Brit/pol/ - S-H-I-T-H-O-L-E Edition

>1 dead and 5 injured in standings in central Londonstan, media and police in full damage control about the man, described as "dark skinned" and his motives.

>British man dies fighting ISIS in Syria

>Second failed attempt to abduct member of British Armed Forces reported at Aldershot Garrison

>Rates to be cut as economy slows

>Steven Woolfe not in leadership race

>Paris firebomb habbening

>are nige chimes in

>Theresa May tells Lords to ‘get behind Brexit’ after threat to derail Article 50 plans

>Unelected peers start House of Lords plot to BLOCK Brexit and force a second referendum

>Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse

>Ireland could join the Commonwealth post-Brexit to cement CLOSER ties with Britain

Other urls found in this thread:


>just woke up
>leave room
>jewish women stood in front of me
>what the fuck are you doing here?
>you wife said I could use the washing machine ours broke


>Post yesterday saying its only a matter of time until a terror attack in the UK
>Theres a terror attack in UK

Hide your change mate

>Wherever your country, whatever your sport, stand #WithRefugees this month

Anybody else see this?

Well don't be rude user, charge her for electricity, water and partial rent!

She'll be using your fridge next pal


Probably a L O N D O N thing

Yes, unfortunately. It's because there's a refugee team at the Olympics.

Honestly this barely counts

Unless something goes boom or someone gets shot I don't class it as a terrorist attack.

Valid point lad

>It's because there's a refugee team at the Olympics

Shit . .It's real. Why is this?

>Population: 417,784


Have a guess. I can't wait for the Olympics this year to spectacularly fail.

They think it's all over... IT IS NOW

I still find it fascinating that in times like this you guys managed to elect a muslim mayor. It's like cuckposting is justified.

Where else could so much bigotry come from

>you guys
>you guys
>you guys

Did something happen?

>you guys managed to elect a muslim mayor
The people of London did, other places have their own Mayors.

You think the people of London are mainly British White?

You understand that London elected a Muslim mayor correct?

If you find a turd in a toilet, are you really surprised?

This is shit tier terrorism. Just a dundu chimping out, the price you pay for diversity. If he did it in the name of the religion of peace, just a bonus.

Wow, what a surprise that a minority white city elected the leftist opposition candidate. Seems almost impossible.

Brits are now less than 50% of London's population. It's not a British city anymore.

His polling numbers collapsed after a number of serious fuck ups, there was like 10 in 24 hours

That's your capital. If it happened there it will happen elswhere obviously as islam will spread to lesser cities in a few decades. Memeposting won't save you from this. But it's your country you decide if it's worth it or not.

The catalogue is hilarious, Americans are going nuts ans complain of 'shill and slide posts' but they are sliding their own threads with 'Oh Noes we are under attack' threads.
Pure paranoia, just like brit/pol/ a couple of days ago with JIDF stuff.

>That's your capital
Only in name, lad. It's shameful, but London was lost in 2005, it does not represent Britain as a whole

>If it happened there it will happen elswhere
We have had containment zones for decades, admittedly there are more of them now but they don't like to spread - they stay among their own kind.

The >SHILL posters are the fucking worse. A bunch of autists not understanding they're being baited and sperging out. It's just embarrassing to be honest

>Unelected peers start House of Lords plot to BLOCK Brexit and force a second referendum
What the fuck.

>Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse
What. the. fuck.

>Ireland could join the Commonwealth post-Brexit to cement CLOSER ties with Britain

Seriously these links, and that baroness wheatcroft.. What hte fuck is going on.. They will delay it enough that in 3 years time 3.6million euros will have the rights to stay in this country... Fuck off.

>It's just embarrassing to be honest

It's tumblr-tier hysteria.

They can't delay Article 50, they could only delay repealing the European Communities Act. The ECA becomes pointless if the EU no longer recognises us as a member.

London has been an Islamic shithole for at least a decade. It wasn't even the first to fall, Birmingham and Bradford have been dumping grounds for ethnics longer than that. Plenty of towns in Lancashire are comparable too.

