ITT: Debate a liberal Hillary supporter.
ITT: Debate a liberal Hillary supporter
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Nigger faggot
Debate what? She's a crooked piece of shit and everyone knows it. There's literally nothing to debate.
I'm from Philly, we're one of the most corrupt cities in the nation and she makes us look like a bunch of fucking Boy Scouts.
Why are you supporting a proven, above the law criminal?
Fine I'll bite. Why is it a bad thing for whites to support their own ethnic interests and support Trump?
>I am on Sup Forums and am a liberal who supports hillary despite everything that is said on here
>please debate me because you guys clearly haven't said everything there is to say on this subject
you are literally retarded
Why do you hate white males?
Why don't you want to stop the 3rd-world Islamic subhuman conquest of America? That's literally the only thing this election is about
Not proven
It's not, but I don't see how Trump's policies are good for white people.
Not an argument.
Hilary's state department was a miserable failure. She proved herself unqualified to be president.
No such thing. Only source of mass immigration is Asia and Latin America.
If you're referring to the Syrians, itms completely different to what Germany and Sweden have done to themselves with "refugees" as these will be actual vetted Syrians.
>Not an argument.
Not an answer.
>But can we use nukes
>Get my fork I'm hungry
Ok buddy
Quite frankly, I'm unwilling to vote for a candidate who has demonstrated a complete misunderstanding of economics and foreign policy. I couldn't give less of a shit about Trump's rhetoric.
If Trump is elected, life for white males will be even worse than it would be under Hillary.
Are you projecting?
Careful mates.
He's out to correct our record.
>mfw some shill is trying to correct the record
You mean Pakis and Southeast Asians? Both are Muslims
>Latin America
Not good genetic stock
Hillary: Raise Taxes on the Middle Class
[this story broke less than two days ago]
Trump: Lower taxes on the Middle Class, and all other brackets.
Which policy is worse for white, middle class men?
>ITT: Debate a liberal Hillary supporter.
But you just cannot do it
spic kike faggot nigger
but it WAS proven. when asked how to handle it (wtf y tho) the fbi said eh dont do anything. all the evidence is out there for the world to see. how can you justify ignoring all the hard facts?
Free trade, H1Bs, and immigration all suppress wages by increasing the supply of labor. It is in our interests to keep wages high in our country.
Explain to me why it isn't proven? Why it isn't a fact that she violated:
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
When she decided to do this very thing on her private server?
East Asia, as in China and Korea. We both are smart enough to know exactly what an American means on an American site so I'll not insult your intelligence by elaborating.
She said the opposite but didn't articulate, which you can hear if you listened. I'll admit she's a pretty terrible speaker.
>She said the opposite but didn't articulate, which you can hear if you listened.
No. You are denying what she actually said which is "Raise taxes on the middle class."
How can you pretend she didn't say that? I will GLADLY go and fetch the video for you. Do you want to watch the video?
What are your thoughts on the email scandal and the DNC leaks?
Studies show that money and labor brought to the US economy raises the wage of everyone except those who have only a high school diploma.
>I know the law better than the entire federal government
It is proven. The director of the FBI himself admitted there was intent.
It basically equates to:
>We all know she did it, but I'm going to let her off anyway because I don't want to be killed in my sleep
It doesn't matter if you deny it, it's a fact.
you mean she can't talk, articulate or respond to unforeseen circumstances since her stroke? Yeah, that's right...
>>I know the law better than the entire federal government
assuming the entire government is ignoring what happened. she has a bunch of them on her payroll. thats literally the only thing keeping her out of jail.
Please watch this. This is what she said. Am I missing some context?
If your words can be misinterpreted as the OPPOSITE of what you are trying to say, you are a HORRIBLE public speaker.
nigger whore kike
faggot nigger
Email scandal is embarrassing but not criminal. It's happened to other perfectlt competent politicians, though, like Colin Powell.
DNC stuff is also embarrassing but I'm not losing any sleep over Crazy Bernie and his communist supporters getting BTFO. If it were someone like Biden getting plotted against I'd feel differently.
>">I know the law better than the entire federal government." Kek
That isn't an argument, is it? Sounds like a generalization. Let's be legitimate here, okay? Until you can refute that I've proven that she is a criminal, you seem to have no leverage in this discussion.
niggers tongue my angus
>its only bad if it happens to someone 'important'
please drink a gallon of bleach
And thoughts on Snowden and Wikileaks?
Seeing as the real wages have remained stagnant for decades now I call bullshit on those studies.
faggot kike transtesticle nigger
>If it were someone like Biden getting plotted against I'd feel differently
This has got to be a bait thread
Allright, her work under Obama as being in charge of External affairs, how would you rate her work?
Seriously, how can you support such an openly corrupt and deceitful politician? I can get not supporting Trump but hell even Johnson and Stein are far more authentic and honest with the American people. Hillary has just demonstrated so much negligence and bad judgement to me.
