It's Time to recognize Roma genocide

>Unlike Jewish history and what has become the best recorded genocide of the modern era, the Devouring is still little known. While the history of the Roma genocide has been passed on orally through the generations, only recently has there been a movement to record this tragic history. Following the war the Roma community was so devastated it took 60 years to rebuild.

>As a result, estimates of the number of Roma killed by the Nazis vary significantly, ranging between 250,000 and 1.5 million. Dr. Ian Hancock of the University of Texas, a world renowned expert on the Roma genocide suggests “… of the estimated 20,000 Romanies in Germany in 1939, fully three quarters had been murdered by 1945. Of the 11,200 in Austria, a half were murdered. Of the 50,000 in Poland, 35,000. In Croatia, Estonia, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Luxembourg, almost the entire Romani populations were eradicated.”

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Holocaust never happened user.

>Roma genocide

Oy vey, so this goyim insults not only us, but the Roma community as vell! We must imprison him!

Oy vey, so this goyim insults not only us, but the, Chinese and Roma communities as vell! We must imprison him!

Oy vey, so this goyim insults not only us, but the Chinese, American and Roma communities as vell! We must imprison him!

>the best recorded genocide of the modern era

I wish there was any kind of Roma genocide ever....

I though Romania was on the side of the Germans in ww2?

Hi where are the proofs :DDD:DDDD

we were


The Nazi's killed a bunch of Romanian scum too? Based.

why did they genocide you then senpai

my grandmother and her family hated gypsies so much maybe some people are better off if we just gas them from what I've heard desu

I don't like nazis and the idea of killing jews, but genociding gypsies is completely justified. They are a plague on society

you mean gypsies right
those subhuman shits that steal copper and iron?
live in cardboard houses and are just generally disgusting?

Please save us

Instantly, the slavs come out of the woodwork. Good baiting, fellow burger.

No1 genocided us you chink , stop believing Sup Forums memes gypsies are an outcasted minority of indians

> maybe some people are better off if we just gas them from what I've heard desu
They are nonredeemable animals . They can't integrate for shit , they're not even fit to be called animals...that's why we call them crows

Fuck the EU , /balk/ union when ?

For what purpose? That it was not effective enough, I'm still seeing news about gypsie robber and pick pocketing gangs all throughout Europe; seems like they missed quite a few.

Holdomor should be recognised as Genocide

But I always thought you were the Roma. Hence the name Roma-nia

The Romani and Romanian aren't the same thing.

>pic related - from one of the local "Roma communities"

Gypsies are actually a different thing, believe it or not

there's a false story told by WE WUZ ROMANZ tier romani-ans that it has to do with rome, don't listen to the lies though


this is the rom people. they are not romanians

It will never happen because not even bleeding heart lefties can stand gypsies.

There's nothing wrong with Roma genocide - it's like knowing there's dangerous parasites on your food and a special spray would preserve the food but kill the parasites... that's what genocide does.

Roma are parasites.

Wtf Are Romanians then? Slavs?

nobody likes gyspies

Roma is pushed by the likes of George Soros to be used in order to "not discriminate" them by calling them gypsies . Gypsies came from india through nowaday turkey

Poor latins

They are. The Roma are part of Romania, it's where they originated. There's varying degrees though, like all Roma are Romanian but not every Romanian is 100% Roma. Shit gets confusing but basically all Romanians are Roma (gypsy).

t. Bulgarian diaspora

kek your gypsies have buildings
our just live in cardboard and tin houses


Reminded me of autism simulator, pic related.

30% a genetic group that is shared with Finnish people, 20% slav 20% Roman-Greek around 5 % or more Semite and the rest random shit.

Romanians are a mixture mostly.


There's no such things as "slavs" genetically. Slavic people are like the Semitic people, the only thing they have in common is similarities in the languages and some similarities in culture.

We have a bit of DNA in common with other Slavic people, but culturally we're Latins.


Like the Italians and French? How the fuck did you end up in Romania?

Do they just lose the ability to put on shirts after a certain age?

It's something I've noticed...

ah yes the romantic roma cluture that poets write about

listen to classic gypsy love song

They migrated. They're historically a nomadic people.

Yeah I should've triple bracketed the whole thing, desu.

Ours live in ugly palaces and have Lamborghini in their garages.

It's funny that Roma population in Romania is considered the lowest IQ in the world - and they're also the most successful.

So low IQ = huge financial/material success in life.


top fucking kek see I told you they would pretend WE WUZ ROMANZ don't listen to their gypsy lies

>The Roma are part of Romania, it's where they originated.
You're fucking retarded, go get some education besides Sup Forums .

Got conquered by the roman empire and their soldiers decided to stick around and fuck our women :|

Apparently they are a bunch of Indians so terrible that even Indians kicked them out thousands of years ago. They went on venturing to the west, till they ended up in Europe.

They are kinda like jews, except borderline retarded with 60 iq average.

OH's the hungarians again...remind me again how the fuck did YOU get in europe?

Latinized Balkan people, most likely. They migrated to Romania around the 12th century.

>removing gypsies is bad

Come tell me that when you actually have to coexist with those thieving, smelly bastards.

How come they didn't fuck any Bulgarian Serbian or Greek women then they are all close together as far as I know

ah we have those too
that go to germany/austria to clean shit and then return to poor serbia and build a mansion with lions or swans on the gates but never stay there since they have to return to wash shit in germany

One gypsy is one too many.

