I miss him.
I miss him
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Wtf i hate obama now
I never thought I would hate a president as much as this guy... and then comes Obama. And it keeps getting worse choose Clinton or fucking Trump? Do I shoot myself in the right eye or left eye? These days Bush seems like a fucking noble prize winning saint in comparison.
I miss Bush's simple foreign affair shenanigans compared to Obama's trainwreck.
Me too
Bush was a true American.
Best 1st pitch in history
>shoot yourself
Gonna sic the constabulary on ye for havin a murderous firearm
He would be crushing Hillary in this election. Easiest election ever and we had to go and nominate an insane guy who isn't even a conservative.
if you miss him now, just wait and see how you feel in 2020
watch bush's pitch and then go watch obama's, tells you all you need to know
He dragged the name of the Republican party through the mud, resulting in so many people turning to Obama.
Fuck him and his big ears.
lol BARELY makes it to home, lucky the player saved his ass.
A bit. Don't miss Cheney though.
>resulting in so many people turning to Obama.
obama won in 2008 literally because
>muh first black president
obama won again in 2012 because we ran an autistic mormon neocon against him
That could still win a second term in America.
>muh first black president
That was a part of it, but so many people were disillusioned by the mess Bush Jr. got us into. I know because I was one of them.
jeb fuck off
huh... realy makes you think..
>implying the insane guy won't win
thanks for CTR
I miss your mum
Bush era is the reason we have Sup Forums.
Clinton is the same as Obama.
Stop using a UK proxy.
How about you vote for Jesus
jesus theres proof right there the guy was never born in america
You do remember that Bush was elected twice?
The two terms rule is so stupid. Bush is 70, he should come back for another term. He'd beat Hillary. Sure the Iraq war was a mistake, but otherwise he was a solid president, and he made people proud to be American, unlike Obama/Hillary/Trump.
People forget that we were winning in Iraq under Bush. Obama completely fucked up the Middle East. I just wish W didn't cringe so often, he put his foot in his mouth way too often.
>missing a puppet that was controlled by neocons kikes during 8 years
What are you ? 16 yo ?
Me too.
His speech in Dallas was on point. I don't remember him being that eloquent during his presidency.
dumb redneck scum
bush was a fucking idiot but he was a funny cokehead idiot i miss him aswell
what? your not even American you eurofag stay in your shit politics you english cunt
Aim lower.
Hey Bush, where re the iraqy nukes?
Can we get a dancing dabiu going in this thread?