Stop appropriating that word.
why do you support a person who has adopted largely inconsistent positions and all the changes were magically towards the ones which give more votes?
How do you come on this board and not by some chance learn the damaging effects of liberalism on western civilization?
I agree she's a horrible public speaker. You can find more details of her tax plan and I haven't seen raised taxes on the middle class in them, but if you've seena proposal I haven't, I'd love to see it.
The FBI didn't recommend charges so I'm going to agree with their analysis.
Go back to r/SandersForPresident you fucking communist rat
Mixed feelings about Snowden, whistleblowing was good but the manner in which he did it was not ideal. Not sure what I'd do in that position so I try to avoid passing judgement.
As far as Wikileaks, I think Assange is probably lying just like the media does about Trump (for attention).
I'll try to find it for you.
Moderate. I'd appreciate a less hawkish approach to things. Her Syria approach was kind of retarded but the plan was implemented in a terrible half-assed way that made it much worse than it had to be.
I'd like to vote for Johnson but I'm in a swing state.
Not really, I fucking hate socialists and communists. Biden is goofy but he'a a legitimate politician.
>he has different ideas than me so he doesn't deserve the same respect
Just admit this is a bait thread bro
It's not a bad thing to either evolve on positions or change them to better represent one's constituents. And while whataboutism makes for shitty arguments, Trump does exactly the same thing.
Aaand Lybia, was it a good decision, now that the leaks have come out?
Do you consider those things to be her fault, or is it more the Obamas administrations fault it got so bad?
If the swing state rule applies, then you have to vote for trump, you buffoon.
A better question might be what can Clinton possibly do to make you realize she's corrupt because it seems you're in denial
>he wants to crash the economy and rip the fabric of society aparty but YOU BETTER RESPECT HIM WAAAAAAAAAAHHHH
it's bad enough that any of the free college shit made it onto the platform
Heh, do you hate the police, military, and roads too?
Or just Medicare and social security?
I was gonna vote for Trump but after all his retarded mistakes I've seriously considered voting for Hillary and joining the democrats.
I want to be on the winning side for once. I hate feeling angry when the media would lie and debase republicans but I understand why they do. You disloyal cunts are so easy to hate, you turn on each other on a moment's notice. No more. #ImWithHer
Right, one last bite of the bait from me before i go.
Nato, and its internal problems. Would hillary do anything about some of its members drastically underspending on their defence?
And you wanted a less hawkish approach, what do you think hillaries policies with russia will be?
I don't give a fuck about what Trump says. I only like him because of two issues and he shows them through the general meaning of what he says, not in particular sentences. If anything, the blatant contradictions reinforce one of those points.
She did not evolve. She's deliberately pretending to change her positions publicly so that he can grab all you idiots. Do notice that whenever she changes her mind, it's always towards the side which has more potential votes to grab. What this means is that she does not believe one word she's saying and once she's in power she'll quickly find an excuse to do whatever the fuck she wants. Don't give guns to a psychopath.
You are seeing the media narrative torn to shreds right before your eyes, and you think sticking to that narrative to get a pat on the head from your progressive masters is a good choice?
We dont want your undying loyalty, we want you to not be a shifty kike.
James Comey openly said that anyone else who followed Clinton's behavior would be punished under federal law, yet he didn't recommend charges, because of the "intent" loophole, which is bogus, because through either negligence or incompetence, you should be held accountable for such an important crime. You're supporting a proven criminal. Ask yourself where your morals are at this point in your life, and if you feel comfortable knowing that you're supporting a proven criminal.
Thanks but not an answer. Are you completely okay with accepting more Syrian migrants despite how much damage they have done to European countries and the ever increasing threat of ISIS terrorist attacks on american soil?
A disloyal person is like trash, easily discarded and replaced with someone who values loyalty.
Pretty hard to support republicucks when they spend most of their time destroying each other rather than the other party.
Libya wasn't reasonably preventable although I was very upset by the attack, since I know the family of one of the victims. (They're voting for her, btw.) Not sure who I'd blame. My degree's in physical chemistry and not in polysci so I'm not entirely sure what the best course of action would have been.
This has to be bait
I frankly don't think it's that bad of a problem. The countries that would invoke Article 5 all hit the spending target and I think it's important for America to demonstrate its strength militarily. I'd just prefer to avoid needless provocation toward Russia.
Sorry m7
Anyway, as we all know, Merkel's problem was inviting FUCKING EVERYONE to Germany. A ridiculously small number of them were actually Syrians and most were fighting-age men. Resettling Syrian families, especially when it's not 2 million migrants in an 80 million country, is fine with me.
Its kind of funny about a democrat valuing loyalty, when its own party fucked its own members over royally with bernie.
