Replace pol with pic related in board's main page, sorry for being obvious to some people, please bump.
Replace pol with pic related in board's main page, sorry for being obvious to some people, please bump
self-bump 1
first Sup Forums became the jews, now terrorists.
the march of progress
Easy way to find shills if you spend enough time on this board
on it senpai
Bump my friend
bump this one too
Best of cuck, lamepai.
another bump, keep it up
roll out faggots
operation desert storm this bitch
/qa/ is SRS and leftypol
we should raid them anyways
>some people posts some shit that triggered me
>I know! Let's have a clamp down on the free expression of ideas! I'll get my mod friends to do it because I'm a pussy and can't stand it when other people post in my hugbox
You people are dumb as fuck.
My mod ''friends'' are working against me.
Now go and shill somewhere else, looser.
>some people posts some shit that triggered me
Most of these threads violate the sticky. CTR is also a thing. Get gassed you redditor fuck.
>more moderation
ummmmmmmm how about '''''''''''no'''''''''''?!
I don't want Sup Forums to be moderated you fucking faggot
Neither do I, but right now it's done in the wrong way.
jesus fucking christ this is the only Sup Forums board i still use regularly because it isn't cucked to death by moderation and you're trying to kill it, kys fucking faggot
when do we break our next barrier?
This post alone proves you have to go back
It's pretty cucked to death by shills right now though. I know there's always shitposters, but this is different. There was 63 pro Hillary threads up when I checked earlier. There's rarely even that many Trump threads.
If this board had supported Clinton like that from the beginning, I'd be less suspicious, but the fact that it's essentially occurred overnight is somewhat absurd.
Right now it is being cucked to death and I am trying to stop this, now you must be on shillary side or plainly retarded. Choose one.
You losers aren't getting shilled.
You're getting trolled, and you're also losing
Pure, undiluted cancer.
Clown always has the last laugh.
Engrave it to your mind.
But by who? Clearly someone is raiding Sup Forums. Like I said above, shitposters and trolls are nothing new, but today has been different. There are an immaculate number of pro Clinton threads up, and a lot of them contain long ass paragraphs going into detail about what makes Hillary good and Trump bad.
why can't you just ignore the things you don't like....?
if someone makes a shitty post you can ignore it or refute it, but if your post gets deleted because of obnoxious authoritarian reddit-moderation you can't do anything
That's because you're shitting your fucking pants and trolls are latching onto it
Don't be such a newfag
I can't ignore lies that lead to brainwashing society, so go fuck yourself, now go back to your shill thread.
Just go with the stream go.. I mean guy
Australians are well-known shitposters, anything that seems remotely funny to them as a whole, is the thing that they will join or continue, sorry for stereotyping against normal people from your country, but you by all means should get the fuck out.
you are the right-wing equivalent of tumblr feminists, why don't you go back to stormfront where everyone has an account and nobody can shill your precious special snowflake feelings?
they're already butthurt, we're doing good
>good goy, it's all a (((coincidence)))
Yeah, I'm sure the same trolls that are here every fucking day just happened to decide to spam the shit out of Sup Forums with pro-Clinton threads the day after Sup Forums doxxed a bunch of CTR employees.
>People are disagreeing with me
Seriously. This is sounding a LOT like Tumblr.
Keep up the good work, friend.