Lies by the Hungarian public system. Typical.

Serbians and Bulgarians came after the Roman Empire fell. Greeks were respected for their culture and never replaced as a people.

No they go in other countries and kill people, steal children ask for ransom, steal from bank accounts, ATM's, sell women for sexual purposes and all the subhuman shit.

You don't make enough money from just begging - that's only what the lowest of the lowest do.

because it's a falsehood spread by gypsies in denial

Gypsies are nothing but a plague to our world and should have been delt with a long time ago. They're so shitty even the fucking indians expelled them.

Who lived in Bulgaria before Bulgarians came?

No offence to you though , I'm just sick of that cunt appearing in every thread with his shit

Which romanian fucked ur wife that ur that mad ?

Moesians. A mix of Romans and native Balkan people.

I always thought kidnapping and extortion is too complex for gypsies to comprehend. Petty thievery and sniffing glue is all they manage to do around here.

Why'd they leave?

Are they going to ask for reparations too? Good luck with that.

Actually...a lot of the richer gypsies in romania took over historical buildings (they said the buildings were theirs be4 the commies) . When the government tried to evict them western eu countries(more specifically FRANCE), cried racism . So it stopped(in some cases anyway)(since we had aspirations for the EU) , after that they sold or rent them for huge sums

Gypsies can't into nationhood and civility. We should ship them all back to India.

Why would you not just send them back to Romania?

>Yfw in reality more Roma were killed during WW2 than Jews
Say what you want about gypsies, but while they are dirty, thieving and stupid, they are nowhere near as bad as african nogs or arabs.

2bh... We should just genocide them for real. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and all.

Roma come from India and they've been in Europe for a long time now, did you see how they look like? We call them Cigani.

They didn't by their own free will. When the Bulgarians invaded they were ethnically cleansed and genocided. The ones that remained were assimilated.

too close to border they can just hop back over
they are good at jumping walls

inb4 MUH SIX MIL gypo edition.

Fuck off, they will abuse this sympathy until you're left with nothing and even less so.

Gypsies and Jews are the only groups that are literally the greediest and worst to have in your country.

How come Bulgarians didn't invade you?

>people think niggers are bad
>they never had to deal with cigans

You people dont know how fucking bad these sub humans are

They did, a few times. We pushed them back. They also invaded the Byzantine Empire a few times, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. They killed at least one Byzantine Emperor.

Yeah, cigani outright refuse to integrate into society, I rarely see many succesful cigans most of them leech off welfare and live in shitty ghettos they made themselves. They also hang around containers and steal copper.

>most of them leech off welfare and live in shitty ghettos they made themselves. They also hang around containers and steal copper.

I feel you brother, this is litterly 100% true here too, to the last fucking letter

Wow I never knew my fellow nordics had been genocided

>1.5 million gypsies were Shoahed

What are things that I wish had happened.

time to finish the job, worse than rats.

u fucking nigger, we are latins, the last and rightful descendants of the roman empire

Just goes to show that Gypsies (Indians) are being Indian even when outside of their country.

It's like POO IN DA LOO is part of their DNA.

>the last and rightful descendants of the roman empire
What are Italians then?

all bulgarians are gypsies but not all romanians are gypsies

our shitskinned cousins heavily mixed with arabs cannot be called rightful descendants of the roman empire

serbia is fucking full of them, 1/3 of Nis are gypsies
they are just worthless subhumans that get shit from the government
like they have a better chance (more points) to get into highschools and colleges but they so useless that they dont care about it

Even their mansions are ugly..

>indian shitskins who moved to europe being genocided

>put brand new copper gutters on my house
>within 2 days they are fucking gone
>fucking gypsies stole them because their copper sense was tingling and they couldn't help themselves
>fucking animals also stole the street shaft because why not


I don't think you comprehend the calibre of our lefties. The labour party here fucking adores gypsies.

>Hohol eats his own animals and has no one to work the fields next harvest.
>Help, help! Stop genociding us!

Twenty-seven million of my people died in the Great War.
Not only because of Stalin and his butt-buddies' fuck-ups, but because we fought against world's strongest, most advanced army in the world, have lost the 1.5mln of our trained soldiers and tons of equipment in the very first week of the war due to the suddenness of attack, and Nazis were going all-out on us, especially when it came to working with the little traitors like certain Ukrainians and such.
Twenty-seven million people. For sure documented, for sure existing, for sure dying.
Why do people care more for 6 million jews?
Is it really true that a tragedy in Russia or, say, China matters much less to a Western person than a tragedy in Europe or the US?

>go to plebbit thread about gypsies
>even they wish gyppos got shoahd

You know the Southpark episode with the hobo zombies? gypsies are the same they don't have the same humanity as us. Stealing and scheming is natural to them, bringing their own kids in danger no problem. lower than rats

I wonder if romas are next on worship list for enlightened sjws. Middle easterners are now little out of vogue. ME revealed to be little too much for them to handle so instead of dealing with the problems they have created, they need somethin new to pander and worship to get that warm and fuzzy feeling that they are doing something important.

Careful son that sort of talks a bit naughty, i got a disciplinary at work for saying ' I doubt ww2 went exactly as were told, dont forget the winners write the history books' didnt even deny the holocaust just implied there was a bit of exageration and embelishment. Id been offered a promotion a week earlier too, the offer was rescinded.

More like beg, steal and pimp their sisters.