What's pol's opinion on Ben Shapiro?
Ben Shapiro
establishment cuck
literally who?
He played violin real good when he was a little boy
Faggot without a future
An ally who was treated despicably by trumptards.
destroyed his own career single-handedly by supporting a lying whore.
can't believe anyone still listens to a word he says.
>doesn't like trump
Gee, I wonder what Sup Forums's opinion of him could be...
Milo is an ally. He was with Trump all along. Who is this "Shapiro" fellow to appear at the 11th hour?
He's not one of those Cameron Slater, Cuckervative WhaleOil types is he?
this. he's been one of the few rational people throughout this election season.
Sup Forums always loved shapiro until he dared to disagree with the hugbox about their meme candidate
>Sup Forums always loved shapiro until he showed his true cuck colors
btw he's balding pretty bad and uses his yarmulke to hide it
jews didnt go bald before they killed jesus
If Shapiro is rational, why did he throw all his chips into Michael Fields case before the facts came out and then tried to slander Breitbart despite being supported the whole time?
That aside, why is he still going on anti-Trump on a small chance of people electing a conservative in next election cycle, after last two failed elections, when current election will radically change the nation one way or another due to our next president deciding who the SCOTUS seats go to. There's too much at stake to give up 3-5 supreme court seats to Hillary Clinton.
No, not after white knighting that dumb bitch because she got a little shove. He turned into just another SJW, even resorting to their own insults, whining about Trump's "toxic masculinity."
He's just another backstabbing kike who doesn't care about anything but Israel. And if we're not sticking our dick in the Middle-East, it's like another holocaust.
He may be eloquent when he isn't bitching about Trump or stereotypical badgers, but that goes for every jew. He's just following the money right up until it threatens his Israel-first stance.
I dislike his anti-trumpness but at least he hates SJWs.
who is this whore?
jewish gnome trying to steal shekels from cuckservatives
Oh and this too
He tries to say a refusal to vote Trump isn't support for Hillary but that's bullshit. We're getting one or the other. Hiding behind Congress won't be a viable strategy once the empty Court seat is filled. Refusing to vote Trump is absolutely supporting Hillary. And that's exactly what a lot of jews and neoconservatives want, since they don't care about America's domestic issues and Hillary will happily continue the history of overseas warmongering(and low taxes for the bankers).
michelle fields
When he goes away on Campus speaking tours, his wife cheats on him with black men.
Stereotypical jew longnose, sweaty, ugly...
good man that believes he can salvage conservatism and combine it what he liked about these past decades of it, and remove PC culture.
i don't think he will manage it, he has had lapse of judgement when it came to Michelle fields.
he's not a bad guy
how can a guy who say this stuff be bad?
Based Shlomo
hah did he really say 'toxic masculinity'?
Never thought I'd live long enough to see Sup Forums become fag worshipers...
>Never thought I'd live long enough to see Sup Forums become kike worshipers...
Controlled opposition
I don't worship anyone unlike you pussies who'd suck "daddy" off if you thought it'd finally get his poll numbers over 43%
for somebody who supposedly doesn't "worship anyone", you're pretty butthurt about how i don't like the neocon establishment kek Shapiro
I agree with most of what he says except on Israel, trump and abortion
Can't recall specific article, but he actually has. The whole Michael Fields case has been really weird, Shapiro really acting out of character.
Smart guy drunk on ideology, he should go back to wrecking libtards in TV debates since he didn't get what he wanted from the election.
Ben Shapiro can stick a fat dick and die. Milo is sucking a fat dick as we speak.
Hillary Clinton will be the next president and conservatism will die. I hope you're all happy.
Neocon chickenhawk faggot. Cuck manlet. Absolutely worthless. Gas or deport at once.
He's not bad when fighting lefties but turned out to be terrible turbo jew cuck when going against far-right/alt-right folks, too much neo-connery basically, simple as that
(((ben shapiro)))
Butthurt Sup Forumstard
The kippa makes them go bald. Wearing a hat all the time is bad for your hair.
this is not wrong desu
he's a fucking kike
Shapiro is the savior Sup Forums needed, not the one it deserved. You see, most people here, myself included, got redpilled fairly fast on most things like niggers nigging, leftists being traitorous scum and subhumans needing to be gotten rid of. Despite all the (((coincidences))) it was still hard to believe that a large portion of the jewish people, who after all are smart and farily white looking people, actually have a vested interest in destroying everything the white race is and stands for. It seemed so far fetched and absurd.
Ben was 4chans version of Israel. The "jewish ally", the symbol that jews were in fact not the traitorous, warmongering egocentrics stormfags made them out to be. Nothing could have convinced this website otherwise, there would never have been a consensus here about the jewish question, nobody could have unified us on that issue - except the jew himself. By having the symbol for the "based jew" backstab the American right at the first opportunity and shill for the high score, Benji distributed more redpills than stormfags ever could. At last, the people here see the jews true colors.
He sounds like an untrustworthy faggot
When you are up to your knees in mudslimes, you need someone behind you who you know has your back
We are not playing tiddlywinks here gentlemen
Been around a long time on Breitbart. He quit after Trump security manhandled a female journalist.
Trumperites then sperged out at him for criticizing their dear leader.
We have videos of the event, don't even try and spin the facts.
He white knighted a girl who was objectively lying because he was blinded by his hatred for Trump.
How anyone could trust his journalism after that is beyond me.
Nah, Shapiro said that racists should be hunted down and their lives destroyed. That makes him the enemy of most of pol.
He's outside the Pearly Gates and it's debatable if he'll ever be allowed in
He's a cuck and a traitor to his own words
Has some good values/ideas but he's on the wrong side of history
I also can't stand his voice
But that's just a personal thing
I listen to his show while I minecraft. I don't like when he does impressions it's too forced.
>he's a cuck
He just seems to battle reason with logic. He makes fair arguments.
Trump is the only thing separating the West from death by Islam. Only faggot losers are quibbling about policy at this point. Neck yourself, faggot loser.
he nuked his career by siding with someone who was lying
>Milo is an ally
>not understanding milovitz is a contrarian faggot doing all this shit just for attention.
At least shapiro has something interesting to say than fight sjws all the time like its anything impressive.
How old are you faggots anyway, you really sound like edgy children.
which was?
Ben is based as fuck
Sounds comfy.
>hurr 4 years of Hillary is much better than Trump
>supreme court decided by Hillary
Nah, he's a dumbass
He's a hero and trumptards are the traitors. I have dub'd this The Verbal Bitch Slap Heard Around the World.
Trump is an autist and Ben can see through his lies, nontheless im not defending shillary either. USA is fucked
he backs the lady who wants to flood Israel with arabs
neck yourself, paleotrash. Kill your entire family first
around jews, you lose
I'm actually a white christian with green eyes