Donald Trump: "I can fix the economy just like Hitler did in Germany."

You know that guy from Germany? Hitler was his name. He inherited a mess. There were staggeringly high unemployment rates, but he brought the the unemployment way down. People say that he was a bad guy, but I tell them, "I've been in business for most of my life. You've never seen a real bad guy." I can fix the economy just like Hitler did in Germany. Believe me!

Was he just a Hillary plant all along? Or is he just really stupid?

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As soon as the next islamic terrorist attack happens you fucks will crawl back into your holes

I'm not worried one bit CTR
Believe me


Wtf I'm now #BackToTheBasicsWithKasich

>Was he just a Hillary plant all along? Or is he just really stupid?

A little from column A and little from column B.

>not knowing Hitler literally saved Germany.

but my 1% unemployment

if he said this I would support him more than I do now

fuck off moralfag