Most sensible people consider those places containment grounds and avoid going there.

The Canadian poster is the worst tbqh

I feel like there's a very clear distinction between refugees who live in a camp in a neighbouring country and can't wait until it's safe enough to return home, and "refugees" who walk across an entire continent for social security benefits, but no one else seems to see it. Some of the Olympic refugee team are genuine refugees but inevitably there's economic migrants who live in Western Europe.

Blanket ip ban of Americans and canucks until elections are over maybe?

posting best mosaic

It's not YOUR country. Stupid poms.

Yes but there was a kid a couple of days ago accusing everybody of being JIDF and losing his rag, you try to mention that nothing is going on and he takes a screencap and posts it as 'proof' of shilling?

London is a funny beast.
A million people, majority White British, who live in the nicer home counties surrounding London, commute into it every day and do the higher-paying jobs - engineering, finance, consulting, banking, pharmaceuticals etc. None of them actually like London, it's just where the jobs are. London's population is essentially split between the people who work there but hate it, and the foreigners who live there, and hate it too. Nobody likes London, except the hipster metropolitan Corbynistas and the excessively rich who get to live in Kensington & Chelsea.
After the referendum and those protesting metropolitan types wanted "London Independence" - I wished a little that it could be done - because by barring the millions of commuters from Surrey, Kent, Essex, Middlesex etc. from entering, London would collapse. All those office blocks would be empty.

I live in London and it's fucking expensive. Gf and I pay £1050 a month on rent alone for a 1 bedroom in Zone 5. I don't know how all these third worlders are affording to live here. If the government is putting them up on benefits it's a fucking travesty.

>Yes but there was a kid a couple of days ago accusing everybody of being JIDF and losing his rag, you try to mention that nothing is going on and he takes a screencap and posts it as 'proof' of shilling?
It was all so tragic

>Blanket ip ban of Americans and canucks until elections are over maybe?
American elections are like 2 years long . . . we have to put up with this until November.

Just heard on the news... London to get 600 more gun packing Bobby's...

They live in tiny cramped apartment blocks with 5 people in 1 room

No life worth living - but for immigrants - it might be better than their home country still

>900 syrians got knicked

Is Mummy May removing the kebabs?

You got a bad deal. I lived in zone 2, 2 bed for 1300 pcm

Woman gets stabbed in London, that's just a Tuesday night

>I don't know how all these third worlders are affording to live here.
Housing benefit lad. Be brown, go to a job centre, tell them you have six kids and nowhere to sleep tonight and they'll find you a property in minutes.

Meanwhile be a middle income young professional looking to get on the housing ladder and you'll be lucky if they give you £200 a month towards your rent and assign a 'financial advisor' to make sure you're spending your money 'responsibly'

Everyone in London lives in council estates.

The whole city is a ghetto

t. Londoner.

Put up flag.
>"Anons white goods for user! No to Zionist occupation!"

>having to choose between a jew and a muslim
így sem, úgy sem, barát

For fuck sake. Might just fortify myself here in brit/pol/ as these threads are comfy as fuck.

That's not how life works.

If you research the history of Islam you'll see that once it acquired a territory it's spreaded in every direction unless someone stopped it with weapons. I'm not sure if you people realize how agressive that religion is.

And those tiny apartment blocks breed the extremists.

Ezerszer inkább a zsidó. Ez ma nem lehet kérdés.

That's disgusting, so glad I don't live in London, what a fuckin shithole. Can get the same for 400pcm in Glasgow easy in a nice area too

>London to get 600 more gun packing Bobby's..
The old days have gone mate.

See pic and compare it to today - bullet-proof vests, guns, tazers . . .. .what has changed in the last few decades?

Hmm . . .let me think?

Didn't have the deposit because we moved here for work last year. Been saving for an upgrade.

This Hungarian speaks truth. Those suicide boxes which people call homes cause radicalism.

Pretty terrifying gif. All those update just few years apart.

How long until the media goes:

>I bet Brexit caused this!

>No Earth Defense Force type game where you play as an English farmer removing kebab

Someone make it and I'll give you £50 plus a can of fanta.

