Better than any Bond movie ever

Better than any Bond movie ever.
Kinda funny actually.

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Foreign Correspondent is better

Yeah I'm a sucker for movies where regular every normal guy gets caught up in shit way above his paygrade and manages to still keep up, despite how BS it may be, guys like John McClane at least have weapons training but Grant's character in this refuses to go down

>try to rig his death by drunk driving
>fuck outta my car idiot I'll get this down the crazy precarious road myself

Haven't watched it yet but will look into it.
I made the comparison because it is everything that 007 tries to be but fails miserably.
Hot women,really smooth talk,backstabbing but ten times better.

Any more movies like it besides Foreign Correspondent?
Maybe some movie you liked that you can recommend?
I find it fascinating how much better it is than billion dollar franchise.

comfy movie

Just throwing Charade out as a recommendation as it's very close to a Cary-as-Bond as well.

Check out Run (1991), aspiring lawyer gets mistaken for the killer of a mobster's son and has to evade every no good son of a bitch in the city out to collect the huge bounty on his head.

How is that funny? It's a classic hitchcock movie, it's better than most movies.

I dunno i just wanted to be sarcastic or whatever

would you idiots stop replaying on post that are not addressed to you.

As I explained in the posts below it does everything Bond does but better.

Not that user, but it's not terribly similar to Bond. Not everything has to be a hyperbolic competition.

it's ok but a bit too straightforward and predictable compared to Hitchcock's best stuff


I thought The 39 Steps was quite similar in a sense it's pretty good but a much smaller scale and not as funny.

>That kid covering his ears before the gunshot
Best gaffe left in ever

The 39 Steps was the first of Hitch's 'normal chap gets caught up in intrigue and terror' movies. It's also my favorite of his UK period before he went Hollywood. Not Hitch obv, but I'd also recommend The Fugitive if you haven't seen it yet.

I will look into all of these.
Thanks again.

Literally me every Friday night.

I saw fugitive many years ago.
But thanks anyway.

It's like a Bond movie except slow and boring. Maybe it's better than the shit-tier (Daniel Craig) Bond movies, but it's nowhere close to the good (Roger Moore) ones.

Reminder that Cary turned down Bond because he felt he was too old for the part.

Fortunately for Sup Forums Idris Elba wont make that mistake.

Let's see your mental gymnastics wrangle this

oh fuck