Sup Forums right now
Sup Forums right now
How does Sup Forums change from being pro-Trump to hurr durr clinton r going to winnerz!!!
Only one explanation : the shillbots are in full force
no, the meta shifted. A year ago you were an edgelord for liking Trump, now that you can't get angry responses anymore by being an edgy Trumplet they simply shifted to praising Hillary, it obviously works since you're so butthurt you create threads about it unasked.
It's all about the (You) algorithm and unfortunatly you suck at it, so you blame the government for your abysmal board quality.
truly pathetic, Sup Forums 2016.
Because we were memeing you fools
Now that Trump is officially the nominee, the meme is over and reality has set in
Guys we actually just killed the Republican Party on accident
i am not surprised a German loves open borders, and want to see American Angela Merkel as president.
Can we just bam all swedes at this point? Even their bants are weak.
ignore the shill threads
dont reply to shill posts
u fucks
So to you, the cucked rapefugee loving German, it seems rational that a board called POLITICALLY INCORRECT now supports the most politically correct candidate?
Please Hans, your cuckery is getting out of gand.
What's a good counter attack? There has to be a way to at least make them drain money? Or just beat them at their game, let's start our own propaganda machine.
No... cucked mods will delete raid threads and ban you for posting them.
You are only allowed to take hits.
>mods are cucked for enforcing the rules of the site
top lel
>talking about edgelords
>become shill to be edgy
Mein german Bruder, have you had too much Achmed cock for breakfast?
women are subhuman
Muslims deserve nuclear fire
There's even that one shillfag with a lithuanian proxy who avoids talking lithuanian everytime I call him out.
nobody would shill on Sup Forums to begin with. You're lost cases, nobody would be able to change your opinion.
It's about derailing and at this point nobody could tell actual shills from Sup Forums and Sup Forums shitposters apart. Your tryhard banter attempt based on the flag my next to my ID is just proof how hard this board has shifted from serious/fun discussion to meta posting, my "German" friend.
no you thickheaded twat.
supporting donald in Sup Forums is the norm, its politically correct. supporting shillary is the politically incorrect thing to do. shitposters are playing 3d chess and its obviously working cause you're getting your panties in a bunch so hard
>your abysmal board quality.
your board
your little board
Sup Forums is the worst
i hope i never meet you guys
easy way to spot a shill
> If they switch from libertarian to trump they're not shills
> If they switch from trump to hillary they're shills
I'm from /qa/, because you're currently raiding our board with your whining. It's annoying and if you wanted mod attention you'd go on the IRC like everyone else.
>the most politically correct candidate
Isn't she a lying cunt who has more or less indirectly killed some people? Sounds edgier than trump tbf
Are you completely dilluded?
The guy being called racist, misogynist and "litterally Hitler" is the "politically correct candidate"
While the muh womyn power, pro Muslim, pro immigrant candidate is the "politically incorrect" one?
While the "muh women"
political correct is the new politically incorrect.
This. Sup Forums's crossposting has gotten worse lately, this CTR thing has little to do with people coming here to complain
two days ago everything was Pro-Trump
now today half of every post is
>isn't it great how shillary is going to win?
>Trump is just a racist how could anyone disagree?
sorry but you didn't Correct the Record™ today.
Trump tards were the trolls
Now shills are the trolls
It's gone in circles
No one cares enough about shitposting faggots to pay money to post here
Yeah and..
How very stasi of you Hans
heres you're (You), i hope you aren't this stupid irl
If i ever saw you down the street i would hit you no hesitation, fucking traitor i bet you are one of those SA fuckwits.
Let's be real, after Trump got the nomination, a lot of weak-minded people latched on
Now they're losing, all the weak-minded people are shitting themselves
Victory brings fair-weather friends
hes right we are being ripped off, doesn't mean he wants to go to war with russia
Sup Forums likes a putinshill, how surprising, it likes its leaders authoritarian
Major shilling here
no one is losing
no one is winning the polls do not represent who's going to vote at all
so many people don't even vote and you think they're going to participate in all the polls?
there's also the point that Reuters has already admitted to manipulating the polls
Trump is going to win and liberals are going to cry harder than they ever did at brexit
>>no one is winning the polls do not represent who's going to vote at all
Wait you think the all-important 18-24 bloc is what will shore up trump?
Face it, Trump looks as impotent right now as his supporters are
you keep telling yourself that
I'll be happy to collect your tears come this November
We are complaining about moderation but you seem to be incapable of grasping this blatant copypasting/trolling that's going on here.
>We are complaining about moderation
>on /qa/
Just go to the IRC. There are actually mods.
That is literally what a cuck would say.
Kill yourself fggt
>no, the meta shifted.
Nope, that would be a gradual process, and this current shill infestation happened overnight.