For every "fact" you spout on Sup Forums and /r/The_Donald..... nobody who matters will ever know

For every "fact" you spout on Sup Forums and /r/The_Donald..... nobody who matters will ever know.

We have control over the entire television and newspaper media. The people will get the REAL facts and there's nothing, NOTHING, you can do about it.

So you wallow away on this hugbox with fellow racist basement dwellers while we, the mainstream NORMAL people get the true facts out to the people.

It's actually extremely funny, we laugh at you losers thinking you're making a difference. HAH.

Other urls found in this thread:

Now listen up well and good all you stupid niggers, because I'm going to tell you all exactly how to handle this thread and every other shill thread like it because none of you seem to know how to do it right.


Well done!

As soon as the next radical islamic terrorist attack happens, you CTR shills will disappear back into your holes

I'm not worried one bit

Are you?

lol k

People are being informed by the media, trust doesn't even matter. If you only hear bad things about Trump you will think badly of him.

classic UK shitpost


We all gotta make money somehow.

good news soon people like Wolf Blitzer and Chuck Todd won't have a single person listening to them.


k then... keep me posted


>"It is extremely funny, we laugh at you losers thinking you are making a difference."

>"They laughed and thought we were joking, but they are not laughing anymore because they know the gravity of their situation." ~Gobbels

That's what ISIS is for. People who have been liberals their entire lives are being pushed to the right. God bless ISIS for waking up the leftists to the horror of liberalism.

Muhammad shouldn't you be on Reddit and Facebook collecting nickels for Cohen and your Jewish overlords? Seriously no one is falling for your bs shitposting or not. Sage all hillshill threads.

Screw Trump.. he's over. Hillary is the only logical choice if you want rational leadership.

Isn't that something Hitler said>


>Look mommy, i photoshopped Trumps face on a picture of me. Can i get tendies now? Did i earn special CtRGBP?

>For every "fact" you spout on Sup Forums and /r/The_Donald
Sup Forums have nothing to do with rebbit and if you're visiting rebbit you have to stop doing it.





Its only a shitpost to you because you are a racist that handle a women in office.
>check privilege


>"REAL" (((facts)))

What do you think of people who don't support trump but want Hillary in Prison?


Cucks, distanced from reality