Historical revisionism

Is there any real way to combat it?
Children and teens are being brought up on this cultural Marxist garbage

>pic related
Fucking horrendous series

>Hannibal Barca is black
>"Goths were a multi ethnic people"
>"the Goths were just fleeing from the Huns it was right for them Romans to give them asylum" (fails to mention this being a major factor in the downfall of Rome)
>"the downfall of Rome paved the way for these people to live a good life" (fails to mention that they turned Rome into the exact conditions they left)
>random Marxist academic: "it wasn't really the Romans' fault they were just taught from birth that they were superior" (which they in fact were, there is no way to argue that people who had indoor plumbing and heating and daily baths were on the same level as people living in mud and stick huts)
>random black guy at the end: "the barbarians wuz really freedum fighters"

Rome is portrayed as some great enemy of humanity and the savages from the surrounding country are portrayed as poor oppressed souls

It's very clear what the agenda is here and that is to soften up people to the idea of mass migration of inferior peoples into the civilized world

This kind of thing must be stopped at all cost of we are to preserve the Western way of life

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LOL since when does US public education teach a single fucking things about any of that.

>Hannibal Barca is black

That really pisses me off.

>What is past interpretation's of historical data were incorrect and modern evidence-based anthropology is producing more accurate results?

>Nah! Impossible! What if new evidence contradicts old interpretations? Its just cultural marxists tampering with the evidence! Scientific method is just a jew trick to obfuscate the truth!

get some air

sheeeeeit muhfugga when you put it dat way i guess we really wuz freedom fightas n sheit

>implying there is new scientific evidence proving Hannibal was black
>implying his family wasn't from Greece
>mexican intellectuals

I enjoyed the series, you just have to look past the way its presented in an ideological sense.

Rome was breaking down before the hun and yes the Goths caused allot of shit but in the end the Goths helped the Romans avoid the complete desolation of Italy.

I'd be so much more OK with living on a doomed planet if I had a way off and somewhere to go.

Type 1 civilizations are a bitch.

im talking about historical revisionism being pinned on cultural marxists, not about a shitty show on a channel that also airs shit about UFOS

you should know better than to believe those shows are documentaries

>burgers understand the context of their own tv shows

Since when does US education teach you anything?

no evidence his mother was greek

depictions of his brother are much more "ethnic" than those of his father

just sayin'

Its a good show though, give it a watch.
Just disregard there ideological stance.

>"the Goths were just fleeing from the Huns it was right for them Romans to give them asylum"
Well this is more or less correct, except the part about it being right to let them in. They should have told those dirty germanic niggers to fuck off.
>"the downfall of Rome paved the way for these people to live a good life"
tbf by that time rome, especially the west, was a degenerated husk of its former glory and really need to go. The collapse cost millions of lives and set the progress of western civilization back by hundreds of years though, so it's still a pretty retarded sentiment.

I was always under the impression that he was a berber and phoenician mix like most people where at that time in the Tunis area.

From my experience the always used Rome to push women/gay rights. My teacher didn't really mention migrants since it was a bit before that came to the front, but he did say they sacked Rome. However he did make immigrants out to good people, and Rome.

what do you recommend we watch, any decent documentaries on history of the 50's-90's

Favorite stuff so far is Che/Castro, Korean War, Pol Pot

Why don't people ever teach about the Korean war? Its the coolest one, all those stories of the early Marines doing insane shit

Right now watching something on the history of Egypt, not sure why but Egypt is simply the coolest civilization out there

>Hannibal Barca

I have never seen contemporary Roman sources refer to Punics as barbarian. Historical revisionism wew

It wasn't that long ago that the History channel actually managed decent depictions of historical events

Old Barbarians Series
>Yes they were marauders, but the institutions they created echo through the ages to become our own

New Barbarians Series
>Muh evil empire, bar bars are the good guys ;)

Probably more Phoenician than anything else. I mean, just look at that nose.


so instead of working with the information we do have (that Hamilcars family came from Greece)

we should now assume information about his mother which we have no clue about, she was obviously black am I right?

by the way to prove that Hannibal was indeed, not a negroid.


Yup, probably. I know one thing though a noble house like the Barca's were not mixing with Nubians

I noticed that bullshit too OP

>in 1000 years niggers will be saying America was founded by blacks because of 1 random Obama statue

In 1000 years, what remains of "humanity" will have no written history.

Interesting article, I would never have guessed that the first genetic evidence examined in Tunis would be of a Spaniard. I would have thought he was of Phoenician stock.

I suppose it makes sense that a large trading city like Carthage would have people from all over their trading zone living there.

People confuse Nubians and Numidians.

The Numidians were one group of Berbers who lived to the west of Carthage. The Carthaginians recruited their famous cavalry from them.

The Nubians by contrast were blacks who lived south of Egypt.

>Barca was the surname of his aristocratic family, meaning "shining" or "lightning".[13] It is thus equivalent to the Arabic name Barq or the Hebrew name Barak or the ancient Greek epithet keraunos, which was commonly given to military commanders in the Hellenistic period.[14]

>A descendant of Hannibal, the black Hebrew Barca Obama would rule the mightiest kingdom on earth.


>Sees the yellow ' H '

I see you are a watcher of the not so history channel where the main attraction is Axe men, Ice road truckers, Swamp people, Pawn Stars and American Pickers.

I hope some day the old ass nasty network owners of the History channel die so it can go back to what it use to be when I was growing up.

Well, to be 100% fair the Romans DID pretty much slaughter whoever they pleased. I mean, there definitely were efforts to absorb the various tribes and bring them under Roman protection and law, but a lot of them refused to comply and paid the price for it.

There's fairly easy solution if you see any of this happening and you have a chance to stop it: Ask people why we're following in Romes (a fallen empire) footsteps policy and culture-wise if it fucked them up?
Their problem was over-reliance on foreigners, multi-culturalism and the fact that women could do practically whatever they wanted.

when anyone brings up "past society had gays " please point out that in the majority of these gay friendly nations the gays were fucking young male children.