Why does isis never attack Russia? There a new attack in Europe every other week and nothing has happened in Russia for years. Furthermore, the chaos in Europe is obviously in Russia's interest. Do you Russian shills have an explanation for this besides muh border control?
Why does isis never attack Russia...
Russia kills terrorists and the families of terrorists. European countries don't.
They blew up an entire airliner full of Russians last year
Oh, so you're saying its because the suicidal terrorists are scared. Ok, that makes perfect sense thanks.
Why is ISIS not attacking ISRAEL is the question you should ask
I think that's a legitimate question to ask too but Russia has actually declared war on isis and is portraying a more hostile image against it than most other countries that are being attacked way more often. I know we all like to deflect blame on the jews when things don't make sense but Russia should be the #1 target for isis if you buy the narrative.
Actually, it does.
They fear not for themselves, but for their families. It is a sacred thing in Caucasus.
They know that the Russian FSB doesn't give a fuck about your dogshit political correctness and kidnappings/violent reprisals would take place. They would literally torture the captured terrorists and then secretly finish off all their families via assassination units.
Better attack cucked France or some shit, where they won't even get a life sentence.
That kinda makes sense.
>The fsb is so badass it scares insane terrorists from attacking them
Are all russians this balls deep in propaganda? Or are you one of those state sanctioned trolls I keep reading about?
Because Russia solved that problem in Dagestan.
They do. Russia just knows how to deal with them and usually foils theitr attacks befote they happen. Same with israel.
They have been dealing with islamic extremists ever since the soviet union fell.
No really, they're fighting for ideological reasons. They're okay with giving up their own life, but they're not okay with Russia going full on Red Army invasion with no concern for collateral damage in retaliation.
I can't even say for sure Russia would do that, but they know it's infinitely more likely than the EU doing it. Besides, Russia doesn't give out it's white pussy and money as easily.
Because the Chechens have finally worked out a deal with Putin where they can have some autonomy and not have your family mysteriously go missing and they don't want to ruin it.
Also, ISIS doesn't attack Israel/China for the very same reason. It is resource inefficient. They will just kill/torture poor jihadis and won't let them get the message across. Plus they won't negotiate with them, but just go on assault were a hostage situation to happen.
Russian forces have instructions not to negotiate shit with terrorists, but just go full elimination-tactics. We even have national guard, which can open fire without order.
An entire village was mysteriously gassed (by mysterious persons who remain unknown) with poison because they shot down a russian chopper.
Russia doesnt give a shit about harming as many people as possible to get revenge on terrorists and, surprise-surprise terrorists dont like people who have BALLS because they know they will get their shit kicked to oblivion.
>Russian forces have instructions not to negotiate shit with terrorists, but just go full elimination-tactics. We even have national guard, which can open fire without order.
Is this something your proud of or something? Just going in an killing innocent people is a cool thing for you?
Maybe because of that (pic.).
We were at war with terrorists. And we have killed each of their commander, wherever he was. Our intelligence agencies have a very rich experience.
>because they shot down a russian chopper.
But that wasn't even a terrorist act. It happened in the syrian war and the helicopter was a battle chopper carrying soldiers. What you're saying is that when russia suffers losses during conventional warfare, it gases civilians in retaliation.
It worked for Assad's uncle in Hama to put down the Muslim Brotherhood inthe 80s.
Are you retarded? Or do you genuinely believe that ISIS thugs lack sense of efficiency?
They are usually just some arab teenagers from poor social backgrounds and they have fear just like any other humans. Jihadis are not some special breed of humans incapable of feeling fear.
It's not about FSB, same applies to Israeli tactics, some African states and some CIS states have the same zero tolerance policies to terrorism.
But yea, keep on believing that everything a Russian says is lies and propaganda. Have fun getting blown up and #notallmuslims every month.
It may be just a coincidence that your forces don't actually persecute the terrorists, huh?
Who gives a fuck about sandniggers anyway, their culture is dogshit.
>syrian war
>implying isis isnt in syria
>implying isis didnt shoot down the chopper
yeah whatever, they was gud bois, dindu etc
Yes they are scared becuse they dont want Fatima and 11 little Ahmeds to die.
Russians dont give a fuck about
>muh innocent civiliuns ;(
r u fuckign serious?
Ever been to a Russian capital city? There may be foreigners all over the place but equally there's a fuckton of police, militia and metal detectors and they ask everyone foreign for their papers, anyone suss goes right off to jail. They also don't give a shit about being called 'racist' for targeting arabs and people from the Caucasus.
>It may be just a coincidence that your forces don't actually persecute the terrorists, huh?
Yeah bud, we don't just kill as many people as possible whenever we see a terrorist - I guess that's where we differ.
The point of the op was to highlight the fact that isis is carrying out Russia's interests in Europe and not carrying out any attacks in russia and that should lead most honest observers in a certain direction.
It is the way you deal with Islamic terrorism. It is what Russia learned during the Chechen wars, what the jews learned and what many other nations, who efficiently combat terrorist threats have.
You may refuse that option and keep getting blown up every now and then. I am not trying to convince you that it is ethically OK either.
You're the one getting butthurt over my statwments for some weird reason. Maybe you have watched too much CNN today.
These answers pretty much. Savages respect strength above all else. Weakness is never rewarded. The fagshit retarded pussy West is literally inviting them to committ terrorism.
If you do not want that these "innocent" people will kill innocent people in your country.
I'm proud of you.
Ok then, I clearly stated that in my opinion, they don't attack states, in which their force and message will be lost. They like easy, cost and resource-efficient countries.
You take Russia as an isolated case, forgetting about Israel, which is much closer to ISIS. They didn't attack it too.
They don't attack China, dispite having Uighur radicals out there either.
But again, out of all these states, you exclusively pick Russia instead of trying to look at a bigger scale picture.
It may be a coincidence though and Russian propaganda as well.
A destabalized Europe isn't as much in the interests of the Chinese as it is for the Russians or any other states.
A europe full of 3rd wold muslims isnt in anyone's best interest, including russia
>destabalized Europe
>in the interests
>for the Russians
Are you fucking serious? Oh, God.
you are one stupid mother fucker
>no terrorist attacks in Sweden
It was Sven's plot all along.
Based Russian
Faggot CTR shill
No one with a shred of understanding of terror conflicts believes Russia is behind any of that shit. There's more evidence linking Israel and the USA to the propogation of ISIS than fucking Russia. Go shill somewhere else, like reddit.
Anyone that buys the "ISIS is carrying out Russian agendas!" Meme is either a moron or completely uninformed or both
>I started a thread about this topic purely as bait to shitpost about le ebil russia
They did that, they blew up a Russian airliner and several attempts were stopped by Russian security forces.
Wait, are you suggesting Russians are behind ISIS?
>no terrorist attacks in Sweden
Gotta keep somewhere accessible to rape all that fresh white pussy
>Wilayat al-Qawqaz
So, basically, you ignore the adjacent Israel, which should be one of their main ideological targets and simplify your argument down to DE EBIL RUSSIANS WONT EUROB DED. You completely ignored my assumption to try and find similarities between states, which are not getting attacked too.
Nice one there. It is your opinion and however dumb it may be, I doubt I can affect it in any other way if you don't even listen to the one talking with you.
It mustn't be the PC-culture and ease for jihadis to enter Europe/USA, mustn't be the fear of 'racism' when interrogating the suspects, mustn't be the failed migration policy. It must clearly be de ebil Russians. They are to blame for the rapefugees and not failed European policies and PC. This is genius! How come I didn't see that!
Muslims in Russia are already isolated / disenfranchised by the majority of the populace.
ISIS wants to sow domestic dissent in the west, where the progressives welcome islamics and others tolerate them. Russia's media is still anathema to international western reporting, and so anything coming out of there is treated almost as "other" as the ME or Africa.
Then there's the logistical aspect of shenghen.
Russia is killing it tonight, damn.
Russia built next level muslim tracking system, when EU authorities were visiting Russia and intelligence showed them this program, their jaws dropped. They couldn't believe that all this is possible.
Fully no-tolerance-mode special forces combined with some experience in dealing with terror attacks (large ones) from the past I guess.
>where they won't even get a life sentence
>mfw abdeslam probably won't get more than 20 years
Oh and yea.
Our muslims are either secular tatar muslims, whom are bro-tier or North Caucasians, whom live isolated in their Fedaration subjects.
We have lots of muslims, but it isn't like a salad bowl, where muslims, christians and buddhists are mixed like in Europe or the USA.
We have Federation subjects, which are like sub-countries within Russia. Like states.
Dagestan is almost entirely muslim, Tatarstan is mostly muslim, Siberia/Moscow/Petersburg and most western parts of the country are orthodox/atheist/agnosticism. Some subjects are buddhist in majority.
You get it, religion is not mixed up here the way it is in the West. We don't have insane obsession with the race/religion concept. Those who do, get harshly monitored and treated if they commit terrorist acts. That's it.
Shill or retard?
You decide!
Full props to the Russians in this thread for shutting down OP with their answers as effectively as their gov shuts down terrorists in theatres.
Yeah bravo to the russians ITT, suberb stuff.
They got a "man" in charge. Something the US has forgotten since 24 years (i.e. George H. W. Bush).
October 29, 2004 - The State Duma hosted Vladimir Ustinov, head of the Prosecutor General's Office, to discuss the Putin administration's anti-terrorism strategy. As he explained it to the deputies, in future hostage-taking episodes the security agencies would have a formal statutory right to seize and detain the relatives of the suspected hostage-takers. The government would then let the terrorists know that it will do to these "counter-hostages" whatever the terrorists do to their own hostages.
Meanwhile, the practice of taking civilians hostages exists among the officers of Russian and local security agencies in Chechnya. On March 1, 2004, officers of security agencies seized more than 30 relatives of former Ichkerian defence minister Magomed Khambiyev, including women, in the Khambiyev family's native village of Benoy in Chechnya's Nozhay-Yurtovsky District. Magomed Khambiyev got an ultimatum to lay down his arms in exchange for the lives of his relatives; he did it, giving himself up to the authorities in a few days.
1. We've got a very good counter-terror units who train every day on real terrorists in Dagestan/Ingushetia.
2. Daesh recruiting stupid women here and making them into suicide bombers. But 90% of them are too stupid or high to even cross the border without being caught.
Just as keikaku.