With white power comes great responsibility
>"White is right Peter"
don't racemix
I'm thinking about dubbing the whole movie with racist/nazi jokes. Is anyone else already doing it?
pumpkin eater
I want summer to leave
>Peter, I thought I told you to stay away from those Bamboo Saunas. I know those brown mini-weenies with a bow wrapped around them might seem tempting at times but you've got to think about starting a family Peter! Fourteen Eighty-Eight, Peter!
>I am starting a family, Uncle Ben. A family of blind mole rats I've been raising underneath the basement. I bought them all the day they were born and I've been mothering them the past eight weeks. You think I'm lying? Haw! I could shove them up Aunt May's old wrinkly pussy and you'd still never find out, you impotent old eunuch! When the time comes, I am going to marry one of my moles. She has a name, Mary Jane. We are going to wed and you are not invited to the wedding! Fuck your ubermensch!
>Oh, youth.....