvvv me how cute
you want to hug me
you want to kisss me
you want to marrry me
according to the courts ruling it's unconstitutional to require an id because it's a form of "poll tax". IDs are like 11 dollars and a birth certificate is 23
Statistically, yes. Statictially, being born results in a 100% chance of death.
so, yeah, fuck you
Still, how do you get to work, buy goods, travel?
Why does it matter who? The statistics show that they exist.
And surprise surprise, there's a racial bias! Surely that's coincidental.
Why do you care so much about voter fraud? It's such a small fucking number. It's insignificant. The number of people who do not have IDs IS more significant.
Felons should have the right to vote already, who the fuck cares
its hard for indoctrinated wage slaves to comprehend some people exist outside of the employment lifestyle realm
jokes on them when the lights go out and we're all back to subsistence farming and still wana vote
in Texas you can use a public school transcript to get an ID, as long as some woman from a foreign country has a kid on US soil, her and the entire family can now become citizens.
Holy fuck that's retarded. The main part of their argument is that spics and nigs voted less with voter laws. Except that sometimes, nigs voted more. So they excuse it like this:
>But this doesn't answer the question at all: turnout among black voters may have been even higher had the strict photo ID requirements not been put in place.
It's like they have zero integrity, consistency, or integrity. fuck.
By your own descriptions you certainly sound like one. Or you're just a massively coddled NEET milquetoast. Not sure. But again, if you've spent your whole life avoiding all government entanglements, why do you even care if you vote?
See For just one of many reasons letting just anyone vote without them being citizens is not a great idea.
>How are judges so cucked into blocking laws requiring photo ID to vote?
Voting is a primary right American citizens enjoy. It is arguably more important the freedom of expression as it is the one and only form for most Americans to participate in the political process. Requiring a picture ID to express your political opinion can be seen as worse than requiring a picture ID to express any opinion.
In addition to this, the justification for voter ID is to prevent fraud. But voter fraud has never been found to be a significant issue in local, state, or federal elections. There may be some cases of voter fraud occurring but not in a number to change any election result.
To permit such regulations on voting rights requires at least an issue as serious as the right it affects. Given that the protection from voter fraud is insignificant and the right to vote is so important we shouldn't be asking why these laws requiring photo ID are being found unconstitutional but why they were enacted in the first place.
>Eh I don't get why it's such a big deal to republicans
You cannot see the benefit to Republicans in denying or making voting difficult for minorities?
because i want to change the government legally, like stopping PC culture =P
trump ftw
>One study
>Statistic originates from a study done in 2006
Try harder.
If you are a citizen, you absolutely have the right to vote.
All I'm requesting is accountability to show you're actually a citizen.
I don't think there is anything wrong with that, and I challenge you to provide a reason you shouldn't have to prove citizenship in even the most basic form to exercise rights reserved exclusively for citizens.
Again, I could be a tourist and still vote because there isn't any accountability.
I could vote 40 times in 40 states if I had the patience and schedule planning.
It's a totally needless loophole that you don't want to close because it sounds racist.
that's such a stupid statement. everyone in my village knows who the fuck i am. when i go to the voting place, they're like aaaay white guy who grows much food, what up!
Huh, you really made me consider some thoughts
Want to live with sharia law? well now you can since we don't give a fuck who votes, thanks people who won't be affected by these things! Maybe we can get you to vote other things that are awful for us since our people won't!
Why the hell would you want felons to have the right to vote?
What kind of ID? Texas says you need photo ID to vote:
All of them require citizenship.
If they've served their time, why shouldn't they? They're still people.
another thing you all overlook; voting requires a signature. votes are commonly thrown out if they don't match your signature.
even X works for kikes
And no longer full citizens, as they are felons.
That is part of the punishment of being a felon.
those crazy right winger racist at wired are at it again
According to fucking whom?
Why is this a big deal anyways, I got fake id's as a kid to go drinking, why can't illegals do the same without having the law changed.
That right there proves it is a ploy by Hillary to get votes since she advocates "Minorities and illegals hate Trump"