>Be French priest
>Get throat slit
>Be French church goer
>Get removed from your church by riot police so the government can turn it into a parking lot
Be French priest
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be French
They should have turned it into a mosque for maximum bantz
the parking lot they're building is an expansion of a parking lot for an existing mosque, did you not read the article?
This is what it looks like when a country commits suicide.
Not that KHAN'D is in any position to mock. But then again, mocking is what we're here for aren't we? The death of others is fun as long as we can "bantz" over it like a bunch of psychopaths.
So what? Crying over it is no more helpful than laughing, and I know which I would prefer.
>Actually defending deriving joy from the death of others purely because of their nationality
This is a sign of psychopathy. Seek help. This is what produces the "they deserved to die by my hand, they voted left" attitude.
If you want more, our PM (Valls) was trying to create a "Halal Tax" on everyone to finance Mosque in France. President Holland waited until yesterday before telling him to stop being retarded.
And yeah, if you think it's weird that our PM is doing all he can to let terrorist act easily in France and help with the destruction of French culture ... pic related.
French catholics need to fight back
Don't worry, the first one is now with Jesus and the second one will be transfered to next church.
You can just admit you're nervous because Belgium keeps getting blown up, you know.
Is this the same Valls who near the beginning of his term commented Saint Denis would be better without all the black people? Hard to believe.
>pic related
You know Jews are not only running away from places like St. Denis the hardest, but are also overrepresented among FN voters (despite its antisemitic past), right? There's Zionist and progressives, but the average Jew doesn't want to be hunted down like a beast by a religion that promotes hunting them down like beasts.
Valls is even mockingly referred to as "Prince Valls" by some Jews, reflecting that they are safest in areas where his influences is the strongest, and where his influence wanes (ie. where Muslims prosper) there's nothing protecting them.
Don't let a few progressive academics fool you, most Jews in France don't like Muslims.
>catholics (especially french ones)
Pick one
I'm worried because people who did nothing wrong keep dying. Is empathy and basic moral decency really this rare on a board that loves to complain about "degeneracy"? Or is it only "degeneracy" in the Nazi sense, ie. degenerate art being simply what the regime deems unsuited for their goals?
>Not that KHAN'D is in any position to mock
Check my stars
>purely because of their nationality
Thanks for the strawman Belgium
>Implying that post wasn't pretty much "xDD that's what they get for being le surrender monkeys". I know Francophobia is Britain's longest standing national tradition, but this is reaching ISIS levels of hatred.
Most cucked countries :
1 - Germany
2 - France
3 - Sweden
4 - Canada
>Implying that post wasn't pretty much "xDD that's what they get for being le surrender monkeys".
No it wasn't. Banter is medium of peace.
What did he mean by this?
LePen comments was :
"If their is a church that the socialist should respect it's the Saint Rita one. Saint of the desperate causes"
Top kek, love this guy
> Sweden not being on top
I will take my daily terrorist attack over Swedes' literal cuckolding any day.
is this fucking real?!
Im an edgy atheist but come the fuck on!
kek, he's the supreme banter even at 90
holy shit that's top tier
Private property. Blame Cuck Pope for not buying it
the cucktolics deserve everything happening to them
they are the main supporters of mass illegal immigration
But they bought the propriety, what's the big deal again?
Does he hear himself? This has to be a conspiracy. I've done some research into this actually.
It needs work but I think it explains a lot. Or do you have a better theory?
top kek
These were traditionalists who reject Vatican cuckery though.
What is Valls thinking about in this picture?
is this how christianity spread through europe? 50 years from now france will doing islamic crusades
They are literally squatters. The property was sold off years ago.
>be chaplain in French army
>compare islam to nazism
>announce crusade
like always you guys are years behind when it comes to France politic, but I don't care since the only news you get come from your cucked MSM