Besides, retard, for most of the election so far it was a run on seeing witch republican candidate gets the nomination. Of course they are going to be fighting against eachother, not go "Well i have a vagina, and trump said mean things"
No reason to debate
You're backing the right horse in this race and would like to congratulate you
Compared to the shitty clusterfuck that is donald trump Hillary is the only right choice
Keep up the good work!
Not being ironic or sarcastic here. I'm not saying that she's the right choice, but Trump is just so shit that she's the only choice.
Kind of in that episode of the Simpsons where both candidates were terrible but Mayor Quimby was slightly less terrible
Trump is Sideshow Bob, just all around a horrible human being
Hillary is Quimby, an established corrupt politician
I guess you could bring Benghazi into it, but i mean the toppling of Ghaddafi regime that was a former ally of americans. How does that translate into a reasonable foreign policy?
Sorry for late replies I was prepping the bull
She's been plenty consistent on the important issues like economy and foreign policy. Most of her flip flops are on dumb shit like gay marriage or other literal non-issues.
Once again, no indictment so she isn't a criminal. If she were a dangerous criminal, why wouldn't the FBI indict her? It's not like the whole organization is run by libshits, it's likely the opposite.
also, Trump's 'You can't trust those guys, I bribed them! Vote for me instead.' reminded be of this.
>actual vetted Syrians
How's is that possible when
1. Syria has never officially collected detail data on its poor. There is only tiny military intelligence data. Do you think Syria is going to give us that data unaltered? What's the catch.
2. The bulk of the refugees are only Syrian because of circumstance. Most of those have no citizenship to any country. There is no data on them any where
It may have been better to let him be, but Ghadaffi was terrorist supporting scum who's better off dead. Also, the push for action in Libya was heavily pushed by the French, so it was as mich a decision to shore up relations with France as a decision against Libya.
To prevent double jeopardy rule from coming into effect. The leader of the surpreme court Loretta Lynch is basically an extention of Obama, and would have guaranteed clinton being not found guilty no matter what.
By not even beginning prosecution into it, it prevents the double jeopardy from allowing her a complete immunity from any future prosecution by a less influenced judge.
Ghaddafi agreed on a total surrender of all chemical weapons and agreed for full co-operation with all western intelligence services the moment americans invaded iraq.
By all sense of the word, Ghadaffi was submissive to western interests and actively trying to cooperate.
And now afterwards, Lybia is overrun by ISIS proxies. Fabulous foreign policy from clinton as always
Data has been largely registered by the UN and only the most vulnerable (i.e. not rapey military aged men) are referred to the US, where they then are investigated by multiple federal agencies. Something like 2% of them are combat aged males, as opposed to 80% in Europe. It's a completely different situation.
If Clinton murdered a baby on live television while praising Satan, would you still vote for her?
You would, wouldn't you
Why do you hate women so much?
Post-birth abortion is her choice, not yours.
The President doesn't have that kind of power over the FBI, though.
Ghaddafi should be judged on his actions, not his words. His actions showed that he sponsored terrorism against the US. And none of the retards fucking shit up there now are a threat to the US. ISIS in Libya is a small and insignificant offshoot of normal ISIS.
Of course not. If your candidate promised to default on the US debt on national television, would you still vote for him?
>Of course not. If your candidate promised to default on the US debt on national television, would you still vote for him?
My candidate never proposed that, and no.
Good, then we both are in agreement.
>His actions showed that he sponsored terrorism against the US
Ah, you mean the same way saddam had WMD´s as well?
>Pan Am 103
but he apologized so I guess it's okay now
Seeing how a formerly prosperous country is now a muslim shithole, and americans as an ally have become a meme, i guess it really is okay.
A failing socialist economy propped up by oil is hardly a model of successful government
Better than what came after bombing the nation to ruin and letting jihadists take over. Hillary is an incompetent person on so many levels it blows my mind that you can support with a straight face a person who blamed the benghazi attack on a youtube video and had the artist arrested.
>A failing socialist economy propped up by oil is hardly a model of successful government
Just ask venezuela
Can you prove that Libya being in chaos is worse for the US than Ghaddafi ruling it with an iron fist and supporting anti-Western groups?
Socialism kills.
Most schools are closed, oil production is down to 1/3 of its original, and the country is in civil war between various muslim militant groups. Rights formerly provided to Libyas women have been reclined, and the country is now an open gate to flood europe.
Its a shithole.
You don't understand. For me, an American, isn't it better now that a bunch of weak factions are trying to kill each other there rather than Ghaddafi, a very strong leader, sponsoring terrorism against the US? (Not to mention OPEC fuckery)
You going to give me that study?
why does hillary have to blame all her failures on the russians?
>Debating with a liberal
Your fault for start one.
Sorry, I forgot, all the cum I drink rots my brain: