Imagine if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton had said about McCain 'He's a war hero cause he got captured...

>Imagine if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton had said about McCain 'He's a war hero cause he got captured? I prefer people who weren't captured'
>Imagine if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton had 5 children from 3 previous relationships
>Imagine if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton had invited a foreign government to hack their political rival
>Imagine if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton insulted the grieving parents of a dead soldier.

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Correct The Record shill. Nothing to see here

This video totally proves your point


why do shills have such trash memes?

the new narrative is
>look trump and pence aren't agreeing
>Trumps going to drop out of the campaign in October

Looks like they're giving up on "The Russians hacked us and Trump is a Russian plant!"

Trump is Teflon. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He will make America great again.

Wtf i hate d.trump now

get what they paid for

>imagine if obama gave a $400m ransom to iran
>imagine if clinton was mishandled classified information and wasn't charged
>imagine if the DNC rigged the nomination process