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>people look worse 50 years later

Guy already looked kinda strange in Rolling Thunder.

delete this sanctioned buffoonery NOW

waitaminute people age no way oh my god

He looked fine in Men in Black. He's 71 now. What do you expect him to look like?

>humanity still doesn't have a cure for old age

I hate this


>we need a clean cut no nonsense old timer with a southern accent who is still physically strong and masculine despite his age

With him being typecast in roles like that, it's fucking surreal to watch him in Batman Forever and Under Seige, but more so in Batman Forever.


man gets old

Damn,that dude has a dream life.

>harvard student (roommate with Al Gore)
>football player
>movie star
>rich as fuck


He could have been a great older Joker

>roommates with Al Gore
He seems like he'd be a total stick in the mud to be honest

That would suck SOOOO bad. Damn.

apparently Gore was considered the party animal of the two, he didn't get serious about studying until later in life

Why does Sup Forums is so shocked when they see old people being...old? What do you expect them to do, find the fountain of youth?

Still looks like a Chad just an Old Chad

>What do you expect them to do, find the fountain of youth?
Given all the plastic surgery I expect them to at least search for it. Invest in biotech. Hell that lady getting gene therapy (Elizabeth Parrish) has more balls then these men.

>celebrities age just like everyone else


that's literally him in character in a movie on netflix you ape

It's a meme.

OP's too smart for that.
OP's gonna kill himself before he gets old.

No hope for me, brb committing sudoku