Tell her you want to use her oven.


I don't even want Trump to win at this point, lads...

I feel like if he does he's going to be a complete retard and ruin/taint any chance of nationalism rising across Europe

I wish he wasn't a retard, but he's clearly fucking politically illiterate



What did he do to piss everyone off anyway? I don't really follow the Trump campaign because the threads are cancer.

Say you don't have a wife and call the muslim patrol to help you remove her

Why don't girls like me?

He made a series of Mugabe-tier political mistakes


turk shills have arrived

I'm moving between flats in Glasgow at the moment and I'm telling you 400 pcm is the bottom price for a decent rooms. 2 bedroom flats in bearable areas start around 750 but get more common really only after 900


New counter terrorism police in London

York is the capital of England

Why the hell is anybody even talking about Russell Square?

A 19 year old knifed some people, only 1 of whom died. This is not a happening, this is a bad mugging.

Parliament are gonna be all over this, trying to big it up so they can introduce a France-like "State of Emergency".

top kek

He's very pro-UK despite the people of the UK being a bit of a twat to him. We should want him in if only for this.

>kicks white people out of Zimbabwe
>cries for them to come back when their shithole country starts falling apart

>kicks muslims and other illegals out
>america becomes objectively better

What exactly did he do?

>And those tiny apartment blocks breed the extremists.

>Those suicide boxes which people call homes cause radicalism.


Living conditions and alienation certainly stoke the fire but these people do not blow themselves up in the name of their desert god because they don't have suburban 4-beds and minivans.

There are entire swathes of the postindustrial north, Wales and Scotland that are utter shitholes. Run down, no transport links, no jobs, shit schools and a culture of welfare dependency, drink, drugs and violence. White british - and white europeans and black caribbeans and orientals, for that matter - do not become violent extremists because of it.

They become petty criminals, sure. Shoplifting, burglary, drug dealing and domestic abuse are rife and we even get the odd armed robbery, but they don't strap explosives to themselves, indiscriminately knife strangers in the street or set up centres of religious congregation from which to preach the supremacy of Sharia over national law or that gays should be killed or that the country they live in is their enemy.

Nonmuslims spend their lives in destitution with no prospects you get petty crime, the occasional strike or, at a push, a riot.

Muslims in the same situation segregate themselves from the rest of society and convince themselves they're at war with their neighbours, and then proceed to wage that war violently against soft civilian targets.

fuck off it's an obvious islamic attack

TV Licence is promoting Race Mixing overtly

thoughts gents?

his age is known? i haven't bothered to read about the incident.

What successful military person is Nigel a reincarnation of?

I remember seeing a picture of Nigel and a painting of someone side-by-side but I forgot who it was.

wtf I hate tv licences now

>He's very pro-UK
Don't kid yourself, he is pro-USA and that's all that matters to him.

He mentioned the UK as an example of people getting free, he is not in it for us at all, he was riding on are Nige's coat-tails for his own gain.

Hillary is no better either.

Charles George Gordon

>t. owen jones

I reckon police will be regularly armed in a few years. Once we've had a few major attacks it'll be a foregone conclusion.

Trump has more interest and care for the UK than Hilary can even comprehend. But yeah he'll always love the Yanks first and foremost.

Yeah new waifu right here!

Of course the USA comes first to him (of course it would), but for one he has said about a trade deal, he would put us to the very front of the queue, if only to spite Obama. I don't mind spite if it favours us.

>being present
Fake and gay

Stefan did a great video covering this the other day it's worth a watch

>woke up
>get breakfast
>get undressed to shower
>hear yells for help
>women in house opposite London flat has fallen over
>get dressed quickly and go outside
>people have ignored or are walking past her
>she has broken her leg, carry her inside and call ambulance

It's sad that old people are just left alone and how people just ignore those in need of help. People were just walking past. A few others helped after me tho. She had left her house to seek help. She now wants me to regularly visit her. I'm wondering if I could become a live-in carer/company desu. She has a 3 bedroom house to herself in London and no next of kin. I rent a tiny box flat. She's also 96.